A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759
e-mail: denise.franklin@nfbofky.org

Editorial staff:
Lora Felty, e-mail: lora.felty@nfbofky.org

Dennis Franklin, Formatting Specialist

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.

President's Corner

A Crash Course in NFB Philosophy

by Cathy Jackson, President
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

When I submit articles for our Kentucky Cardinal I want them to be educational, informative, thought provoking and even a bit humorous. This piece is no exception.

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to listen to a message that was left on the National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville's "Talking Bulletin Board." The person who left the message is not blind, and is not a member of our organization. She is, however, a disabled person. She is a friend of one of our members, Scott Spaulding, so I suppose she thinks this makes her an authority on blindness. Scott has tried many times to share with her our beliefs to no avail. So, this time he took a different approach, advising her to leave a message stating her concerns on the bulletin board. She expressed some very disturbing ideas that are contrary to the fundamental teachings of this organization. We are always in education mode, so I decided I would once again use this venue to do just that.

I should tell you that I asked Nickie Pearl, President of the NFBGL if I could contact this individual to discuss her viewpoint. I love a challenge and Nickie was obviously too angry for words. The conversation with this lady was interesting. I must say it would provide good fodder for one of Dr. Maurer's banquet addresses.

Perhaps one of the first outrageous statements she made was that blind people should wear medic alert bracelets. Medic alert bracelets are a must for those who are allergic or have other medical conditions that could be fatal if not treated properly. When I confronted her as to why she thought blind people should wear these bracelets she was adamant about her belief. She said, (and I am paraphrasing) A blind person might get up and run into a wall, or they won't know what is available to them. Hah! The blind people I know aren't going to get up out of bed or off the stretcher and run into a wall even if by some chance we don't have our cane with us. I am not sure how being blind would make us less aware of what is available; I guess she meant our surroundings in general. She was quite vocal and not well spoken.

There was a flurry of conversation on our listserv regarding this issue. We all agreed that we should not wear a medic alert bracelet just because we are blind. Blindness in and of itself is not a life-threatening condition, or one that requires special attention. There was mention of instances when hospital staff was not aware that a patient was blind. As a result, the dinner tray was left sitting on the bedside table while the patient slept. On another occasion, papers to be signed were being waved in someone's face. This is where better sensitivity training is needed--not a bracelet.

She also said that her friend doesn't look blind and often doesn't know that people are talking directly to him. I guess she thinks a medic alert bracelet would solve this problem. The general public isn't going to start checking wrists to see who is wearing a "blind bracelet."

She was definitely upset about many things, which I intend to challenge. The situations I am going to relay are ones I am most familiar with because I am directly involved as a member of the NFBGL. It doesn't in any way diminish the outreach, community involvement and education that is going on in all of our chapters and divisions here in the NFB of Kentucky. We were also chastised for not "telling our members where they could find all of the free stuff." Now, at some time in our lives most of us have struggled. We have taken advantage of government programs and the generosity of our church community. If asked I would certainly help guide any blind person to the necessary resources. However, I refuse to encourage people, blind or not, to constantly take without any thought of becoming self-sufficient. The lady in question has admitted to several of us that this is a way of life for her and she sees absolutely nothing wrong with it. This is NOT what we promote for the blind. Again, I point to our "CAN DO" attitude. Proper training and tools and an opportunity to be productive are what we really need.

The NFBGL is working with a church that supports an orphanage for blind children in Kenya. We have gathered clothes, games, playing cards, eyeglasses, toiletries, candy and cash. The American Printing House for the Blind is sending Braille paper and writing supplies. Our critic thinks we should be doing more here at home. I suppose this goes back to her attitude that there isn't enough "free stuff." What she doesn't know is that the Louisville Chapter has, over the last five or six years, helped several families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. If there is a need throughout the year I can guarantee this chapter will be the first to offer assistance.

She claims that parents of blind children don't know where to go for help. Once again she isn't well informed. NFBGL has sent out mass mailings to ophthalmologists, pediatric ophthalmologists, pediatricians and hospitals with NFB literature and contact information. We have included information about Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) and the Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB). As hard as we try, there are always going to be those who fall through the cracks. But to imply we are not doing anything is ridiculous. Can we do more? absolutely, and we will.

In general, she doesn't think we are doing enough networking. She says that students at the McDowell Center don't know about us. I stated that there was a simple explanation for this as well. We are no longer allowed to visit the center to talk with students, nor can we leave our literature. We are working to remedy this matter in our own way. But in the meantime, I know Scott will pick up the pace and pass along needed information such as, local chapters, divisions, NEWSLINE, scholarships and so on.

She wanted to know why we aren't more visible in the community at health fairs. The local board has to assess each activity to determine which will best suit the efforts of the chapter. There have been times when there are scheduling conflicts, or the setting just didn't fit our cause. Again, she is totally oblivious to what we have done, and what is being planned. Each year here in Louisville October is celebrated as "Meet the Blind Month." When I say month, I really do mean month. There are no less than three activities planned starting with our family friendly Saturday at the public library. We had a booth at Slugger Field during one of the River Bats home games. We have supported and participated in activities sponsored by VIPS. This year is no exception. We are scheduled to walk and run in their annual VIPS Stampede. The NFBGL Board has added another activity to this year's list of community events. We are going to participate in the Mayor's Hike and Bike outing that promotes exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Not only will we have a booth, we will actually walk and ride with everyone else.

This lady is no stranger to most of us. We have had dealings with her over the years. For example, the first year the Affiliate sponsored a booth at the Kentucky State Fair, she continually dropped by our booth telling us we were in the wrong place, we should be in the section with all of the health care organizations. No one could seem to make her understand we were quite content with our location, and besides, we are not a health care organization. She was clearly annoyed that we didn't take her advice.

She shows up about once a year to an NFBGL social event. It is hard to describe the persona she exudes. On one hand I can sense that she would love to take over, believing she could do a better job. But in reality she isn't strong enough to challenge the leaders of the chapter face to face. She is one of those people who much prefers attacking one person at a time.

I have had a few days to sit back and ponder her message and how it was delivered, and our subsequent conversation. I have concluded she abides by a different set of standards. She lumps all disabled people together. What works for those with epilepsy, or people in wheelchairs, or those of us who are blind will work for all of us. Her way of educating is by bullying. If she can talk loudly enough and long enough she believes she has won. NFB is well organized. We have structure from the leadership at the top in our National Organization all the way down to our grassroots membership. Our legislative machine is well oiled. We present ourselves professionally, taking our proposals, fact sheets and solutions. We have been about the business of advocacy for seventy-one years now and the other disability groups are beginning to recognize just how powerful we are.

If any of you reading this article believes that you are not equipped to discuss NFB philosophy or our issues, for whatever reason, please do not hesitate to give my name and contact information, or the names and contact information of our NFBK Board of Directors, and or the leaders in your local chapter. Stand up for what you know to be the truth. Do not let anyone back you into a corner, or strip you of your dignity as a blind person.


By Denise Franklin

(Editor's Note: A big THANK-YOU to those chapters and divisions who felt that our Newsletter is important enough to deserve a few thoughts concerning their group. I continue to dream of an issue which will include a sentence or two from every chapter and division. Let's begin with Nickie Pearl and see what she has to tell us about the NFBGL).

Hello from Louisville!

Just as in other areas, it's been a hot summer here in Louisville, but despite the heat, we've had some great activities and good turnouts.

Our April Luncheon was an exciting day. Our special guest, Mr. Ron Gardner, was not only amazed at our group and the attendance that day, he was in awe over the torrential rains we received during his stay here in Louisville. "I'm from desert territory, this is just unreal!" he said.

A slightly new board was elected, two words for you...Girl Power! Our 2011-2012 board is: Nickie Pearl, President; Tonia Gatton, Vice President; Maria Jones, Treasurer; Denise Franklin, Secretary; Sarah Williams and LaTrease Keaton, Board members.

This next piece of info will not be a surprise to some of you. The winner of our Great Convention Giveaway is a person who seems to win something every time he participates in a GL contest. Mr. Kenny Jones will receive an all-expense paid trip to our 2011 NFBK State Convention.

This summer's activities have been informative, educational and out of the box. Back in May we held a gardening project. We provided our members with a flower pot, potting soil, and a flower—petunias, to be exact. Everyone was instructed on how to plant their flower, water their flower and care for their flower at home. I brought samples of other flowers and plants so members could inspect different textures, shapes and smells. I'd like to mention that a local business, Paul's Fruit Market donated the potting soil for our project.

In June it was a laid back atmosphere when we had pizza and bingo. In July Sarah and LaTrease put together a great hands-on activity. We prepared a delicious fruit salad. Members chose their fruit and had to cut, slice or dice his/her fruit. After all the fruit was prepared, it was combined and we all ate the fruit of our labors! Sarah and LaTrease also brought some neat kitchen gadgets to share with the group. This month we have an art activity planned. We're going to explore our creativity and sculpt with homemade clay.

Many of our members made it to Orlando for the 2011 NFB National Convention. Two were first timers, Sarah Williams and Margeaux Grey. It was a busy week, but everyone seemed to have a great time.

I'd like to mention that we've moved again! We are now holding our meetings back at the Kentucky School for the Blind. We are also trying something new. To meet the needs of all members and supporters our meeting days may change month to month. Meeting and activities will be held either on Friday or Saturday. We will stick with the third Friday or Saturday of the month. This was another "out of the box" idea we had in order to accommodate members and their hectic lives.

Our chapter will be chartering a bus to state convention. We will be loading in the American Printing House parking lot, 1839 Frankfort Ave., on Friday September 30th at 2pm with departure scheduled at 2:30pm. We will return on Sunday, October 2nd. The bus will arrive at the Capital Plaza hotel on Sunday at noon and will leave at 12:30pm and will return to the APH parking lot. The cost for a round trip is $10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. You can reserve your spot on the bus by sending a check or money order made payable to NFBGL, to Maria Jones, 5108 Bannon Crossings Dr. Louisville, Ky 40218. Payment must be received no later than Friday September 16th. Please get your payment in ASAP, space is limited.

Stay tuned to our "Talking Bulletin Board" (502) 495-7130 for all our Greater Louisville activities. We have some exciting activities and events planned for the remainder of the year and we'd love for you to join us.

Lora Felty sent the following report from Ashland:

Members of the NFB of Ashland are looking forward to their annual picnic that is planned for Saturday, August 27 at Armco Park in Ashland. This is the fourth year for this event. Members of the local Ohio and West Virginia chapters are also invited to attend. We are in hopes of a beautiful day for a picnic.

The NFB of Ashland is also selling Rada Cutlery. You can help us out by going on-line and placing an order. These knives and other kitchen utensils are of very good quality, made in the U.S.A. and are very reasonably priced. The website is www.helpourfundraiser.com. The internet ordering number to log in is 502975 and the password is nfb1. If you use our login and password, the NFB of Ashland will get credit for your internet order. We will have Rada paring knives on hand at the State Convention to sell. Please help support our fundraising efforts.

Brenda Kimbro sent us the following report from Murray:

The Murray Chapter has had a very busy spring/summer. The chapter had an auction and yard sale to raise funds for the National Convention. The following six members attended the convention in Orlando, Florida: Danny and Anetta Perry, Barbara Monts, Jackie and Brenda Kimbro, and Ashley Dixon.

The chapter held its annual picnic in June. Food and fellowship were enjoyed by the members and their families along with friends.

The group will be participating in a mini carnival that is being hosted by an organization called Tymeless Hearts that raises funds for youth with heart defects.

Six of the members attended the ADA Rally on July 25, 2011, that was held in Frankfort at the Capitol Rotunda.

The chapter is now gearing up for the State Convention. Eight members are planning to attend.

Even though the chapter has spent a great deal of time participating in various local activities, the members gain a sense of satisfaction and consider each involvement a learning experience for all.

That's it from our corner of Murray, Kentucky.


By Pamela Roark-Glisson

Have you read a newspaper or your favorite magazine today? The answer is an emphatic YES for everyone who has subscribed to KY NFB-NEWSLINE®, thanks to the support of the Kentucky Office for the Blind, the National Federation of the Blind and Independence Place, Inc. This innovative cutting edge reading service is developing with the addition of new features and publications on a consistent basis.

New features which have been developed in the past few months and collaboration include a new revolutionary feature which has been added to NFB-NEWSLINE®, the free audible information service for the blind and others who cannot read print due to a physical or learning disability. With this groundbreaking job-listings feature, blind and print-disabled people will be able to easily and independently search for job openings that match their education, skills and interests. With the addition of content from a national job classifieds provider, NFB-NEWSLINE® subscribers can conduct searches for job openings in dozens of categories such as banking and education, and if desired, can narrow the search to look for certain keywords within the listings. Subscribers can save their searches and request that a particular job listing is sent to them via e-mail; the e-mail will contain the listing as well as a link that will provide a web page with the position's application form.

For over fifteen years NFB-NEWSLINE® has played a vital role in the daily lives of tens of thousands of blind and physically disabled Kentuckians. Now, with the addition of the innovative job-listings feature, NFB-NEWSLINE® subscribers can gain more than ever from this valuable service. By making the process of searching and applying for jobs easier, NFB-NEWSLINE® is increasing the independence of those blind and print-disabled individuals who are looking for employment.

NFB-NEWSLINE® allows those who cannot read conventional newsprint due to a visual or physical disability to access publications as well as television and job listings over the telephone, on the web, or by download to digital talking book players or MP3-playing devices. Podable downloads can be listened to from the desktop computer, or NFB-NEWSLINE® in Your Pocket can be carried with you anywhere you go, especially to those frustrating areas with no cell phone signal or wireless connection.

Another new item is the London telegraph - British newspaper Found in the Newsline International section – press the #9 3 times. The National Newsline Team management is seeking ideas of other countries subscribers would like to read about through the International community newspapers. Manage your favorites in e-mail delivery by going to the nfbnewslineonline.org web site. Pressing the pound 9 delivers an article on the Local Channel to your e-mail box just as it does a newspaper or magazine article from the general selections.

For the avid shopper, the Target circulars are now available on the KY NFB-NEWSLINE®! Simply key in your 5-digit Zip Code from the prompt found on the Main Menu Option #6 and begin thumbing through the listings of hundreds of products distributed through the Target store nearest you. Of course, TV listings with 2 weeks of programming guidance for one's specific home TV signal provider remains a favorite choice for the KY NFB-NEWSLINE® subscriber.

The advancement of the KY NFB-NEWSLINE® simply continues to provide more printed information to the eligible subscriber than ever before in history! If you have ideas, International newspaper desires, feedback on the current materials or other comments please contact Pamela Roark-Glisson, NFB-NEWSLINE® State Coordinator, at (859) 266-2807 or Toll Free at (877) 266-2807. Ms. Glisson can also be contacted by e-mail at pamela.roark-glisson@nfbky.org or through www.nfbnewslineonline.org.



Family in Transition!
By Nickie Pearl

(Editor's note: Nickie Pearl, president of the NFB of Greater Louisville shares her thoughts about her family and the changes in each of their lives. Here is what she has to say).

Our family is going through a huge transition. My first born, Hana, is 13, almost 14 years old and is a freshman in high School. Haley, who is 11 years old, will be starting her middle school career this year. Back in the winter when both girls had to apply to the schools they wanted to attend, we had high hopes and confidence that they'd both be successful. Unfortunately, neither girl got accepted to the school of her choice. Obviously, they were both upset and devastated. Our "home school" for Hana would be Iroquois High School. (Some of you may have heard of this school since it appears on the top 10 worst schools list in Kentucky). Needless to say, Hana will not be attending Iroquois! My daughter is a bright, outgoing and talented girl who deserves a better education. Hana is attending Presentation Academy, a Catholic all-girls high school. At first she was not at all looking forward to Presentation for several reasons. I was truly worried and nervous about this path. Hana decided to play field hockey for Presentation, even though she had never played this sport before. She did participate in lacrosse in middle school where she became an outstanding player. After starting field hockey her attitude toward the situation started to change. By the time the first day of freshman orientation was over she was excited and actually wanted to skip a trip to the mall to attend the second day of orientation. Now as a mom and former teenager, to me that was a huge positive step in the right direction. For a teenager to want to go to school instead of the mall, especially after her extreme reluctance to attend this school anyway...this was a good thing!

Hana is on her third day of school and so far so good. She is learning the high school ropes and is, of course, making tons of new friends. Her major goal at Presentation is to start a lacrosse team. If anyone can do this, it would be Hana.

Haley will be going into the 6th grade at Olmsted Academy South. This is the former Iroquois Middle and is the first and only public all-girls middle school in the state. Hana attended this middle school and really blossomed here. I was satisfied with the education at Olmsted and was content with Haley attending. Just as Hana, Haley was not looking forward to school starting until orientation day. There Haley got to meet some teachers, walk around the school, meet new classmates and reconnect with former classmates. When I picked Haley up and saw the smile on her face I had high hopes. I asked how she liked it and I got "I really like it and can't wait for school to start." Once again I was totally relieved.

As you know, I am an only child, so I don't get sibling rivalry or the bond. I do get how totally different siblings can be. Hana and Haley are so different; I have a jock and a princess. Hana is an outgoing social butterfly who will try anything. She has tried various sports and takes to athletics very easily. Haley, on the other hand, is shy and reserved and doesn't like change. She's never tried a sport but has been dancing for about six years and is teaching herself how to play the piano. Haley may step out of that comfort zone and try soccer at Olmsted.

As he has two beautiful young ladies as his step-daughters, Kevin is preparing for protective dad mode. He's been taking lessons at the gun range...I'm just joking! As our apron strings get longer to accommodate for football games, mixers, sleepovers and eventually boyfriends, we can only hope and pray we've instilled the proper morals and values in our girls. Kevin and I know it's going to be nerve racking and emotional for those apron strings to fray, but such is life.

I am extremely proud of both my girls. They are smart, beautiful, funny, talented and all around good young ladies. I promise to always give them what I can, teach them what I know and show them how to be independent, responsible adults. I'm looking forward to our family's future; I'm sure it's going to be exciting and at times challenging, but that's a family in transition!


Youth Slam Experience
by Danielle Burton

(Editor's note: Danielle Burton is a junior at Elliot County High School. She is one of the top students in her class. Danielle has participated in NFB's Braille Readers Are Leaders contest, where she has been recognized as one of the top readers in her age group. Below is what Danielle has to say about her experience at the 2011 Youth Slam).

This past summer I had the opportunity to attend the 2011 NFB Youth Slam. It took place in Baltimore, Maryland at Towson University. The campus was about eight miles outside of Baltimore.

I was in the Computer Science Track. We learned about Javascript and how to write codes for different programs. It was my first experience using a Macintosh computer.

One of my favorite things at Youth Slam was the Shark Dissection. It was the first time that I've done a dissection. I loved being able to explore the anatomy of a Dogfish Shark with my pod members and mentor.

The most exciting thing was being able to ride in the Blind Driver car on the last day of Youth Slam. I always wanted to just see the car. I never dreamed that I would ever have the opportunity to ride in it with Mark Riccobono. It's so cool how sensors work in the car.

I plan on applying for the 2013 Youth Slam again. I might even go back as a mentor in 2015 if I can. I'd encourage any blind or low vision high school student to apply in 2013. It's an experience that will definitely stay with you for the rest of your life. I feel more independent and confident after my week at Youth Slam.


By Cathy Jackson, President
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

I am looking forward to our 64th annual State Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky, how about you? We will convene the weekend of September 30, October 1 & 2, 2011 at the Capital Plaza Hotel, 405 Wilkinson Blvd., Frankfort, KY 40601.

Room rates are $79.00 per night, per room, plus tax. When making your reservation be sure to tell the operator that you are with the NFB of Kentucky to take advantage of our rate. Reservations must be made no later than Friday, September 9th. After this date our block of rooms will be released and I cannot guarantee you a room. You should call the hotel at (502) 227-5100.

Pre-registration is a way of life around here. This system has proven to work well for everyone, and it is especially convenient for our treasurer, Mike Freholm. The costs are as follows: registration $10, luncheon and open board meeting $10, and banquet $20. Make checks and money orders payable to NFB of Kentucky and mail to, Mike Freholm, 2012 Harris Way, Russell, KY 41169. Be sure to include names of all persons for whom you are registering and purchasing meal tickets. Mike must have your form and payment by Monday, September 19th. Those who miss this deadline will pay $5 extra for registration and each meal ticket. A pre-registration form appears at the end of this article.

A registration table will be open on Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM and again on Saturday morning from 8:00 until 8:45 AM. Those who have pre-registered will need to stop by to pick up your packet. Those who have not registered should do so during these scheduled times.

Tonia Gatton is in charge of planning exhibits for Friday afternoon and Evening. You will want to make time in your schedule to browse around the booths to see the latest equipment and visual aids available to the blind.

The NFB of Frankfort is hosting the Friday evening social. The members are in the process of finalizing these plans. But I can tell you that between 9:00 and Midnight we will have a good time.

We need to plan for childcare. If you intend to bring your child(ren) please contact Sandra Williams at (502) 807-7875, or complete the information provided on the pre-registration form. A project of this magnitude takes a great deal of time and planning. We must provide an environment that is well managed and safe for our kids. However, if we do not hear from you by Friday, September 23, we will assume that you do not need our services. We will make arrangements based on the number of children who have been confirmed.

The 2011 NFBK convention will call to order promptly at 9:00 AM, Saturday, October 1st. Our morning session will include persons involved in the field of education and rehabilitation for the blind, accessible voting, and information about a successful eBay business. We will also feature our Blinded Veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Our afternoon session will begin at 2:00 PM with a report from our National Representative, Amy Buresh. The rest of our afternoon will be devoted to legislation, resolutions, election of officers and any business that needs to be addressed.

Pamela Glisson is Chair of our Resolutions Committee. If you have a resolution you should contact her at pamela.roark-glisson@nfbky.org or by phone at (859) 335-9282. Pamela is very astute regarding these matters.

George Stokes will chair the awards committee. Contact George at george.stokes@nfbky.org or phone him at (502) 875-3111.

Please do not forget door prizes. Bring items for both men and women. If you aren't sure what is appropriate let your wallet be your guide.

For the sixth year now we are sponsoring the reverse raffle. This is such an important fundraiser because the profits go directly toward paying convention expenses. The cost of a raffle ticket is $10 and you just might be the lucky winner of $500 first prize, or $250 second prize. It gets better! The first name drawn will receive $25. Then, from here on the 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th name drawn - and so on, will receive $25. You have several opportunities to recoup your initial investment plus a few extra dollars. Tickets will be sold until we begin drawing names at the Friday night social. Once the drawing begins we cannot sell any more tickets. We continue drawing throughout the convention concluding at the banquet.

We have added another fundraiser. At a State Board meeting earlier this year it was decided that we would sell NFB key chains. They are round, silver in color with Whozit on one side and NFB on the reverse side. They are well made and make wonderful gifts. We sold close to 200 at the National Convention this past summer.

Speaking of the banquet, it is more than just a meal. We come together to enjoy ourselves with family and friends. We emphasize all that is good and wholesome about the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. We will also have the opportunity to hear a banquet address given by our National Representative, Amy Buresh. Take my word, you need to be there.

If you have any questions about the convention, or any of the activities please give me a call at (502) 366-2317 or email me at cathy.jackson@nfbky.org. I look forward to seeing you.


By Lora Felty

The year 2011 has been a busy one for Tonia Gatton and her husband, Greg. In February, after Tonia attended the pilot eBay training class at the Jernigan Institute, she and Greg started their own eBay business. In addition to selling their own items, they are able to sell stuff for other people. Soon Tonia will be a certified eBay trainer and able to train others to sell on eBay. If you want more information, you can email Tonia at tonia.gatton@nfbky.org. Tonia says, "Check out my eBay page for great deals on clothes, jewelry, collectibles, antiques, assistive technology and much more. http://myworld.ebay.com/gattonia/"

In April, Tonia began working in a new position at the Office for the Blind as an Assistive Technology Specialist at the McDowell Center. Now it's to be expected that a new job might require some new training and Tonia found this to be true. Her AT training took her north - way north. She spent a week in Anchorage, Alaska where her days were filled with hours of intensive instruction. We wish her all of the best in her new job, as well as, all of the best to both of the Gattons in their new business venture.

The NFB of Murray reports that member, Nona Basil, who currently works as an outreach consultant for the Kentucky School for the Blind, was recently married. Congratulations to Nona. Also, we wish Nona all of the best, as she retires this coming January. Nona will be sorely missed in the VI field, but we hope that she won't be a stranger to us in the NFB of Kentucky.

This information comes to us from Deja M. Powell, Programs Manager, Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness at Louisiana Tech University:

We are thrilled to announce that we will be offering the National Certification in Literary Braille (NCLB) test in Louisville, Kentucky on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. Stand out among teachers of the blind and visually impaired! Don't miss this opportunity to hold this important, nationally recognized, certification of literary Braille proficiency. For more information and to register, contact me at dpowell@latech.edu or by phone at (318) 257-2029.

Michael Hingson brings us this exciting news:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011 was the official release date for "Thunder Dog." If you want to read the story of Roselle and me as well as learn some life lessons around 9-11 you can now purchase the CD audio book or a print book at bookstores. Better yet, you can visit www.michaelhingson.com and purchase copies. Each one I sell on my site will come autographed as well as having a pawtograph from Roselle. Thanks for all your encouragement and support.

Members of the NFB of Greater Louisville would like to wish Sharon Eiland and her girls, Sierra and Jasmine, a fond farewell as they depart the bluegrass state to join husband/father, Mario in Vancouver, Washington. Mario, who has been out West since early this year, seems to be settling into his new job, and we are certain that the Eiland family will become an asset to the community just as it was here. We will miss them and hope that they will remember that they still have a Federation family in Kentucky that loves them.


Baked Potato Salad

Makes 12 servings
  • Ingredients
  • 8 medium potatoes, sliced
  • ½ pound sliced bacon
  • 1 pound processed American cheese, sliced
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • ¼ cup black olives, sliced

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish.

Put sliced potatoes into a large pot, and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, and cook until tender but still firm, about 10 minutes. Drain, and set aside.

At the same time, place bacon in a large deep skillet. Cook over medium-high heat until evenly browned. Remove to paper towels to drain.

In a large bowl, stir together the potatoes, cheese, onion, mayonnaise, salt, and pepper. Spoon into prepared baking dish. Crumble bacon over the top, and sprinkle with olives.

Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven, until golden brown.

Oven Barbecued Chicken

Makes 6 servings
  • Ingredients
  • 6 (8-ounce) chicken breast halves, bone-in
  • ⅓ cup chopped onion
  • ¾ cup ketchup
  • ½ cup water
  • ⅓ cup white vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon ground mustard
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ⅛ teaspoon pepper

In a nonstick skillet coated with nonstick cooking spray, brown chicken over medium heat. Transfer to a 13-in. x 9-in. x 2-in. baking dish coated with nonstick cooking spray.

Recoat skillet with nonstick cooking spray; cook onion over medium heat until tender. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Pour over chicken. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees F for 45-55 minutes or until chicken juices run clear and a meat thermometer reads 170 degrees F.

Too Much Chocolate Cake

Makes 12 servings
  • Ingredients
  • 1 (18.25 ounce) package devil's food cake mix
  • 1 (5.9 ounce) package instant chocolate pudding mix
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup warm water
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

In a large bowl, mix together the cake and pudding mixes, sour cream, oil, beaten eggs and water. Stir in the chocolate chips and pour batter into a well greased 12 cup bundt pan.

Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, or until top is springy to the touch and a wooden toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool cake thoroughly in pan at least an hour and a half before inverting onto a plate. If desired, dust the cake with powdered sugar.