This is a Publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.
President: Cathy Jackson, 210 Cambridge Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40214, Phone: (502) 366-2317, Email Cathy Jackson
Edited by:Lora Felty Stephens and Todd Stephens, 1127 Sharon Court, Ashland, Kentucky 41101,Phone: (606) 324-3394, Email Lora Felty Stephens or Todd E. Stephens
The NFB Kentucky Cardinal Editorial staff members are: Kennetta Freholm and Jennifer Stephens.
We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material may be submitted to any of the editors and must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail in doc, docx, rtf or txt format, or may be submitted directly in the body of the email. No text messages will be accepted.
Note to screenreader users. You may navigate by the headings in this document by depressing H on your keyboard. The heading navigation works for JAWS, NVDA and Window-Eyes.
This edition of The Kentucky Cardinal is dedicated to the memory of Ruth Kennedy. Ruth was a long-time member of the NFB of Lexington. Ruth lost her vision as she grew older, but she did not let vision loss stop her from living the life that she wanted to live. Ruth passed away in April of this year, and members only recently learned of her passing. Ruth was 88 years old. She will be remembered fondly for her zest for life. Here is what Michael K. Freholm and Todd Stephens have to say about the impact that Ruth had on their lives.
Michael's comments:
Since discovering the National Federation of the Blind I have met so many inspirational people who don't let life's situations keep them from living the lives they want. No one embodied that spirit more than our dear Ruth Kennedy. I first met Ruth when she was in her late seventies, a fact that would never be guessed due to her youthful enthusiasm. An artist, she found beauty in life and apparently wanted to squeeze every drop from it. Armed with a can-do attitude and with the physicality of a woman twenty years her junior she was determined to make the most out of her years. I was so impressed with her progressive mindset and love for others. She was always up for whatever the group decided and her energy and vitality added much to the strength and drive of those of us who walked with her. It is always such a pleasure to get to know someone who really changes you for the better. Thank you my dear friend. You are missed.
Todd's comments:
Ruth Kennedy was a very dear friend to me. My fondest memory of Ruth was when she decided that she was going to take advantage of those free computer classes that were offered in a Lexington community outreach program. Ruth was determined to learn MS Office. Well, the classes were not in a particularly good neighborhood, and I'm being kind when I say this. They decided to re-locate to a "better" location. It was not better by any stretch of the imagination. Ruth was determined to get this done and learn all she could; she did not miss one single class and she received her certificate of completion. Ruth was in her early eighties at this time. Let me tell you, some of her classmates did not see it through and some that participated in this program expressed anxiety over the location, but not Ruth - not one derogatory comment came out of her mouth! For all of us that had the pleasure of knowing Ruth, I doubt that this story surprises you in the least!
Let me share one more story with you all.
Ruth and I had lunch at the Chop House in Lexington last year. I was in town for the KAER conference at the Campbell House. Anyway, Ruth and I arrived at the restaurant at the very same time. The hostess asked if we wanted a table or booth. Ruth said "give us a booth; we're on a date, and we want to spend some quiet time together." I obviously couldn't see the look on the hostess's face, but Ruth said it was priceless. I did let Lora know about this experience, and we both had a good laugh over it. As Michael said, Ruth was a very special lady. I will miss her dearly, especially our conversations.
I moved to Ashland almost four years ago from Lexington, but Ruth always took the time to call me when I let too much time pass without giving her a call.
God bless you and keep you,
dear Lady Ruth!
Table of Contents
- Making Plans
- NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky News
- Ashland Update
- Frankfort Update
- Louisville Update
- Sports and Recreation Division Update
- NFB Technology Assistance Division (TAD)
- Officers and Board of Directors
Our 2018 NFB of Kentucky Convention is on the horizon. As the lazy hazy days of summer morph into the cool crisp days of autumn, you can bet that we are hard at work planning our 71st National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky State Convention. The convention will be held the weekend of October 12th through the 14th, at the Hilton Garden Inn Northeast, 9850 Park Plaza Avenue, Louisville, KY 40241. Room rates are $135 per night, per room, plus tax, which will total $156.60. You can begin making reservations by calling the hotel direct at, 502-423-0018. You must make your reservation no later than September 28th to guarantee a room at our convention rate. Once you have your reservation, you must give me a call at 502-366-2317, or email me at Cathy Jackson so that I can put your name on the master list that will be given to the hotel. Please note that failure to contact me will result in your not getting your room credit.
We realize attending a convention is not cheap. That's why the Affiliate is happy to subsidize member's room $35 per night, per room, for two (2) nights. You are eligible for this subsidy if you are a member of the NFB of Kentucky, which means your dews were paid to your local chapter, division, or to NFBK as an at large member, on or before August 1st, 2018. You are also required to preregister for the convention before the deadline, Sunday, October 7th. Again, this subsidy is per room not per person. You are allowed up to four (4) occupants in a room. This certainly can help cut expenses. Think about how much fun and how convenient it will be to stay at the hotel. It is also important to note that the NFB of Kentucky is shouldering some of the expense for meals.
If you have paid your dews on or before August 1st, and if you have preregistered by October 7th, and you are a first-time convention goer, the Kentucky Affiliate is offering to pay the expense of your room for two (2) nights. This would be for room and taxes only! Any additional charges one puts on the room will not be covered by NFBK. First-timers are also required to contact me by phone at, 502-366-2317 so that we can discuss things further. There is no guarantee that you will have a private room. Singles may be asked to share with other singles in order to keep expenses down for the affiliate.
It is important to us that our families be involved in the convention. So, we will offer on-site child care, provided there are at least three (3) children who need the service, and whose families plan on utilizing child care for the entire day. Once we have hired sitters and they have committed to working all day, or part day, we must hold up our end of the bargain by paying them, regardless of the number of children being cared for. The cost will be $20 per child, or $30 for a family of two or more children. If there are not enough children enrolled, all money will be refunded. We will provide lunch, snacks, and dinner. Our children are precious to all of us. Therefore, you must register your child or children by September 28th so that we can adequately provide for their safety and overall enjoyment while in our care. There is a category provided on the registration form to sign up your kiddos. If you have any further questions you should contact Jayne Seif at 502-500-7675, or by email at, Jayne Seif.Jayne is a licensed daycare provider and will be in charge of hiring staff. Please know that there will be at least one licensed worker on duty at all times. Doors will open at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning, October 13th, and will remain open the entire day until after the banquet which will end at around 9:30 PM.
We will have the ability to preregister on-line this year via the NFBK web site and PayPal. This should make life easier for all of us. You can register for the NFBK State Convention through PayPal, located on our state website at NFBK Website. The link to registration is now active. Click on 2018 NFBK Convention Information. Under 2018 NFBK State Convention, scroll down to the link Preregistration 2018 and click to access the form. If you have any issues with your online registration, you can contact Todd Stephens at Todd Stephens. Now, you must register by completing the registration form, initiating payment and finalizing your payment through PayPal before October 7th for your registration to be categorized as preregistration. Please note that any payments received on or after October 7th will be considered late, and the discounted pricing for preregistering will not be reflected on PayPal.
For the 2018 state convention, members are expected to pay the following: registration, $15, Saturday luncheon $16, and banquet $18. Nonmembers will pay: registration $20, lunch $20, and banquet $25. For those of you who do not meet the preregistration deadline you will also pay: registration $20, Saturday lunch $20, and banquet $25. Please remember to include your child care fees, if applicable. The preregistration deadline is Sunday, October 7th.
Now that we have taken care of the housekeeping duties let's move along to the convention events themselves. Our Technology Assistance Division, Entrepreneur Division and community partners (KY OFB and Kentuckiana Works) will get things rolling bright and early Friday morning the 12th.
At 9:00 AM, Kennetta Freholm, KY OFB Rehabilitation Counselor and Certified Work Incentive Coordinator will speak to attendees about the impact that entering the workforce may have on SSI and SSDI benefits. We will also hear from KY OFB's Jenny Tyree on today's assistive technology which can and often does play a crucial role in enhancing productivity at work. At ten o'clock, TAD will begin their job fair which will conclude right around noon. TAD is expecting between ten and fifteen employers to participate in this session. These are employers who have taken a concerted effort in hiring the visually impaired! Get your resume updated and bring several copies with you. I can honestly say I believe that this job fair will add a new dimension to the TAD Symposium. At the conclusion of the job fair, TAD and company will reconvene after a break to set-up mock job interviews and role playing activities led by Federationist, and TAD Vice President, Sandra Williams. The event will end with a Q&A session, so please don't miss out. You will need to Preregister for this event at TAD Info.
After a brief time out to grab some lunch and get recharged, the Sports and Recreation Division will take center stage from 4:00 until 6:00 Pm. I have no idea what is planned. I've only been told that "it is a secret, but very much a family-friendly event." Guess I'll show up with the rest of you to see what's in store. The Sports and Recreation Division will meet immediately following the activity for a short meeting and election of officers.
I hope everyone will hang around just a bit longer because we would very much like to talk with our students about reorganizing our student division. For many years we had an exceptionally strong student division, but as students graduate and move on it is hard to keep things on track.
There will be an open meeting of the resolutions committee in the presidential suite Friday evening; room number and time to be announced. If you are interested in hearing the resolutions that will be presented and voted on during the business meeting, you are invited to attend. Todd Stephens and Michael Freholm are chairing this committee. If you have a resolution to submit, or want to propose an idea, you should contact Todd at, Todd Stephens, or Michael at Michael Freholm.
I cannot emphasize enough how important these resolutions are to our advocacy efforts within the National Federation of the Blind. Resolutions are the framework of the Federation.
Friday evening brings us all together for some good old fun and Kentucky hospitality. Our Greater Louisville Chapter has graciously accepted the task of hosting this event. I think it is pretty safe to say there will be music, snacks, a cash bar, and an auction. From what I have gathered, this social is going to be a theme party. You will want to keep your ears pealed for more information. Goodness only knows what else might happen.
If you have been to the last couple of conventions you know that the auction is intended to raise money to help offset convention expenses. We will auction off new items only. I know from personal experience there are good deals to be found. If you are interested in donating an item you should contact Lora Stephens at Lora Stephens.
Now that I have opened the door to fundraising, let's not forget the reverse raffle. This is a big fundraiser for this organization. I want to thank those of you who have already begun selling your tickets. I am hoping others will get in touch with me soon so that you too can help in this effort. A reverse raffle is exactly what it implies. It is the last name drawn who is the grand prize winner, not the first. The tickets are $10 each. First place is awarded $500 and second place receives $250. But don't forget all of those $25 prizes that are drawn throughout the convention. We will begin drawing on Friday evening and conclude at the Saturday banquet. Once we begin pulling tickets, no additional tickets can be added. That's why it is so important to make sure we have all tickets sold before that first name is announced.
If it ain't broke don't fix it. That's why I am sticking with the winning team of Karen Mayne and Mary Jo Hackworth to chair our door prize committee. These ladies would be most appreciative if you could see your way clear to donate one or two new items. What's that you say? You can't seem to come up with something? Well, I have the perfect solution, money. If you have questions you should contact Karen at Karen Mayne and Mary Jo atMary Joe Hackworth. It would be most helpful if you could already have your things marked in both print and in Braille.
Saturday brings us to the business side of things. The gavel will drop at 9:00 AM. I am just in the beginning phase of agenda planning, so I can't be too specific yet. We are however, pleased to welcome back Cora McNabb, Interim Director, and Kentucky Office for the Blind. At the time of our convention, the newly organized state agency will have officially been rolled out. Cora will bring us up to speed on the latest agency tidings. I am pleased to announce that Dr. Craig Meador, President of the American Printing House for the Blind will also join us. I am excited about the relationship we are building with APH. As always, I hope to have some interesting guests to add a bit of flavor to our meetings. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will once again be showcasing our BELL Academy students. These youngsters stole the show last year. I don't know if I can stand the competition!
We really get serious during the afternoon session. We will turn our attention to Legislation, Resolutions, the business meeting, and the election of our executive officers. You may or may not remember that a few years ago we made some changes to our constitution. One of those changes was how we elect our officers and board of directors. Each of these positions is now a two-year term. We elect the executive officers in the even numbered years and the board of directors in the odd numbered years. Therefore, at this convention we will be electing the Executive Officers. Keep in mind this is the policy unless there is a vacancy to be filled.
This brings us to our annual National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky banquet. This is truly a time to celebrate. We have seen the hard work and accomplishments over the last year. We are on the precipice of a bright future. Our NFB spirits run high as we listen to our banquet address given by our National Representative. Oh well! I suppose this would be a good time to reveal who this distinguished person is. It is none other than Anil Lewis, the Executive Director of our Jernigan Institute. Anil hails from Georgia, so we do not have to school him in the ways of the south. The banquet is special for another reason as well. For over twenty years this Affiliate has awarded scholarships to blind men and women who excel in school and have the desire to continue their education. This is our contribution and investment in their goals and aspirations. So, why not give them their moment in the sun in front of their NFB family. We don't want to overlook our hard working members. We really appreciate their time and dedication to this organization. They too deserve the spotlight and credit. Our chapters and divisions are an integral part of the NFBK, and they too deserve to be acknowledged. What better place than our banquet to make these special award presentations. If, in your estimation there is an individual, chapter, and or division who stand taller than the rest, you will want to make a nomination by contacting Angela Dehart, chair of this years' awards committee at Angela Dehart. The Awards and criteria are listed below for your reference.
Sunday morning is reserved for division meetings. I will be talking to each of the presidents to see in which order the meetings will take place. I am guessing they will begin around 8 AM and end somewhere around the 11 O'clock hour.
Sitting here in front of my computer, convention seems a long way off, but I know better. There is still a great deal of work to be done on all fronts, and countless decisions to be made. I have to say though; it is worth every ounce of work that is poured into our convention. I hope this convention teaser has you giving some serious thought to attending our NFB of Kentucky 2018 State Convention.
Our NFB OF Kentucky Awards and Criteria
Below are the criteria for each of the NFB of Kentucky awards. Please review the criteria and nominate any deserving NFB of Kentucky member or chapter/division who is deserving of recognition. Contact Angela Dehart to make a nomination at Angela Dehart.
Susan B. Rearick was a first grade teacher at the Kentucky School for the Blind in the early to mid-1900s. She was a forward thinking individual who expected more from her blind students than did her peers at the school or the public in general. Because of her high expectations of her students she clearly represented the teachings and philosophy of the National Federation of the Blind.
The person who receives this award can be a blind or sighted Kentuckian.
Harold L. Reagan was the first president of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky and a member of the National Board of Directors of the National Federation of the Blind.
The emphasis for receiving this award should be placed on the recipient's leadership in the organization. This award can only be given to a blind Kentuckian.
The T. V. Cranmer award is a very special one. Tim; as he was known to all of us, served for many years as an officer of the NFBK. He also held the position as chairman on the Research and Development Committee at the national level.
This award is given to a blind person who has served many years in the NFB and will continue to be a driving force in this organization. The Cranmer award is given to a blind person, but it is not restricted to individuals living in Kentucky.
Our Robert E. Whitehead (Bob) was the second sitting president of the Kentucky Affiliate. This award is presented to an affiliate chapter or division that strives to build membership in the organization. The chapter or division is also actively changing the public's perceptions about blindness through innovative projects and community outreach.
Jayne Seif, CoordinatorBELL continues to grow here in the state of Kentucky. In our third year we had six students. Each day the children received one on one instruction in Braille. During the morning gathering, the children read a variety of stories about blindness history and alternative techniques used by blind people. Much discussion was sparked by the morning "get to know you "question. It was wonderful to see the children learn from and engage with one another. The children learned to use alternative techniques to cook, do science projects, do fitness activities, play UNO and other games, and practice cane travel throughout the building.
Once again we were hosted by the American Printing House for the Blind, who not only generously donated our classroom space, but provided us with much behind the scenes action. The children were able to visit the APH recording studio for a hands on tour, even going inside a sound-proof recording booth. While there, they met a favorite narrator. In keeping with the "Banking on Blindness: theme, the students each counted out $1.00 in change; then, the group visited Ms. Lynn at Lynn's Café to purchase a special snack of their choice with their money. BELL students were treated to a special one on one experience with blindness tools used through the years, including canes and slates, from the APH Museum curator, Mike Hudson. In addition to their work in the classroom and exploring Braille throughout the building the group took the city bus to McDonalds where the children had the opportunity to order their own food. On the final day of our program we traveled to meet the parents for a family gathering at the Comfy Cow ice cream shop.
The most incredible part of our BELL program this year was the strength, collaboration, and depth of knowledge it brought out in our affiliate. Many of our members came out to do a variety of activities with our children. Each and every mentor and teacher Was blind, and it was a powerful experience for both the children and the adults working with them. Taryn Seif, our youngest volunteer, who worked the entire week, has this to say about her experience, "Working with the kids at BELL was challenging but fun. Luckily there were other teachers helping, because I didn't know too much about working with kids. I feel like I learned a lot from them. The experience also taught me about being in charge of and responsible for people and their safety." So congratulations National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky on our biggest and best BELL yet."
Mary Harrod, mother of Makenna, has this to say about her daughter's experiences attending the Kentucky BELL Academy for the past three years.
The BELL Academy in Louisville could not have begun at a better time for my daughter, Makenna. Starting three years ago, about the time BELL announced the start of the program; Makenna began to lose her vision due to a condition called Uveitis. The first year she attended, she came back home each day smiling and excited to show me what she had learned about Braille. I saw her confidence grow during this scary time in her life. Not only did they teach her the beginnings of Braille, but they also gave her a cane to use and worked on some cooking skills as well. Since BELL, I have not been allowed to make her peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches; she announces proudly, "I can make my sandwich all by myself!" I have allowed her to do so since her involvement with this summer program. As Makenna has grown and continued her participation in the program each year, she grows in her appreciation for Braille and her confidence that she can do the same things that her friends are doing in school. During this past summer in BELL, she enjoyed meeting some new friends her age and learning her new skills with them. She expressed how she likes being in an environment with other kids who also happen to be blind like her. She really enjoys the program and wants to attend each summer the program is offered for her age group and wants to thank everyone for their help and participation. We really appreciate all the hard work that goes into making this program a success.
Cierra Brettnacher, mother of Anthony, tells how she feels about Anthony's experiences during BELL Academy.
My son Anthony has attended the KY BELL Academy for the last two years. We love this program for him as it offers an opportunity for him to get some amazing braille and orientation & mobility instruction during the summer. Jayne Seif and the other ladies who volunteer their time come up with some very creative ways to entertain the kids such as using hula hoops on the floor to simulate a braille cell and the kids stand in them to make different letters. Anthony came home reciting the dots of each letter after that! They also take the time to make sure the kids have a cane that is the right length and that the kids are comfortable using; Anthony has gotten a new cane both years because the cane I sent him with wasn't the cane he was most comfortable using. Life skills such as cooking are also addressed during the week. The kids got to practice cracking eggs, measuring and mixing ingredients, and even trying new foods! Anthony is such a picky eater that I have a hard time getting him to eat new things, but in a fun setting with peers and adults he trusts, he is willing to try at least one bite. Anthony learns so much during the week that we are always sad to see it come to an end. Luckily, Jayne and the other ladies are always accessible if we have any questions or need help with anything. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful program so close to home and I love telling other people about what he gets to do as a participant.
The BELL team is excited about the success of our 2018 BELL Academy. We had a wonderful week with our six BELL Academy students. We are thrilled that our program is growing, and we have already begun making plans for new and exciting things in 2019!!!
Taryn Seif participated in the EQ STEM camp that was held at the National Center for the Blind in Baltimore, MD this summer. Here is what she has to say about her experience that week. During EQ, we learned about some of the things engineers do. We learned how they chose where they want structures to be built, and how they chose the materials and structure they want to use. We also spoke with different blind engineers who told us what their schooling work was like and how they adapted. At the end, we all designed and built structural models of our own buildings. We drew plans, made measurements, and even did calculations to see how much weight the structures would need to be able to support.
NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky News
Todd Stephens, State CoordinatorWithin the last 42 months, NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky has subscribed over 275 individuals to the service; there are now 2,092 current NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky subscribers. We are still well on our way to reaching the next milestone of 2100 in the next month or two, but we need your assistance. I am challenging you to push us over the top. C'mon NFBK; let's get this done! Sandra Williams continues to be a reliable go-to resource for me when I need subscribers. Branch manager, Barbara Penegor and her staff at KTBL and KY OFB Independent Living Counselor, Nancy Harper down in Paducah are also reliable resources in bringing new folk to NFB-NEWSLINE®. However, we must have more contributing to building the database of subscribers in Kentucky than Sandra, Nancy and Barbara and her staff.
There are likely more than a few blind folks that are in our company that are not subscribed to NFB-NEWSLINE. When you come in contact with this individual or these individuals, take that moment to think about NFB-NEWSLINE, the outstanding audio reading service for the print impaired. This service was developed, implemented and is managed by the National Federation of the Blind - our very own organization! This is something to be proud of, for sure. The service has been in existence for more than 20 years and there is no other service like it in the world!
Let inquiring minds know that there are over 500 worldwide, yes, worldwide publications on this elite audio service for the print impaired. Surprisingly, the number of selections on NEWSLINE is actually more than just about what any cable network has to offer. NFB-NEWSLINE has and continues to be an awesome tool in allowing those who have print impairments to gain free and independent access to current news and information 24-7.! NEWSLINE is an opportunity to stay current with what is going on around you and what is current around the globe. What is more important than being well versed in matters that affect you? What is more important than having an educated opinion on matters that affect you? The answers to these questions would be nothing...nada! With the way that information is disseminated today, you better make sure that you do your homework by exploring all options that are available to you so that you can determine what is or what is not "Fake News". NEWSLINE provides you with the option to seamlessly explore news content with a few keystrokes when accessing the service by touch-tone telephone, iOS App or via web at NEWSLINE Online. Because you have only text content on this service, you need not be concerned with facing pop-up ads, unwanted video streams or irritating disruptions in the content that you are listening to on NFB-NEWSLINE®. You will not find this in any other service.
By the way, if you do have an iPhone or iPad, you can find NFB-NEWSLINE in the apps store for free. You need only your six and four digit codes to get that app up and running. If you do not know your codes, you can contact Todd Stephens at < a href="" target="_blank">Todd Stephens or Ginny Green at Ginny Green to obtain your codes for the service. If you are accessing NFB-NEWSLINE via touch-tone telephone, remember to use the local number in your area vs. using the toll free number. Why is this? This allows the national office to minimize telecom charges, which becomes very expensive for us when you consider the scope of this nationwide service. If you have free long distance, you can actually use any local calling number to access NFB-NEWSLINE®. To find out what your local calling number is in your area, or any other area, go to Local Number Look-up Number and place the ten digit number in the wizard and press Look It Up to see what that local calling number is. It is a simple as that.
Okay, I'm wrapping it up, but before I do, I want to extend a big thank you to the Appalachian Community Fund (ACF) for honoring NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky with a generous grant that will be used to extend our marketing outreach and training around the state. Last, but certainly not least, my thanks to Ginny Green, Assistant Project Manager, Diana Cline, Customer Service Coordinator, Adam Adkins, Technical Coordinator, Ramazani Mubelela, Social Media Coordinator and Kennetta Freholm, NEWSLINE-Kentucky Editor for the crucial roles that you all play on the NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky team. It's awesome to have such a conscientious staff!
Be sure to stop by the NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky Table at the NFB Kentucky TAD symposium on Friday, October 12th at state convention this year
Thank you for your time and be sure to visit us and give us a Like on
Facebook or Facebook Mobile. You can also follow us on Twitter at TwitterCHAPTER AND DIVISION ROUND-UP
Ashland Update
Lora Stephens, PresidentSince the last edition of the Cardinal the Ashland Chapter has been building relationships and learning how to be Federationists. At our April meeting we spent time learning about the history of the Federation and the structure of the organization. We felt this was an important activity, as we have several new members in our chapter. In June we held our first annual walk-a-thon at Central Park in Ashland. Most of our chapter members participated. We enjoyed getting together and walking around the perimeter of Central Park, a popular walking spot in Ashland. We plan to use proceeds from this event to help bring our members to state convention. This years' event was small, but we plan to make it bigger and better next year. In August we held our annual picnic. Our members look forward to this time of friendship, fellowship and good food. Now we are looking forward to seeing our extended NFBK family at state convention in October.
Frankfort Update
Karen Mayne, PresidentThe Frankfort chapter will Participate in a citizens Academy every Tuesday in September. It's kind of like the police academy. They're going to have materials in braille and everything. We will get to meet a police dog, and learn how their weapons work. We will also learn what they do on the job. Then we will have a graduation on the last day. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun! We are also working on a fundraiser. Ideas are being tossed around and we are considering a dinner in the dark. Also we are raffling off over $500 in cash! We donated $100 to the resource office of social ministries, ROSM. This helps people who are having problems paying their electric and gas and maybe rent. We have a new member as well. His name is Scotty Monroe and we're hoping he'll come with us to the state convention.
Louisville Update
Nickie Pearl, PresidentHello from Louisville!
It's been another great summer here in the Ville! In June we enjoyed our chapter picnic with lots of wonderful fellowship and family fun. It seems we have started a tradition in July, bowling! Once again, it was a wonderful day spent with our chapter families and some old friends. August brought a new activity for the majority of our members, improv. Darren, who is the founder, producer and director of Imagine Blind Players, joined us to tell about the theater group. Darren even led us in some improv activities, which were fun and interesting.
In September we are going to gather for a financial seminar. Reece O'Brian, Kenny Jones and Bo Mullins are planning lots of tips, tricks and strategies to share with everyone; everything from budgeting to income properties.
We are looking forward to hosting everyone in Louisville again this year for the 2018 NFB of Kentucky State convention. The Greater Louisville board is working on the details for the Friday night social, so stay tuned for the theme and all the activity details!
Sports and Recreation Division Update
Jayne Seif, PresidentThe Sports and Recreation Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky is looking forward to this year's Convention. We will be starting off the festivities with a family friendly scavenger hunt at 4 PM on October 12, the first day of the Convention. Bring your family, bring your friends, and get ready for some good friendly competition. Our annual business meeting will follow at 5:15. If you don't make it to these events, don't miss out, as the Sports and Rec Division has something up its sleeve to keep your blood flowing, your competitive juices going, and keep you on your toes all weekend.
NFB Technology Assistance Division (TAD) Update
Todd Stephens, PresidentI want to take this opportunity, yet again, to express my gratitude to TAD Program Manager, Danielle Burton for developing an awesome instructional Braille Note Touch program and iOS instructional program for KSB students on May 17th. Danielle did such a bang-up job in December when she provided assistive technology outreach to ten middle and high school aged students, that this time, they decided that Danielle could handle a few more KSB students in her training program, but that was quite alright...the more the merrier. With the assistance of my wonderful wife, Lora Felty Stephens, Danielle and Lora got it done and made this division shine when providing exemplary classroom instruction to students at the Kentucky School for the Blind. We are certainly taking a vested interest in these students as they represent our future. NFB Kentucky TAD is eager to do everything possible to give blind students in our communities a hand up now, so that they won't need a hand-out later! We believe that "with proper training and opportunity, blindness can be reduced to the level of a physical nuisance or inconvenience." We plan to continue future outreach into Kentucky communities as funding and time permit.
Let's now switch gears and talk a bit about the 2018 NFB Kentucky TAD Symposium this year. We are pleased to announce that in 2018, TAD and the Entrepreneur Division have partnered with KY OFB and Kentuckiana Works to bring to you a Job Fair on Friday, October 12th on the weekend of state convention. This Job Fair will be unique in that the potential employers are interested in hiring folk like you and me, the visually impaired! Some of these companies have stellar track records in employing individuals who have visual impairments. The other companies participating are making a genuine effort to hire individuals with visual impairments. We are asking you to register in advance for this particular job fair at 2018 TAD Registration Please do that as soon as possible. We all have a habit of putting things off until the last minute, and the time seems to get away from us. It is vital for us to know how many plan to attend so that we can make the necessary adjustments in our program. The registration takes about five minutes to complete. What is the cost for this job fair? Well, it's free for those who preregister before October 10th. If you register after or at the door, it will cost you $5. Don't put it off, do it today!
The TAD Symposium will get started with registration from 8 to 8:45 A.M. and we will conclude at 1:30 P.M. We will have professional advice on the effects that working may or may not have on your SSI and/or SSDI benefits. Please understand that this will be a general overview. Given time constraints, we are unable to provide specific or individual consultations. What we can do, however, is to provide individuals with the resources needed to seek the professional advice needed. We will also have professional consultation on which types of assistive technology may be beneficial in maximizing effectiveness and efficiency at work. Then, job seekers will have the opportunity to speak with employers about opportunities that are available within their respective companies. Finally, we will end with mock interviews, Q&A's and probably a few other things that we haven't planned, but that's okay. For many of you who have participated in NFB Kentucky TAD Symposiums, you know that we always strive to bring you a quality product, and this job fair will be no exception. We are very disturbed by the qualified individuals who have lost vision and are unable to enter the workforce or return to the workforce as a result of personal biases and misconceptions about blindness. For those who are interested in working today or possibly in the future, this forum is for you. It's an opportunity to gather all of the resources that you need about employment in one place and in one day. Join us on Friday, October 12th; you will not be disappointed!
Please visit TAD Info for more specifics and to access the registration form to this job fair. We are presently working on the agenda which we will post in the near future.
Thank you for your time and be sure to visit us on our primary website at: NFB Kentucky TAD and on Facebook at
or Facebook Mobile and onTwitterHAVE YOU HEARD?
Best wishes go out to Jayne Seif, who serves on the board of directors of the NFB of Kentucky, president of the Sports and Recreation Division and as the NFBK BELL coordinator, as she has earned a promotion at work. This summer she became a lead teacher at the University Of Louisville Early Learning Campus, where she has worked for several years as a teacher assistant in the preschool program. Congratulations and best of luck in your new teaching position. We will be thinking of you as you enjoy those little preschoolers.
Shane Low, a 2018 graduate of the Kentucky School for the Blind received a $5000 scholarship from the National Federation of the Blind which was presented during the annual banquet at national convention this summer. Shane attends Brescia University in Owensboro, Kentucky where he hopes to pursue a degree that will lead him to a job in cyber security. Shane, we wish you all of the best as you continue your educational career!
Jayne and Phil Seif had the opportunity to attend a NFB Leadership Seminar at the National Office in Baltimore, MD during the last week of August. They were thrilled for the opportunity and are now back in Kentucky with lots of new ideas to help move our affiliate forward.
Sean Michael Williams graduated from Doss High School in Louisville on June 1st. Sean will be attending the Carl Perkins Center for Vocational Rehabilitation in Thelma, Kentucky starting Monday, September 10th. Congratulations to you, Sean Michael and to you, Sandra, a very proud and faithful mom.
The following recipes come from the kitchen of Todd and Lora Stephens.
Pumpkin Soup
When I say "pumpkin soup", most people are a bit puzzled. This is a savory recipe, no cinnamon or nutmeg involved, so, no, this isn't like liquid pumpkin pie. As autumn is quickly approaching, this hearty soup, flavored with onion and garlic is a good way to warm you up on those chilly fall evenings.
1 large can plain pumpkin (Not pumpkin pie filling)
1 can evaporated milk
1 medium onion finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
2 cubes chicken bullion
1-2 cups water
2 tbsp. olive oil
Salt and black ground Pepper to TasteDirections:
Sauté onions and garlic in olive oil until they are fully cooked. Boil 1-2 cups water and add bouillon cubes to dissolve. Add pumpkin and bullion to saucepan with garlic and onion mixture. Simmer for about 10 minutes. When soup is nearly done, add evaporated milk. Stir to blend. Serve soup with a dollop of cream cheese and pita chips if desired.Sugar-Free Coconut Cream Pie
This recipe for Sugar Free Coconut Cream Pie was featured on Genius Kitchen but is altered for a true sugar-free pie. You don't have to be diabetic to appreciate this recipe.
1 frozen unbaked pie shell
1small box sugar-free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon coconut extract
1/2 cup coconut flakes
2(8 ounce) containers lite Cool Whip ToppingDirections:
Bake pie crust according to directions on back of package. While baking heat skillet and toast 1 Tbsp. coconut flakes until golden brown. Mix milk, coconut extract and pudding mix together. When well blended add coconut flakes then half of Cool Whip. Once blended well pour into baked pie crust and smooth. Let set for 10 minutes in refrigerator. When ready to serve top with remaining Cool Whip and toasted flakesNational Federation Of The Blind Of Kentucky
Officers And Board Of DirectorsExecutive Officers:
Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Dr.
Louisville, KY 40214
(502) 366-2317
Cathy.Jackson@nfbofky.orgKatie Adkins, First-Vice President
412 Clair Lane
Louisville, KY 40206
(502) 533-5933
Katie@nfbofky.orgMichael K. Freholm
1510 Chestnut Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
(859) 608-2470
Michael@nfbofky.orgLora Felty Stephens, Secretary
1127 Sharon Ct.
Ashland, KY 41101
(606) 324-3394
Lora@nfbofky.orgJ. Mike Freholm, Treasurer
2012 Harris Way
Russell, KY 41169
(606) 839-0577
Mike@nfbofky.orgBoard of Directors:
Nickie Jackson Pearl
1014 Camden Avenue.
Louisville, KY 40215
(502) 489-4457
Nickie@nfbofky.orgJayne Seif
4805 S Forth St
Louisville, KY 40214
(502) 500-7576
Jayne@nfbofky.orgAngela Dehart
427 Wallace Ave. Apt 1
Covington, KY 41014
(606) 694-5096
Angela@nfbofky.orgGeorge Stokes
202 Manor House Ln.
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 875-3111
George@nfbofky.orgTodd Stephens
1127 Sharon Ct.
Ashland, KY 41101
(859) 433-5023
2018 NFB OF KENTUCKY State Convention
Cathy Jackson
Making Plans