Kentucky Cardinal Fall 2020

This is a publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky


Kentucky Cardinal Spring 2020

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2019

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2019

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2018

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2018

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2017

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2017

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2016

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.


We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.



Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2016

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2015

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2015

This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.


Kentucky Cardinal Summer, 2014

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky


Cathy Jackson, President

210 Cambridge Drive

Louisville, Kentucky 40214

Phone: 502-366-2317



Edited by: Denise Franklin

3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard

Louisville, Kentucky 40299

Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal WINTER 2013

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: (502) 366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: (502) 499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal SUMMER 2013

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: (502) 366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: (502) 499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal WINTER 2012

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal SUMMER 2012

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2011

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal SUMMER 2011

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2010

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by Denise Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard,
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2010

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by Denise Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2008

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by Denise Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard,
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759

E-mail: {}


Kentucky Cardinal Winter 2007

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky
Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317



Kentucky Cardinal Summer 2006

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by Denise Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard,
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759

E-mail: {}


Kentucky Cardinal Spring/Summer 2004

A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President

210 Cambridge Drive

Louisville, Kentucky 40214

Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by Denise Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard,
Louisville, Kentucky 40299

Phone: 502-499-0759

e-mail: kyfranks@...


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 1999


November 13, 1926; October 12, 1998

by Tim Cranmer

Kenneth Jernigan lived and died for the organized blind movement in America. He now belongs to all blind people; to be proud of, as one like ourselves in blindness.

He belongs to all of us as an icon symbolizing what blind men and women can be.


Kentucky Cardinal SPRING 1998

Kentucky Cardinal

A Publication of the

National Federation of the Blind

of Kentucky

Betty J. Niceley President




By Betty Niceley


Kentucky Cardinal Summer 1998

Kentucky Cardinal


You are invited to attend the 51st annual state convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. This special event will take place on the weekend of September 11, 12, and 13, I998, in Owensboro, Kentucky at the lovely Executive Inn.


Greater Louisville Constitution

National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville

as amended 14 June 2019

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville. It shall be a chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.
