A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky
Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317


Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759
e-mail: kyfranks@yahoo.com
Editorial staff: Lora Felty
Jayne Seif, E-mail: jaynep20@insightbb.com

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material may be submitted to any of the editors.


Kentucky on the Move
By Cathy Jackson, President
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

This has truly been an exciting year in the NFB of Kentucky. Maybe not as politically charged as some years, but exciting nevertheless.

Let me bring you up to speed on a few things. We now officially have an NFBK chapter in Ashland and our Parents Division is revitalizing. John Hovel has begun making restitution for the money he absconded from the Computer Users Division. He is making monthly payments through the court and failure to meet this obligation will be a violation of his probation and he could go to prison. Those of you who made pledges to the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky have been very generous and I appreciate your following through with your commitment.

As an NFB Board member, it is my privilege to visit other state conventions and bring greetings from our national office. Recent trips have taken me to Oregon, Washington and Maine. At the end of March I will be packing my bags for "Show Me" state where I will address the Missouri affiliate.

I attended the first ever President's Seminar at the National Center in February of 2006. Of the 52 state presidents, 48 of us were present. We discussed a great deal about NFB philosophy, policies and procedures, being an effective leader, reporting to the IRS and state revenue cabinets, fundraising, public relations and so on.

For several years we had talked about conducting a leadership seminar for our members here in Kentucky. Now with two extremely successful seminars under our belt, I firmly believe this idea has blossomed into one of the best projects we have undertaken.

Our 2006 National convention was held in Dallas, Texas. There were only 25 Kentuckians registered but we didn't let that keep us down. We could be found working in the NFB store, the NEWSLINE® booth, the Presidential Suite and marshalling people from place to place. There were three individuals from Kentucky attending their first NFB national convention: Ruth Kennedy and Becky Joyner from Lexington and Cora McNabb from the Office for the Blind. We are especially proud of our national scholarship winner, Mary Harrod, who was awarded a $3,000 NFB scholarship along with other gifts to be used toward her Masters Degree.

Since the convention, Kevan Worley has taken over ownership of our outreach office. He has moved the operation to Colorado Springs, Colorado where he has put together a state-of-the-art calling center. The telemarketers are still making phone calls to residents in the state of Kentucky. With all of the modern updates such as the ability to make donations online, Kevan expects contributions to soar. We certainly hope his prediction comes true. We continue to share our profits with the National Office which has always been the custom.

Our statewide candy sale was a success. Every chapter and a few of our divisions sold The World's Finest Chocolate. The state affiliate purchased the Mint Melt-aways at the wholesale price and sold them to chapters and divisions at a slightly higher cost. In turn the boxes of candy were sold at the suggested retail price of $2.00. This allowed NFBK and each local chapter and division the opportunity to make a profit. The fundraising aspect was a plus but perhaps even more important was the ability to get our name out across the state. Each box was labeled with Whozit and the words National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

The Washington Seminar has come and gone for another year. Pamela and John Glisson, Michael Freholm, Dennis Franklin, Jayne Seif, Jamie Weedman and I did an admirable job presenting the issues. We spoke on: Textbooks in accessible format for college students, affirming our right to a private, independent and accessible vote and raising the annual earnings limit for those receiving Social Security Disability Insurance. Our representatives who are on key appropriations committees were also asked to consider appropriating money so that we can develop new technology for NEWSLINE® that will make it more portable and to greatly reduce the cost of the telecommunications charges. When I say more portable, imagine downloading your favorite newspaper or papers into a device that has been connected to your internet over night. When you are ready to leave the house you would simply unplug it and take it with you and listen at your convenience. Along this same line we are seeking funding to cover the cost of telecommunications. Even with new technology there will always be those who will continue to use the telephone to access NEWSLINE®. We would also like to procure funds to establish an Interactive Library System or ILS. Technology has replaced the use of the old card catalog in our libraries. However, this technology is not accessible to the blind. NFB would like to develop a system that is. The prototype will be developed at our tenBroek Library in our National Office. When it is perfected, it could then be marketed.

We will be chartering a bus to Atlanta this summer for the national convention. The NFBK Board voted to pay the cost of the bus. We will leave Louisville on Friday, June 29 and return on Saturday, July 7. We will be making a stop in Lexington to accommodate those in the eastern part of the state who wish to go. If you are interested in making the trip you must send a $25.00 deposit to reserve your seat. We will take reservations on a first-come, first-served basis as long as seats are available. You will be given your deposit back when you board the coach to Atlanta. Checks should be made payable to NFB of Kentucky and mailed to Dennis Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Blvd., Louisville, KY 40299. Exact times and pick-up points will be announced closer to the date of departure. Anyone interested in securing further financial assistance must complete an application which will be made available very soon at www.nfbky.org or on the NFBK listserve. Those of you who do not have computer access can contact Dennis at 502-499-0759 or me at 502-366-2317. The committee and I will make the final determination as to who will be eligible for assistance. Deserving applicants will receive an amount equal to half of the cost of a room. For example, an individual wishing to room alone would be charged $61 plus 15% tax per night for a single room bringing the total for an 8-night stay to approximately $560. NFBK would pay $280. Those choosing to have a private room should be prepared to pay the balance. In the event two individuals receiving assistance share a room, the entire amount will be taken care of. Triples and quads are $66 per night with the 15% tax added. Again, the affiliate will cover the entire cost of the room providing that all who are staying there have been approved to receive financial assistance. No money will exchange hands. We will make arrangements with the hotel to use our credit card rather than have our treasurer go through the tedious operation of writing checks. You must call the hotel and reserve your room and make the $60 deposit. Reservations should be made before June 1, 2007, assuming that rooms are still available. You should call the Marriott Marquis direct at (404) 521-0000. There is no charge for children under the age of 17 staying with their parents. We ask that each individual complete a financial assistance application. A family may submit one application listing each individual's name. Everyone being given financial compensation must register for the convention and attend the banquet. Although you are not required to attend every convention session, you should make an effort to be present the majority of the time.

Speaking of registration, beginning March 1 through May 31, you can pre-register and purchase your banquet ticket by going online at www.nfb.org. Pre-registering saves you time and money. Registration will be $15 and a banquet ticket, $35. Those who choose to wait until they arrive in Atlanta will pay $20 and $40. You can also pre-register by sending your check made payable to the National Federation of the Blind to NFB, 1800 Johnson street, Baltimore, MD, 21230. Be sure to include a note explaining who should be given registration and banquet tickets.

Have you heard about the March for Independence? On July 3, the members of the National Federation of the Blind will march through the streets of Atlanta. Not only will we be raising funds to support the programs of the Jernigan Institute but through our actions we will be showing the public that we can be productive, independent citizens making a difference in the world where we live, work and play. You can go to www.nfb.org and follow the link to register online. NFB hopes to raise $500,000. We ask that each marcher pledge to raise $250. We encourage you to go beyond your family and friends to make the "Big Ask." Try to reach businesses and corporations in your community who just might give you that $250 pledge you have been looking for. You should register before May 31.

Although spring is just arriving, plans are already being formulated for this year's NFB of Kentucky state convention. Go ahead and mark your calendar for the weekend of September 7, 8 and 9, when we will gather at Lake Barkley State Park for this annual event. Members of the Murray chapter are excited and enthusiastic to be hosting their first state convention and we are all anticipating a wonderful weekend. Be on the lookout for more details as they become available.

As always I can't thank you enough for your support of the NFB and this affiliate. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see that the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky is doing great things and that we will continue to move in a positive direction.

2007 NFB Washington Seminar

by Pamela Roark-Glisson,
Legislative Chair

Once again, some 500 White Canes converged upon our Nation's Capital! The 2007 NFB Washington Seminar occurred January 28-February 1, 2007 in Washington, D.C. NFBK President, Cathy Jackson, led the Kentucky Delegation in her usual fine fashion. Members of the delegation were: President Cathy Jackson, 1st Vice-president and Legislative Chair Pamela Roark-Glisson, Treasurer Dennis Franklin, NFBK Student Division President Jayne Seif, Board of Directors member John Glisson, and new-comer to the KY Delegation Michael Freholm. Charles and Betty Allen, attending the Washington Seminar without fail for nearly 30 years, were unable to attend this year's Seminar due to Mr. Allen's recent health issues and were dearly missed. We do wish "Charley" a speedy recovery!

The Washington Seminar is an important visit to Capitol Hill to discuss and emphasize barriers faced by the blind in our local communities as we attempt to live independently and productively. "We are the blind speaking for the blind" were the words resounding in the offices of each of Kentucky's U.S. Representatives. Senator Jim Bunning and Congressman Ron Lewis received the KY Delegation personally and expressed committed support toward our cause. Legislative Directors and Aids greeted the delegation in the remaining offices and also committed to joining in our efforts. Newly elected District 3 Congressman John Yarmuth's Chief Legislative Aid, Caroline Cowan, treated our meeting as "Home Coming," while Dennis Franklin shared his longtime acquaintance with Louisville's Judge Cowan, Caroline's father.

All the meetings went well. Jayne Seif was well spoken as she shared the hardships presented to visually impaired college students with regard to the NFB issue to make college textbooks accessible through electronic means. Michael Freholm presented his personal disincentives and barriers to employment through consideration of the Social Security Wage Earnings penalty in alignment with the NFB issue to remove the wage earnings restrictions. Dennis and John displayed personal voting experiences as first-time independent and private voters to help the U.S. Representatives better understand the importance of such historical independence while some remain consistent to the belief that accessible voting is insignificant. Of course, Cathy and Pamela submitted the introduction and facilitation of all three issues.

President Jackson was excited to present additional issues to those members who hold positions on certain committees, such as Appropriations Committee, Ways & Means Committee, and Social Security. NFB-NEWSLINE® is striving to minimize telecommunications cost and purporting the development of a device whereby newspapers can be downloaded through the internet in to a portable listening device. Of course, telephone use for the service will remain necessary for subscribers who do not or cannot use the internet, and NFB needs funding assistance with the project. The highly innovated library access is also breaking ground in the National Center, and our Representatives need to know about it. Electronic access to the Public Library card filing systems and materials in our local communities is quickly surfacing across the country. NFB is planning research and definition of the electronic access to the blind through a project in the tenBroek Library within the Jernigan Institute at the National Center.

NFB continues to be the "Voice of the Nation's Blind" and we are very proud to take part in sharing with our U.S. Representatives the means and resources through which we can continue to build an accessible America! You can also be an active part of educating our law makers. Below you will find your representatives' contact information. Please contact Pamela Roark-Glisson at (877) 266-2807 for detailed information regarding the issues.

Senator Mitch McConnell
361-A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone (202) 224-2541
Fax (202) 224-2499
Senator Jim Bunning
316 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone (202) 224-4343
Fax (202) 228-1373
District 1 Congressman Ed Whitfield
2411 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-3115
Fax (202) 225-3547
District 2 Congressman Ron Lewis
2418 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-3501
Fax (202) 226-2019
District 3 Congressman John A. Yarmuth
319 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-5401
Fax (202) 225-5776
District 4 Congressman Geoff Davis
1108 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-3465
Fax (202) 225-0003
District 5 Congressman Hal Rogers
2406 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-4601
Fax (202) 225-0940
District 6 Congressman Ben Chandler
1504 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone (202) 225-4706
Fax (202) 225-2122


By Jayne Seif

We would like to begin this year's roundup with the Chapter that is slated to host this year's state convention. We caught up with Danny Perry who let us know what is going on in the Murray Chapter. This past Christmas the chapter held a banquet at the Sirloin Stockade in Murry. One of the highlights was a raffle featuring a Christmas basket, two tickets to the Grand River Theater, and a two-nights stay at Kenbar Inn. The happy winner of this wonderful gift package was Bill Rudd. There was a gift exchange and everyone had a great time.

Jennifer Hall, one of the chapter's members, held the second annual Rock-a-Thon to raise money. If you want to know more about what that all entails be sure to ask her.

Speaking of raising money, Danny let us know that the group will be holding an auction on April 28, to send members to the national convention. Currently the group has at least six members who plan to attend the convention in Atlanta this July.

Lloyd Agnew, the president in Henderson, lets us know that no matter how old you get, the ideals and the friendships that are forged through the Federation are long lasting and important. After a Christmas party in December with much music and visiting, the group settled into weather the winter. The friendships there are strong and everyone keeps in touch--even if it is only with a phone call. The group keeps up on the Federation news and loves to see things growing and changing. But most of all, when you talk to Lloyd you are left with the sense of a wonderful group of friends who have been held together through the years by both their dedication to the Federation and the strong ties they have to each other.

The Kentucky Parents of Blind Children, led by President Maria Jones, is moving forward with a whole new board and big plans for the future. At this past state convention the group elected officers and they are as follows:
President - Maria Jones;
Vice-President - Jayne Seif;
Secretary - Rebecca Lewis;
Treasurer - Philip Seif;
Board member - Melanie Peskoe;
Board member - Brian Manion

The parents year kicked off with a kid-centered Halloween party full of messy games set up by group moms and a fantastic haunted house set up by our group dads. The kids dressed in their best costumes complete with spray painted hair, and makeup. It was so much fun the group agrees that they may just have to do it again next year.

In December the KPBC met at a local Toys R Us store for a fundraising event, which they had open to the public. Parents were able to Christmas shop, and with the drawings held every half hour, they hope the public will not only remember our organization, but that they will come back and shop with us again in the future.

The Kentucky Parents of Blind children hope to continue spreading the word about our organization to other parents and educators throughout the state. Be looking for new things to appear on our new web site, www.nfbkpbc.org and if you haven't done so already, be sure to join our listserve, and keep up with all that is going on. Finally, look for our latest upcoming event, Braille Buddies, which is tentatively scheduled for April.

Nickie Pearl writes the following: The NFB of Greater Louisville has had an exciting year so far. Last year we had some interesting guest speakers at our monthly meetings. In August we held our cookout at the McDowell Center and had several consumers attend. In September we had a booth at the Animal Care Society's "Bark in the Park." We gave out lots of literature and sold some candy.

In November Kevin Pearl started acquiring items for our chili supper, auction and bingo. The items poured in from numerous restaurants and businesses. The chili supper was held on Saturday, February 17, 2007 and was a huge success. The NFBGL board worked extremely hard and put on a wonderful event.

The meetings and events to come promise to be just as exciting. We are planning our Spring luncheon FOR Saturday, April 21, where we will hold our elections and business meeting.

I would like to thank my board for working hard throughout the year.
Tonia Gatton, Vice-President;
Stephanie Brown, Secretary;
Maria Jones, Treasurer;
Kevin Pearl, Director;
Mary Harrod, Director

KABS bids a fond farewell to a much-loved president this year and a board which we have all come to know and love. Melanie peskoe stepped down this past year as president and is looking forward to the arrival of a new little one. Mary Harrod is extremely busy these days taking care of her new son, Ian. Stephanie Brown is now an elementary school teacher, whose days are filled with little ones and who continues to attend graduate school. We will miss all their leadership, but are glad they remain members and have been so wonderful about sharing their knowledge and experience with all of us on the new board. The new KABS board is as follows:
President - Jayne Seif;
Vice-President - Katie Penny;
Secretary - Jennifer Hall;
Treasurer - Ashley Courts;
Board Member - Scott Spaulding;
Board Member - Faith Manion

This year it is all about getting our name out there. We have such a strong base, and have held together well these past few years and are now looking to expand. Leading the way are our board members out in the state, Jennifer and Faith, who are wonderful with ideas to include everyone no matter how far out in the state they may be. So if you find us hard to spot just look for those new KABS T-shirts.

The Merchants division met at a breakfast meeting during this past state convention. They enjoyed the good company of their guest speakers, executives from Pepsi and the presentation given by Mr. Nesbitt, Director of Kentucky Business Enterprises. Charles Allen, Mac Carnes, Jerry Young, Randy Hester, and David Raynes remain your Merchants Division Board members.

Charles Allen, president, continues to keep the group apprised of the decisions being made in Congress regarding the Randolph-Shepard Act, something he assures us the group is keeping a careful eye on.

Members attended the NAMA conference and a written report was submitted to the group as a whole. Soon the group will be attending another BLAST Convention.

We would like to tie up this roundup with a piece by Pamela Roark-Glisson, President of the NFB of Lexington. We so much appreciate the group's hard work in hosting the convention in September, and are interested in what all has happened since that busy time.

In the beginning of this brand new year, I wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity and that each of us will be a part of growing the organization by at least one new member this year.

NFB of Lexington is honored to have hosted the 2006 NFBK State Convention last September. Our membership, family members, and volunteers worked well together to create a welcoming and fun atmosphere for our NFBK brothers and sisters from around the Commonwealth. NFB of Lexington was rewarded beyond measure through the totally awesome attendance of so many of our friends from around the state. Thank you for making the convention such a grand success in the horse Capital of the world in Lexington!

October "Meet the Blind" event, coupled with White Cane Safety Day awareness portrayed NFB of Lexington as the Coordinator of the Fayette County Public Library informational and hands-on assistive technology display to our community. NFB of Lexington was joined by the Office for the Blind, Central Kentucky Radio Reading Eye, Lexington Blinded Veterans Association, Bluegrass Council for the Blind, and the Visual Impaired Pre-Schoolers (VIPS) to interact with our community. A good number of individuals from each entity represented, painted a good picture of the blind of Lexington, and, of course, NFB of Lexington displayed a fair portrayal of excellence.

NFB of Lexington also hosted a "Meet the Blind" library event in London, KY and some of the chapter members traveled to London for the event. We shared NFB materials, information regarding assistive technology for the blind and of course, KY NFB-NEWSLINE®. Additionally, one of our chapter members, Shannon Caldwell, had the esteemed privilege to travel abroad to England to participate in a conference.

While the dreary fall weather continued to draw toward winter, NFB of Lexington took the opportunity to begin its recovery efforts. We distributed the message about NFBK on the small boxes filled with the delicious chocolate mint candies throughout central and eastern Kentucky. The KY NFB-NEWSLINE® Coordinator and Technical Assistant (Pamela and John Glisson) did travel to Baltimore in November to attend the NEWSLINE® Training Seminar, which assisted in the 2006 Christmas release of TV Listings. A local chapter planning meeting also occurred in November, which resulted in the initiation of two new projects to be carried out in 2007 and time to reiterate plans for the 2007 Walk-a-thon.

The Christmas social was well-attended and wonderful music and food was enjoyed by everyone. Even Dirty Santa was there!

Winter has brought recovery and a solemn review of last year and the plans for this new year. Three of our members attended the Washington Seminar at the end of January and are looking forward to joining you all at the McDowell Center in March for the 2007 NFBK STARS Leadership Seminar. I commend our NFB of Lexington membership, but also our entire Kentucky Affiliate for staying the course and continuing to "Change what it means to be blind" in Kentucky.


"Spreading the Word"
By Jennifer Hall

(Editor's note: Accompanying this article is a picture of Jennifer in her Cracker Barrel rocking chair. There is an NFB sign beside her and APH bags containing NFB literature on the floor.)

Those of you who have had the opportunity to meet and speak with me have undoubtedly heard me express my appreciation and grateful heart that the Federation came into my life. If we have not had the occasion to meet I must note that NFB has changed my life and is taking me in directions that I never imagined possible. Almost six years ago, I was introduced to Mr. Lloyd Agnew from the Henderson, KY chapter who later opened my eyes to a world I only dreamed existed. Time passed and through Mr. Agnew's and his wife Joretta's guidance, I sought membership with the Murray, KY chapter. This chapter has enabled me to grow through holding offices and the ability to attend NFBK events. They also are my family within a family.

Joining the Federation has meant so much more to me than belonging to another group. It has given me the chance to meet wonderful, capable people, especially the Kentucky Association of Blind Students. This group of students has shown me that obtaining an education as a blind person is an attainable goal. They also have given the wisdom of how they accomplish their educational objectives and this has inspired me to press on toward finishing my education. A time came when I realized I was "doing" school as a sighted person and the students from KABS, whether they know it or not, have taught me that being blind, not visually impaired, is acceptable and that reaching my dreams of an education are possible.

Soon after learning about NFB and what it means to the blind person, I became disturbed that it took as long as it did for me to learn that it existed. It then became my passion to "spread the word" and let everyone I knew, blind or sighted, know that I belonged to NFB and that I had finally found a family who understood what it meant to be blind. From that point forward, I did not want anyone to go it alone if blindness occurred.

There had to be a way to get the word out so I took an idea from my days as a Sigma Kappa. I planned my first annual Rock-A-Thon for June 2005. Local businesses made donations and about $800 was raised. More importantly, the town of Salem, Kentucky began to hear that it is respectable to be blind and that the NFB is there to be a friend. You definitely learn more ways to improve a project and for the second annual Rock-A-Thon held this past November 3 I enlisted the help of the American Printing House. They donated APH plastic bags. I placed several Kernel Books, the "What if Blindness Comes?" selection, NFB alphabet cards, and Newsline brochures into these bags and handed them out as I rocked. Each Rock-A-Thon I rocked from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM in a chair donated by Cracker Barrel in Paducah, Kentucky. These events helped those who knew me already and those who didn't see that blind people are capable and hopefully they know they never have to be alone.

I was able to spread the word at two other local events in 2006. I passed out the same materials at an Independence Day gathering in my mom's hometown of Carrsville, KY. Some resistance was met here when an older woman passed on the "What if Blindness Comes?" book. She told me she would never need it. I can only hope and pray that she doesn't. However, it made me want to work that much harder at getting people to understand that blindness affects many and it does not have to be a death sentence. The second awareness event was held in Grand Rivers, Kentucky where the annual Hunter's Moon celebration occurs. It is estimated that 3,000 people come through that weekend. I set up a booth and passed out the materials. I also set a donation jar out and sold the NFB candy. I only had one request for the candy: next year they would like me to bring plain chocolate! I was so excited because the Murray Chapter gained two new members from the event. Also, a family from Tennessee stopped and wanted to know what NFB was. They had no idea it existed either and they have two blind children.

My prayer in sharing this article with you is that you will see the possibilities we have in telling others about the Federation. I believe it is our responsibility to tell everyone in the event they know someone who is struggling with blindness. I plan on continuing the fight and I ask that you do the same. Thank you for your time and let's get out there and spread the word!

Bronze and Silver for the Kentucky Association of Blind Athletes

By Kevin Pearl

Federationists Stephanie Brown, Nickie Pearl and JP Pullens attended the USABA Midwest Regional Goalball Tournament on March 3 and 4 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Nickie and Stephanie along with Patti Cox and Sarah Saylor made up the women's team. They placed 6th out of 8 teams. They are much improved from last year, but the competition is very strong. They will compete in other tournaments culminating in the National Championship this May in St. Augustine, Florida.

Since we didn't have enough players to send a men's team, JP played for the Florida Riptide. Johnny Saylor played for the Pennsylvania Venom. JP and the Riptide took third place for a bronze medal and Johnny helped the Venom win a silver. These are the first medals for the Kentucky Association of Blind Athletes.

For more information about KABA, visit the web site at kygoalball.org.

From My Heart

By Melanie Peskoe

The 2007 NFBK STARS Leadership Seminar brought some important things to the surface of my mind--things I really didn't want to admit. Throughout the weekend we talked about four particular types of people (drifter, pursuer, achiever and super achiever) and how each would deal with particular situations. For instance, we discussed how an achiever would participate in their affiliate of the NFB compared to how a drifter or pursuer would participate. When we first discussed these archetypes I thought to myself, "I am an achiever" no problems there! But as the weekend progressed and we started to really get into more meanings and situations I began to see that I wasn't at all the achiever that I thought I was. I began to more resemble a drifter or a pursuer at best. Boy, was it an eye opener for me.

When I first found the NFB and my local chapter I was so excited to learn about the organization and the ways that had been paved for all of us today. I was eager to get involved and submerge myself in Federation philosophy. At the seminar I started to wonder when did my passion wane and when did I become a drifter? I started thinking back to when my life began to get very busy and hectic with college classes, finals, home and family and I started to realize that I have been letting an important part of my life drift--the NFB.

The leadership seminar helped me to realize that my participation with the NFB doesn't have to be all or nothing, but that I can set a pace so that I'm meeting the needs of all the aspects of my life. I also spent some time thinking about the reasons I joined the NFB and realized that they haven't changed for me. I don't want to be a drifter and while I may tend to slip into pursuer mode, I know that I have it in me to be an achiever. I know that the NFB still has a lot to offer me and I think I still have some things to offer it as well. The longtime leaders of the NFB (Cathy Jackson, Denise Franklin, Fred Schroeder, Joanne Wilson, Dr. Maurer and others) have tapped into their controlled passion for the NFB and that has sustained them for the long haul. When we start out as members of the NFB we have the innate and undefined passion that, as Mr. Dan Frye points out, "only gets us a few miles." What I'm learning now is that I need fuel for the longer journey. The 2007 NFBK leadership seminar rekindled the flame that I have for the NFB and now it is up to me to find the mentors and partners I need to keep it ignited.

2007 NFBK STARS Leadership Seminar

By John Glisson

Are you living your NFB Impossible Dreams?

The first weekend of March 2007 unveiled 7 keys at the Charles W. McDowell Rehabilitation Center in Louisville, Kentucky that make the IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE and the POSSIBLE PROBABLE! The National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky 7-member leadership committee--President Cathy Jackson, 1st Vice-president Pamela Glisson, Treasurer Dennis Franklin, Board members Kenny Jones, George Stokes, John Glisson and National Representative Daniel Frye--presented the interactive STARS program--Strategies for extraordinary success, Taking charge of your focus, Accellerating effective and persuasive communications, Recruiting effective partners and mentors, Shooting for the Moon--to 45 Federationists from around the Commonwealth and consumers of the McDowell Center. The 7 keys that open the doors to extraordinary outcome are based on 20 facts of life and 15 master strategies.

Cathy Jackson initiated the 2007 training Friday (March 2) evening, but not before Dennis Franklin and an array of volunteers hosted a Pizza bash to write home about. Pizza and Cathy's introduction to the seminar paved the way for the STARS participants to spend the evening with Kenny Jones learning about themselves and how to play to their strengths, strengthen their weaknesses and prepare to partner. Mr. Jones finalized the evening by showing the STARS that low expectations do not have to remain in the individual's mind set but can rise to astounding accomplishment through realizing potential, commitment and mapping the way to success.

As arduous and intense training encompassed Saturday (March 3), Franklin Vending, with Joan Balot's famous pimento cheese sandwiches and Mike Freholm's suave table-to-table delivery of seconds and thirds, filled ALL the gaps in that 12-hour training period! George Stokes demonstrated that extraordinary goals are reached through a step by step process mapped out as a set of directions with a time line. George completed the Saturday morning session by exhorting participants to Dream bigger than they could ever reach by themselves or Shoot for the Moon!

Daniel Frye, our NFB National Representative, certainly exhibited outstanding leadership abilities and qualities that are common place at the National Office, as he illuminated the hearts and minds of the STARS audience with reasons and methods for effective partnering and mentoring. Mr. Frye closed Saturday morning by expounding upon the Impossible Dreams that have become reality for the Nation's blind through the extraordinary partnerships and teamwork initiated by the National Federation of the Blind since the inception of the organization! Daniel also alluded to the 1 key that opens all doors and is absolutely necessary to recruit effective partners.

Pamela Glisson spent the afternoon on Saturday describing the "Skeleton Key"--Effective and Persuasive Communications. Pamela focused on the basic premise that our communications absolutely must be clear for understanding and passionate with feeling. She got our attention, held our attention, and shared with us how to persuade effectively. Ms. Glisson finalized her session by simulating Congressional visits performed by the STARS participants. Teams of participants briefly studied an NFB Position and carried it to the U.S. Representatives to gain their support.

After dinner on Saturday, Cathy Jackson began to make the STARS aware of the "Time Robbers" that attempt to distract from the success of the best laid plans and highlighted the use of time management skills. Cathy predisposed the participants to the harmony that is achieved in mind, body and spirit when the person takes control of his/her FOCUS. John Glisson concluded Saturday evening's session by revealing the 2 major barriers that blast away at Focus and, thus, blind us to opportunity--Fear of failure and Fear of criticism. John demonstrated how to identify these and redefine them as our friends and mentors as opposed to our enemies.

President Jackson pulled it all together on Sunday (March 4) morning by sharing the simple choices that we can make to mold ourselves into Positive People in both our NFB and personal lives. She reiterated Pamela's passion, "If you cannot get around or over a barrier, just blow it up!" Benjamin Franklin stated in times of old, "A passionate man rides a wild horse," and Mr. Daniel Frye sealed the weekend leadership retreat and stamped it with the Exclamation Point--Ignite and Fuel the Passion! Impossible Dreams become Possible, and the Possible become Extraordinary Accomplishments!

Being several days after the magnificent leadership event, the Lions, no doubt, have simply moved on after getting it done. The Otters are still looking for that "Party waiting to happen," and the Beavers are rheuminating in the fact that the details of the event could have been more accurate. The Golden Retrievers are sitting back in pride over their sacrifices made for the weekend and comforting others, for they are just such nice people. We know who we are, how to map our plan and persuade our partners, so let us take charge of our focus, blow up the obstacles, take the 3-legged horses out of the race, and ignite and fuel the Passion that will spur the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky onward to a far greater NFB State Affiliate than could have ever been imagined. Believe in yourself and in your organization, and your Impossible Dreams will become recorded on the pages of history books as the true reflections of values EXTRAORDINAIRE!

NFBK's deepest gratitude goes to Mr. derrick Cox for sharing the hospitality of the McDowell Center, Kirsten Schmidt and Scott Spaulding for keeping See World open, to all of those who made the seminar a great success, and of course to those who overcame the obstacles that could have easily prevented them from participating and making the 2007 NFBK STARS Leadership Seminar an astonishing success.


By Pamela Roark-Glisson

The KY NFB-NEWSLINE® is continuing to thrive in the Commonwealth and experience many positive changes to carry the service into the future. A variety of new additions to the service have occurred since you last read the Kentucky Cardinal. If you are not connected to your community through the KY NFB-NEWSLINE®, how do you obtain the daily information that is so critical to public opinion in your neighborhood?

I am certain that you've noticed the recent addition of a request from the national office to help minimize the telecommunications (toll-free long-distance charges) cost. Do not be alarmed, but do be a wise reader. As you can imagine, with approximately 60,000 NFB-NEWSLINE® users across the nation, the telecommunications cost for toll-free service can be astounding. The national newsline team has created alternative means of accessing your personal account. Firstly, should you have an extended calling plan on your home telephone through which long-distance service is unlimited to you at no additional cost, then you can simply dial 1-704-478-8008 and enter the U.S. Data Net portal code #632 to access to your personal KY NFB-NEWSLINE® account.

Of course, if you are a cell phone user and have off-peak hour unlimited calling, you can again use the number mentioned above to access your personal account at no additional charge to you nor the newsline national service. The operation of the reading service remains the same when using the alternative telephone number. Nothing changes but the minimized telecommunications cost. Thirdly, one can request internet e-mail delivery! This option delivers one's favorite newspapers straight to an e-mail account. If you haven't tried the alternative connections to the service, you are encouraged to do so.

New innovations and partnerships continually keep the national newsline team amazingly excited and enthusiastic! TV Listings were added and served as extra Christmas cheer in December 2006! Now, newsline users can choose option #8 on the main menu and search for TV programming up to 13 days in advance. The system announces the network, channel number, programming times and titles, and a brief description of the episode or movie. TV buff or not, to have the privilege to access this type of information totally independently is absolutely awesome!

KY NFB-NEWSLINE® may one day be available to you in the form of a pocket device which will extract your personal account from the internet in seconds while you are getting ready for the day, to be prepared for you to simply carry with you and read at your convenience! Plans are under way, in fact, to develop such technology. The toll-free (888) 882-1629 connection remains available for those of you who do not use a computer or have access to alternative means of access as described above. Reading the newspapers on a daily basis gives you an amazing parallel to your sighted peers in all aspects of life! "Read all about it!"

For more information, please contact Pamela Roark-Glisson at 1-877-266-2807 (Toll-Free) or by e-mail at pglisson@independenceplaceky.org.

Have you heard?

By Lora Felty

Lots of exciting things are happening to members of the NFBK from across the state.

The newest member of the NFB of Kentucky was born to parents Mary and D.J. Harrod of the Greater Louisville Chapter, on February 26 at 10:30 PM. Baby Ian weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. He has a head full of black hair and wide shoulders. Welcome baby Ian.

Congratulations are in order for Greg and Tonia Gatton of the Greater Louisville Chapter. They just purchased their first house. They say that owning their own home is wonderful. It is located in the lyndon area, close to Tonia's work place at the McDowell Center. They have a little stream that runs along the back of their property, and they enjoy sitting out on the porch and listening to the running water. Greg and Tonia can't wait until summer so that they can host an NFB picnic. We're looking forward to your picnic too. Congratulations and best wishes in your new home.

The Greater Louisville Chapter boasts other new home owners as well. Jayne and Phil Seif also purchased a new home on Fourth Street. They got a head start on playing host to many NFB members, as Jayne hosted a baby shower for Mary Harrod at her new home. Jayne and Phil, we hope your family has many happy years in your new home.

Are wedding bells on the horizon? Congratulations to Stephanie Brown and JP Pullens also of the Greater Louisville chapter, who were engaged over the Christmas holidays. Stephanie informs us that the ceremony will take place in June of 2008, after she completes work on her Masters degree. We can't wait to celebrate with you!

Best wishes to Lisa Key of the Ashland Chapter. Since January she has worked as a receptionist in the Community Development department for the city of Ashland. For now this is a temporary job, but Lisa hopes it will lead to a permanent position with the city. Good luck, Lisa, and best wishes to husband, Danny as well, as he plays Mr. Mom to their two daughters. Hey Danny, watch out for those dishpan hands!

Best wishes and prayers are sent out to Donna Thompson, vice-president of the Ashland Chapter. Donna underwent surgery to remove a mass from her brain in February. She is now recuperating in a rehabilitation facility. Donna, we wish you the best for a speedy recovery.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Phyllis Bogard, a longtime member of the Greater Louisville Chapter. Phyllis passed away on October 25, 2006, following an extended struggle with liver cancer. We will all miss her.

Wait, do I hear more wedding bells? Kathy Garrett was married to Kevin Athey of Louisiana on March 10. Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple.

Scott Spaulding is looking forward to his graduation from the Jefferson Community and Technical College with his associates degree this May. He plans to continue at the University of Louisville where he will pursue a degree in education or rehabilitation. Way to go Scott!

We wish the best to Melanie Peskoe and her family who are awaiting the birth of their second child in August. Melanie says that Megan can't wait to be a big sister. Speaking of Megan, we have just learned that she suffered another broken arm on Friday, March 16. We certainly hope that she is feeling better and is getting lots of signatures on that cast. Watch out, girl, doesn't that hurt?

If you see Nickie Pearl these days, you might want to wish her luck. She has been training very hard. She is seeking a position on the Olympic goalball team. The final cut comes this May and we're all pulling for you, Nickie!

A few of our NFBK members have been missing lately. Kathy Garrett, Jamie Weedman and Paul Shepherdson have been in Louisiana attending the Louisiana Center for the Blind. We wish them all the best as they strive to achieve their goals!

Charles Allen of Frankfort, a Federationist familiar to almost everyone, has had his share of doctors and hospitals this winter. He underwent bypass surgery in December, then shortly afterward, developed a serious infection in his leg. For the first time in many years, Charles and his wife, Betty, were forced to miss the Washington Seminar. They say you can't keep a good man down, and we hope Charles is feeling better these days.

We would all like to join the Murray Chapter in wishing one of its members a speedy recovery. Sue Rudd's husband was in the hospital for surgery earlier this year. He has returned home to finish his recuperation. Good luck, Bill.


By Denise Franklin

We hope these recipes will tickle your taste buds and tempt you to try something a little different. ‘Tis the season for entertaining and in that spirit we give you these offerings.

Awesome Ham Pasta Salad
8 ounces ziti pasta
1 pound cooked ham, cubed
1 large red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 large green bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 large red onion, coarsely chopped
15 small sweet pickles chopped, juice reserved (can substitute relish)
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cup mayonnaise
½ cup sour cream
2-1/2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
1 tablespoon white vinegar
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced (optional)

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil; add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain. In a large bowl, mix together the drained pasta, ham, peppers, onion, pickles and tomatoes. In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream, beef bouillon, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic and ½ cup of reserved pickle juice. Fold into the salad and toss gently until evenly coated. Chill overnight. Makes 6 servings.

Hamburger Stroganoff
1 pound ground beef
3 slices bacon, diced
½ cup chopped onion
¾ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon paprika
Dash pepper
1 10-1/2-ounce can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 cup dairy sour cream
Hot buttered poppy seed noodles

In skillet brown ground beef with bacon. Add onion; cook until tender but not brown. Drain off the excess fat. Add seasonings to meat mixture. Stir in soup. Cook slowly, uncovered, 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in sour cream and heat through—do not boil. Serve over hot poppy seed noodles. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Savory Succotash
1 1-pound can (2 cups) whole kernel corn, drained
1 1-pound can (2 cups) French-style green beans, drained
½ cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 ounces sharp processed American cheese, shredded (1/2 cup)
½ cup chopped green pepper
½ cup chopped celery
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 cup soft bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted

Combine green beans, corn, mayonnaise, cheese, green pepper, celery and onion. Turn mixture into a 10 by 6 by 1-1/2-inch baking dish. Combine bread crumbs and melted butter. Sprinkle crumb mixture over casserole. Bake in 350-degree oven for 30 minutes or until crumbs are toasted and mixture is heated through. Makes 6 servings.

Banana Fritters
2 ripe bananas
2 tablespoons milk
2 eggs
1 tablespoon margarine, melted
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch ground nutmeg
1 quart oil for frying
1 cup confectioners' sugar for dusting

In a large bowl, mash the bananas. Mix in milk, eggs and margarine until smooth. In a separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir dry ingredients into banana mixture. Heat oil in a deep fryer or heavy bottomed pan to 375 degrees F. Drop batter by spoonfuls into hot oil, and cook, turning once, until browned, 2 to 8 minutes. Drain on paper towels and dust with confectioners' sugar. Makes 6 fritters.