A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky
Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: (502) 366-2317
Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: (502) 499-0759
E-mail: denise.franklin@nfbofky.org
Editorial staff:
Lora Felty
E-mail: lora.felty@nfbofky.org
We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.
By Cathy Jackson
President, National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky
Coming Soon!
The 2013 NFB of Kentucky
State Convention
I hope you have circled the dates of October 4, 5 and 6 on your calendar because this is the weekend we will call the 66th annual state convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky to order. Although the agenda has not been put to bed just yet, I can give you plenty of preliminary information so that you can plan ahead.
Let the party begin! Our NFB of Greater Louisville is hosting the 2013 NFBK convention. Melanie Peskoe, President, is working with the NFBGL Board and the members to plan our Friday evening social. It's a great way to have fun with old friends and new ones too.
You can begin making your room reservations at the Ramada Inn, 9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY, by calling (502) 491-4830. Our room rates are $89.95 per night, per room, plus tax. You are strongly encouraged to make your reservations on or before September 13. As usual, the hotel is under no obligation to hold our block of rooms after this cut-off date. You are taking a gamble by waiting. I also want to remind you to let the operator know you are with the NFBK so you are assured of receiving our hotel rate.
Again this year we would like to offer first-timers the opportunity to apply for a financial scholarship. George Stokes chairs this committee and he can be contacted for an application and additional information. His email address and phone number are: george.stokes@nfbofky.org, (502) 330-2344. The deadline for assistance is September 15. The amount of assistance given will be determined on an individual basis.
Any time we are working with a hotel and using their catering services, meals tend to be a bit more expensive than eating in a restaurant. We try to keep expenses at a minimum, but we can't afford to loose money either. We will charge a $10 registration fee. This money helps defray convention expenses such as printing agendas, banquet tickets for invited guests, rooms for scholarship finalists and our National Representative. The silver lining is your registration fee makes you eligible for door prizes. Our open board meeting and luncheon are once again on the agenda. The cost per person is $20. Our traditional Saturday evening banquet is $32. A pre-registration form is included in this issue of the Kentucky Cardinal. Please complete the form and include your check or money order payable to the NFB of Kentucky and mail it directly to Mike Freholm, 2012 Harris Way, Russell, KY 41169. Mike needs to have your payment no later than September 22nd. This gives us plenty of time to get accurate head counts for the number of meals we need and to be able to work with the hotel on room setup. Don't forget to include the names of all persons for whom you are registering and purchasing meal tickets.
Mike Freholm will man the registration table in the lobby of the hotel from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM Friday afternoon and again on Saturday morning from 8:00 AM until 8:45 AM. You should stop by and pick up your badge and meal tickets during these times. Those who have not pre-registered can register during the hours of operation. Make note: for those who register at convention there will be an additional $5 added to the cost of registration and to each meal ticket purchased.
Included on the registration form is information you must complete if you plan to take advantage of child-care. Every effort is made to insure that your children are well taken care of, so we need plenty of time to prepare. We would like for parents to let us know as soon as possible if we can expect your child(ren). Please get in touch with Melanie Peskoe at (502) 380-3700. If we haven't heard from you by Friday, September 27 we will make provisions based on the number of children who have confirmed. Child-care will be open all day Saturday, October 5 from 8:30 AM until after the banquet. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Our reverse raffle tickets are back by popular demand. Please, please help us sell a record number of these tickets. One major expense each year is our college scholarships. The proceeds from this fundraising event go a long way to help a worthy student meet the financial burden of tuition, books and other expenses. You can contact me personally to obtain tickets by calling, (502) 366-2317.
Pamela Glisson will chair our resolutions committee. If you have a resolution to submit, or a proposal you should contact Pamela at, pamela.glisson@nfbofky.org, or by phone at, (859) 335-9282.
Denise Franklin has been appointed to chair the awards committee. Please give serious thought to those individuals you believe deserve recognition. Individuals are eligible to receive the: Susan B. Rarick, Harold L. Reagan, and T. V. Cranmer awards. Our chapters and divisions doing outstanding work in the organization can be nominated for the Robert E. Whitehead award. If you have any thoughts about awards please contact Denise ASAP at denise.franklin@nfbofky.org, or by phone at (502) 499-0759. She will appreciate your input.
Tressie Smith, a member of the NFBGL board, is in charge of door prizes. You should contact Tressie when you arrive at the hotel. She will be more than happy to relieve you of your packages. New items for both men and women are requested, and some of that green folding stuff too.
Our Technology Assistance Division (TAD) is planning another technology seminar. Last year's session went so well that the division thought it would be a splendid idea to try again at the 2013 convention. Todd Stephens, President of the division, is working on a program that will present information and hands-on-experience with the iPad. There is also going to be an update on NFB NEWSLINE. Pamela and John Glisson will have a wealth of information to share. A little bird told me there would be a couple of surprise guests in the house. This session will begin at 3:00 PM Friday afternoon.
Our Kentucky Association of Blind Students, (KABS) will gather for their annual meeting and election of officers at 6:00 PM on Friday. Katie Adkins, president, is working on the agenda. The focus will be on transition from college to a career. Katie wants to invite all students, high school and college to attend. There are issues unique to students, so don't be shy about opening up to your comrades. Networking is the name of the game.
The convention will be gaveled to order on Saturday morning promptly at 9:00 AM. We will have the affiliate report along with guest speakers during the morning session. Then at noon we will have the open board meeting and luncheon. I hope you will decide to dine with us. This is your chance to meet the NFBK board and watch us in action. We will go back into general session at 2:00 PM. We start with the report from our National Office. Patti Chang, the President of our Illinois Affiliate and Member of the National Board of Directors is our representative. The afternoon is devoted primarily to business, which includes: a legislative report, resolutions, funding the movement, election of officers, and any other business that needs to be brought before the assembly.
We wrap up our Saturday in a neat little package we call the banquet. It's time to let our hair down and bask in the glory, which is the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. We will enjoy a meal, which symbolizes a family coming together. Patti Chang will deliver our banquet address. Patti and I have gotten to be good friends over the years and I was excited when Dr. Maurer assigned her to be our national representative.
It is only fitting to honor our scholarship winners at this most auspicious occasion. We should be proud of them, for They deserve all of the accolades and applause we can give them. I for one, am delighted that we are able to continue with our scholarship program. Education is such a big part of what we do to help blind students realize a better future.
We save the presentation of awards until the banquet because those who are being honored deserve to have the spotlight shining on them, even if it is just for a few minutes. They are being recognized because of their commitment to our cause.
We won't adjourn the banquet until all of our drawings have taken place. You can't win if you don't participate. Bring a few extra bucks and support our affiliate, chapters, and divisions. Melanie Peskoe, will MC the banquet. Melanie, are you up to the challenge? I think so.
The National Association to Promote the use of Braille in Kentucky meets on Sunday morning. Michael Freholm, President would like to get started at 9:00 AM. He wants to encourage all of you to attend, even if you aren't a Braille reader. He says we need new and innovative ideas from every corner of the state and everywhere in-between to keep this division alive.
I can always be reached for questions and suggestions at cathy.jackson@nfbofky.org or (502) 366-2317. I hope to see your smiling face at convention. Remember, we wouldn't be who we are--the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky without you.
Building the Accessible Information Future!
By Pamela Roark-Glisson
Current Event Assignment: 5 page essay conveying your opinion of Edward Snowden – Patriot Hero or Traitor? (Use 3 newspaper sources) Lexington Catholic Freshman Honors Student – Newspaper Sources: Herald Leader, Chevy Chaser, Trader Joe's
Munfordville Special Education Freshman Student – Moscow Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe
**Who do you think came out on TOP?
The KY Newsline is continuing to make available to Kentuckians who are unable to use conventional print a phenomenal array of information accessible by the touch-tone telephone, Internet on-line, IOS Mobile App, portable audio and Braille devices and e-mail!!!
Latest and greatest additions to the service in 2013 further explosive content with advanced interactive features on the horizon! The KY Bar Association has sought out the KY Newsline for the preferred median by which the highly esteemed "Bench & Bar" membership publication will be audible to the members who cannot use conventional print! Afterall, it is the law. The new Weather Forecast and Information specific to the subscriber's Zip Code is now available under option #2 off the main menu, #1 off the submenu! Do you simply need to remain indoors when the pollen and mold counts are high, but learn about it too late--after you've become deathly ill? NO MORE!!! Discover these indicators and more on the Weather Channel.
Is it a bit "SyFy" to begin to expect to have the capability to change the personal account Zip Code so that weather and related information can be explored before travel or to use Newsline to explore the library for your favorite reading pleasure or informational need? Stay tuned ... If your imagination can go there, NFB-NEWSLINE® will announce the information there!
Please share with us your informational interests (newspapers, magazines, store ads, etc.) and innovative feature ideas (Pound 9, My Newspaper, Global Search, etc.) Share your personal stories with us (enhancing employment, education, family, etc.! Your story may be the ONE that opens bank accounts to join in building the informational future by creating employment around the Commonwealth for our children who are print impaired to have meaningful careers or to convert the hopeless pessimist believing that no amount of information can help!
Story: July 3, 2013 NFB Convention Newsline Exhibit Table Mom approached the Newsline table searching for alternative ways and methods for her 12-year-old daughter to use print in the classroom. As I described all the massive amount of news media, TV listing, job searching, personal interaction and other items typically of interest, the 12-year- old girl who also happened to be visually impaired said, "No, I don't think so." I thought a second and asked the young lady to humor me just a moment so that I could share a personal story with her. "Ok," she said.
"I was listening to the evening world news one night when the commentator mentioned a Giant Sequoia in the forests of Northern California falling for no apparent reason, just simply uprooting and toppling over! I could picture that enormous tree so extraordinarily huge reaching the length of hundreds of feet even greater than the length of football fields ... All sorts of questions immediately jumped into my mind, and I listened more intently to the television news for more detail, but the commentator said nothing more about the Sequoia! Just that it had fallen and no one knew why."
I was very disappointed and wanted to know more, for I have all my life been absolutely fascinated by those hugantic monstrous trees that cars and trucks can drive through on major highways with the tops completely out of sight!!! I happened to think about the KY Newsline Global Search feature, dialed up, keyed in Sequoia and more than 27 newspaper articles pulled up immediately from local California newspapers in cities all around Northern California where the Giant Sequoia took its tumble! By reading the articles, I discovered all I ever wanted to know about the Giant Sequoia that made the evening news.
The 12-year-old girl responded to this story with, "How do I register?"
Send your comments and stories to Pamela Roark-Glisson at pamela.glisson@nfbofky.org. You may now register independently on-line at HTTP://www.independenceplaceky.org/Programs/ ... or call (877) 266-2807 for more information.
A big hello from the Greater Louisville chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky! Before I write more about what our chapter has been up to, I'd like to take a sentence or two to introduce myself. For those who don't know me, my name is Melanie Peskoe and I am the newly elected chapter President. I recently graduated with a master's degree in public health, I am the owner of an Avon business, and I am currently working on a project involving personal development consulting for blind women. My husband is Mike and we have two visually impaired children, Peyton, our six year old son, and Megan, our thirteen year old daughter. Since the last issue of the Cardinal was published, the Greater Louisville chapter of NFBK has been pretty busy. In April we held our annual Spring Luncheon, which included a fantastic barbeque lunch catered by Mark's Feed Store. During the luncheon the 2013-2014 NFBGL Board of Directors was elected and they are as follows: Melanie Peskoe, President; Katie Adkins, Vice President; Maria Jones, Treasurer; Cindy Smith, Secretary; Tressie Smith, Director; and Leonard Stamper, Director. We didn't let much time pass before we got busy with the new annual meeting agenda! In May we held a business meeting during which Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were given. We decided to go back to our roots at this meeting and played a game of NFB trivia! Not only did we learn a lot, but we had a lot of fun in the process! Also during May, two board members (Maria Jones and Tressie Smith) attended a local disability awards function where they handed out NFB literature and spoke with people about our organization. In June we took the opportunity to meet at the Kentucky School for the Blind during the two weeks that the Summer Enrichment Program was held. Chapter members socialized and shared ice cream sundaes with the middle and high school students who were there. After the ice cream many of us went outside and participated in a water balloon fight (big thanks to Katie Adkins for filling over 300 water balloons!) For the month of July we decided to take the show on the road and have some bowling fun. Members were encouraged to bring school supplies that were later donated to a local charity. For each donation a chapter member received an extra entry into a drawing for an all-expenses paid trip to the NFBK state convention! Now that's a good deal! In early August the Greater Louisville chapter took a group to the annual ADA rally in Frankfort and was motivated and inspired by NFBK's own Pamela Glisson who has a huge role in this event each year. Kudos, Pamela, for a spectacular event! Also in August we had a pizza and bingo event, but before the games began we discussed national, state, and local ways in which we can all participate in funding our movement. We also encouraged members to continue to donate school supplies for entry into the convention trip drawing, which will be held on Thursday, September 19 during our next meeting. Speaking of September, we plan to once again meet with high school students who reside at KSB and give them more information about the NFB and our many beneficial programs. October's Meet the Blind Month is right around the corner and the Greater Louisville chapter plans to keep itself busy with activities to help promote the mission of the NFB. Also in October we plan to have our annual Halloween party, which has grown over the past several years and is very well attended! Lastly, just to pique your curiosity, in November we plan to host a chili cook off and "how-to" event. We look forward to seeing you all in October here in Louisville at the NFBK state convention! Our chapter wants to make your visit as pleasant as possible so please don't hesitate to let us know if we can be of any assistance as you plan your trip!
Here is a report from Todd Stephens, President of the Technical Assistance Division. I'll start by updating you on the Technical Assistance Division (TAD) membership. We have grown to an astounding 31 members in 2013. I am ecstatic to have you all involved in TAD and very much looking forward to further increasing our membership in the months to come. What have we been up to? Well, TAD has a new website which can be found at http://www.nfbkentuckytad.org. TAD has a new logo as well, which is none other than Whozit engaged in a session on the laptop. Please do check us out! We have also ratified the TAD constitution. The most notable change is the additional board seat which will take effect with the 2013-14 board. You may find the amended TAD constitution at http://www.nfbkentuckytad.org/about.html. I have appointed John Glisson to serve as the nominating chair for TAD and have appointed Scott Spaulding to serve as Technical Advisor. Both gentlemen bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the TAD board and we are fortunate to have them in the fold. I have recently asked Jennifer Hall to head up our fundraising committee in addition to her position as secretary and she has graciously accepted. Jennifer has quite a bit of fundraising experience with her church and with the NFB. We are looking forward to the challenge of generating funds with her at the helm. Speaking of generating funds, the Technical Assistance Division has a raffle under way. This year's fundraiser is a 32 GB iPad Mini valued at $429.00. It's not the base model, either (color is black). Raffle tickets are $5 per chance and can be purchased from any of the TAD board members, as well as on-line at http://www.nfbkentuckytad.org/index.html. Get your raffle tickets and, why not get them today? Lastly, Sandra Williams, Tonia Gatton and I are working collectively to bring you an interesting and informative presentation at the NFBK State Convention this year. The TAD presentation and board meeting will take place on Friday afternoon between 3 and 6 PM. Specific details are forthcoming. Thank you for your time and see you all at convention.
Although the Ashland Chapter is our newest NFBK chapter, we were excited to have more members of our group attend national convention than any of the other state chapters. All but two of our members attended, and two of our members, Angela Dehart and Danielle Burton, received national scholarships. We were thrilled that Danielle's mother, grandmother and aunt joined us at the end of convention to celebrate with us at the annual banquet. There were actually 10 of us on the flight home from Orlando. Not too bad for a little chapter!
Fun in the Ashland Chapter didn't end after national convention. On Saturday, July 27, 2013 the Ashland Chapter held its annual summer picnic at Armco Park. Nearly 20 individuals, including chapter members, along with family and good friends gathered together for fellowship and delicious food. It was a lovely evening to be at the park and spend time with friends.
The annual meeting of the NFB of Lexington was in April, 2013. Members and guests who were present, enjoyed lunch, elected officers and focused on fund development for the chapter. The Gala and Silent Auction which was May 31 at the Signature Club at Lansdown was an exquisite event. The music by Tango Mango, the Barbecue Sundaes and auction items surpassed expectation. The funfilled enthusiastic bidding, the hard work of the members, friends and family and the donors together made the Gala a grand success.
It was with sadness that we said goodbye to one of our members who moved out of state this Summer. The 2013 NFB national convention was outstanding and five of the chapter members were privileged to attend. Congrats to Hamid who returned from Iran with a new bride!
NFB of Lexington in conjunction with community partners is planning a White Cane Safety Day event in an effort to raise awareness about people who are blind and using the long white cane for independent mobility in the community.
For more information, contact Pamela Roark-Glisson, President at (859) 948-3663 or check us out on NFBLEX.org.
By Cathy Jackson, President, NFBK
This summer the American Printing House for the Blind sponsored a film fest, which featured movies starring actors and actresses portraying blind individuals. I attended the last of the three movies "A Patch of Blue." This film was released in 1965 at the height of the civil rights movement. Elizabeth Hartman portrays Selina, an 18-year-old blind girl, who lives in a one-room apartment with an abusive mother, Rose-Ann, and her grandfather, Old Paw. She was blinded at the age of five by flying glass thrown during a drunken brawl between her mother and grandfather. She had no formal education. As a matter of fact, she didn't even know what Braille was. Her world was confined, for the most part, behind the four walls of the tiny apartment with only the radio to keep her company. Her family was ashamed of her and the only purpose she served in life, as far as they were concerned, was to clean, cook, and iron. She did earn a pittance of an income stringing beaded necklaces.
Selina's visits to the park are the only real enjoyment she has in life. And these visits were rare and depended on the kindness of others to take her there and bring her home. As her trips to the park become more frequent she befriends a young gentleman, Gordon, played by Sidney Poitier. Gordon is a black man, employed as an office worker. Selina is totally unaware that her friend is black until her mother sees the two of them walking home. Rose-Ann becomes outraged and confronts her daughter about this socially taboo relationship. She tries to put a stop to Selina's outings. Selina falls in love with Gordon, and although the words are never spoken aloud, we sense that he loves her. Selina and Gordon never become romantically involved. Gordon's intelligence and good judgment won't allow the relationship to move beyond a true friendship. He recognizes her potential and makes arrangements for her to attend a residential school for the blind. He also sees this as the one chance to rescue Selina from her dismal, abusive life.
After the film ended there was a question and answer session. We talked about the symbolism such as, even though movies in 1965 were being filmed in color, the producers made the decision to film "A Patch of Blue" in black and white. The name of the movie was chosen because Selina remembers that the sky is blue. She was a slave to her family. Even though she was a white woman she was treated with less dignity because she was blind. It was easy to compare Selina's life to that of the blacks during this time of racial unrest.
In 1965 at the ripe old age of sixteen, I was a junior at the Kentucky School for the Blind. The biggest worries my friends and I had were whether or not we would have a date to the school dance, or whether or no the cheerleaders would be invited to go along to the next away wrestling meet. I lived in a pretty simple world, a world protected by dreams of what my future would hold.
I've been thinking a lot since watching this film for--goodness knows how many times. I never gave it a second thought in 1965 that blind people were suffering at the hands of discrimination. It never occurred to me that blind people were being treated inhumanely and being forced to grovel for whatever means of existence they could find. I admit I knew more about racial discrimination than I did about discrimination against the blind. I could tell you about the race riots in Selma, Alabama and the federally mandated desegregation of all white schools in the South. I remember the open housing marches in cities across the nation protesting the right of blacks to live wherever they chose. One such march took place just a few blocks from where I grew up as a child. Sadly, I vividly remember when public restrooms were segregated—one for blacks and one for whites. But I couldn't tell you about one blind child who wasn't receiving an equal education. There were about 170 students enrolled in KSB, grades kindergarten through twelve. So that's bound to be all of us, right? I didn't know of any blind adults who didn't have a job or place to live.
Was I naïve? Absolutely! There was, however, a plausible explanation. I had good blind role models. They worked every day, kept house and raised their children like the sighted adults I knew. The vast majority had high school diplomas and many of them had college degrees. Even the few who didn't complete school had a decent job. I never doubted for a second that my life would be any different. I was already considering which college I wanted to attend and the career path I might take. A house and family were a given.
It wasn't until I became an active member of the National Federation of the Blind, about ten years later, that the plight of the blind came into full focus. How could I have possibly overlooked all of this? Again, there were good reasons. For one, the issues and struggles of the black race were in the headlines of every newspaper and the lead story on every 6 O'clock news broadcast on TV. Blacks had been fighting for their place in society for over a hundred years. The blind had only begun to fight. Our effort to gain recognition was only about thirty-five to forty years old, give or take a few years.
As I grow in the movement I can look back and see significant changes. Even though I believed life to be almost perfect in 1965, I now realize that I was looking at the world through my cataract lenses that were slightly rose-colored. Those individuals, although they had jobs, were perhaps not working in their dream job. They were teachers at a school for the blind. Some were employed at the American Printing House for the Blind. Others worked as receptionists at city hall. Still others were vending stand operators. There were a few working in the state-run sheltered workshop. I should add that the sheltered shop here in Kentucky did pay at least minimum wage and treated the employees with considerable more respect than in typical shops of this kind. All of these were the sorts of jobs blind people could do, and were expected to do.
The jobs blind people are performing in 2013 are significantly more varied than they were in 1965. We have blind professors teaching in colleges, and blind teachers in our public schools. Our blind merchants have expanded their snack bars once located in dark, dingy, basements to full-service cafeterias. The secretary at APH is now the office manager supervising the secretarial pool. Those working in state, federal and local government positions have more responsibility and duties because of accessible technology. The piano tuner is now owner of the company, not just tuning pianos, but buying, selling, and refurbishing them. There are employment opportunities these days that blind people only dreamed of fifty years ago. Who would have thought there would be blind chemists? In 2012 a blind man, Parnell Diggs, ran for congress. We see blind men and women every day with the know-how to produce the hardware and software components for the accessible equipment we use. There are blind nurses working in our hospitals. And who in their wildest imagination would have thought a blind person could drive a car. There is a reason for all of this too; it's the hard work and continued advocacy of the National Federation of the Blind.
I want the blind children of today to lead an uncomplicated life. I want them to enjoy the opportunities given to them. There will be plenty of time to become an adult, and they will. These are their "good old days." They should be cherished and remembered fondly. Then they will be called to action. It will be their turn to step up and make the world a better place for the next generation.
KENTUCKY Summer Legislative View
August 2013
By Pamela Roark-glisson
It seems that the members of Congress who were elected to represent Kentuckians are distracted, out of focus and out of touch with their constituents who are blind or have other disabilities. The focus seems to be on their own agenda of personal gain, rather than hearing and considering the voice of the people. How are you going to recruit your U.S. Representatives to feel your need and vote for the right reason?
We the People must remain vigilant and committed to the issues of equality for Kentuckians with disabilities. We the People must resonate our voices in conjunction with the voices of the National Federation of the Blind leaders and countless disability rights advocates across these United States.
Do you know where your U.S. Representatives stand?
During the NFB 2013 Washington Seminar, promises were made to the NFBK delegation that some of the members would oppose the antiquated Legislation that promotes exploitation, discrimination and deplorable practices of employers against employees with disabilities. Some members did not keep their appointments with the NFBK delegation and others have not kept their word. District 1- Western KY; Congressman Ed Whitfield, District 2-Bardstown/Bowling green, Congressman Bret Guthrie, District 3-Louisville; Congressman John Yarmuth, District 4-Covington/Ashland; Congressman Thomas Massey, District 5-Southeast KY; Congressman Hal Rogers, District 6-Central KY; Congressman Andy Barr. Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul have local offices around the state for your convenience. Contact them!
- Oppose subminimum wages!
- Support Space Available for disabled veterans!
- Support access technologies in higher education!
- Urgent attention to oppose the Workforce Investment Act Reauthorization items:
- 1. Section 511 (more subminimum wages),
- 2. RSA relocation and
- 3. Mimimizing credentialing.
The NFBK President and Board of Directors are committed to standing beside you in this effort to stop the exploitive, immoral and descriminatory practices and protect the opportunities and futures of Kentuckians with disabilities.
Reach out to your U.S. Representatives to help these gentlemen to refocus, distinguish between the voices of right and wrong to learn the facts from home constituents and get back on track remembering why they are in Congress.
For more information, please contact Pamela Roark-Glisson, NFBK Legislative Liaison.
Edited by Lora Felty
We are proud to recognize and honor the educational accomplishments of our NFBK members. Congratulations to Melanie Peskoe, president of the NFB of Greater Louisville. Melanie completed her Master's Degree in public health from the University of Louisville this past May, where she graduated with honors. Currently, Melanie is doing some free-lance work in her field. Best of luck as you continue to pursue your career goals.
In recognizing other educational accomplishments, the NFB of Kentucky is proud and honored to have had two national scholarship winners at the 2013 national convention in Orlando, FL this summer. Angela Dehart is the secretary of the Ashland Chapter. She is beginning her senior year at Morehead State University where she is majoring in elementary and special education. Angela will complete her student teaching during the upcoming spring semester and will graduate next May. Angela received the Melba T. Owens Scholarship in the amount of $3,000. Danielle Burton, member of the Ashland Chapter, and 2013 graduate of Elliot County High School, began her freshman year at Morehead State University. Danielle is also majoring in elementary and special education. Danielle received a $3,000 NFB Scholarship. Both young ladies also received an additional $1,000 from the Kurzweil Foundation and $1,000 from Google. We are so proud of both of you and wish you all of the best as you continue your education and work toward your career goals.
Maria Jones has a new job this year. She has been hired as an elementary and math teacher at the Kentucky School for the Blind. So...Kenny will have some company on his drive to work each day. Congratulations Maria. Enjoy your new job and have an awesome school year!
Lora Felty, president of the Ashland Chapter has been undergoing construction at her house this summer. Due to damage that her back deck received during one of the summer storms of 2012, she has had a new screened-in deck built. It is 12 by 24, and has an Amish-made porch swing. Any and all of her NFB family is invited over to sit on the swing and visit for a while. She might even give you a glass of iced tea.
Avon Calling...
Melanie Peskoe Has started an entrepreneurial journey as a small business owner. She has an Avon business and her focus is serving blind women and men by providing personal consultation, free direct shipping to your door and exceptional customer service. Her goal is to record each current Avon catalog and offer this service as an ongoing audio podcast every two weeks. Her website is www.beautywithmel.com. Check out her web site. Melanie is more than happy to work with you on an individual basis to provide your Avon shopping needs.
Scott Spaulding and Paul Shepardson, both of the Greater Louisville chapter, can boast of new jobs. Scott has taken a parttime position working as an evaluator in customer service for J-Lodge and Paul is currently training in Chicago for a job with the Veteran's Administration. Congratulations to both gentlemen and best wishes for the future.
Some of you may not remember Buffa Hanse, but those of us who do remember her, can quickly recall the Federation spirit she exuded. Buffa Lived in Louisville and was employed at the Office for the Blind for several years until she relocated to Virginia and accepted a position in Richmond. We were shocked and saddened to learn that on July 20, Buffa was struck by a truck while crossing the street. She suffered multiple injuries including facial fractures, broken ribs, fractured legs and a broken ankle. So much head trauma caused bleeding on the brain. She has undergone several surgeries and much rehab is ahead of her. Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with her and we hope that our next issue of the Cardinal will include a brighter outlook for Buffa.
Good news on the employment front just keeps coming! Nickie Pearl of Louisville has landed a job with Avon. She will be working from home as a district assistant. She is excited to be bringing home a paycheck and keeping an eye on home and family at the same time. You go, girl!
The NFB Murray Chapter held its last meeting on June 22, 2013 with a fish fry and trimmings. The Chapter was a part of the NFB for 18 years. The members of the Murray Chapter would like to thank everyone for their support and fellowship during our years of membership.