A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by Denise Franklin, 3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759
E-mail: denise.franklin@nfbofky.org

Editorial staff:
Lora Felty, e-mail: lora.felty@nfbofky.org

Jennifer Hall, e-mail: jennifer.hall@nfbofky.org

Dennis Franklin, Formatting Specialist

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material may be submitted to any of the editors.

President's Corner

Upcoming 2010 NFBK State Convention
By Cathy Jackson, President, National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

I want to personally invite you to attend the 63rd annual State Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky the weekend of September 24, 25 and 26, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Hurstbourne, 1325 S. Hurstbourne Parkway, Louisville, Kentucky.

Room rates are $84.00 per night plus tax. When calling to make your reservation be sure to let the operator know that you are with the NFB of Kentucky in order to guarantee our rate. Reservations must be made no later than September 3rd. After this date our block of rooms will be released. I urge you to heed this warning since the Equestrian Games are being held during this same time and hotel rooms even as far west as Louisville are at a premium. You should call the hotel directly at 502-426-2600.

Financial assistance will be available for those who have never received assistance from NFBK to attend a state convention. Tonia Gatton, Charles Allen and John Glisson have been appointed to deal with these matters. There is an application form that must be completed and returned to any of the committee members by Monday, August 23rd.

Pre-registration is the name of the game. This system is convenient for everyone involved especially our treasurer, Ranelle. The cost of events is as follows: registration $10, luncheon and open board meeting $15, and banquet $20. Make checks and money orders payable to NFB of Kentucky and mail to, Ranelle Mackey, 202 Manor House Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. Be sure to include names of all persons for whom you are purchasing registrations and meal tickets. Ranelle must have your form and payment by Wednesday, September 15th. Those who miss this deadline will pay $5 extra for registration and meals. A pre-registration form appears at the end of this article.

A registration table will be open on Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM and again on Saturday morning from 8:00 until 8:45 AM. Those who have pre-registered will need to stop by to pick up their packets. Those who have not registered should do so during these times.

We are planning exhibits for Friday afternoon and Evening. At this time we have commitments from the American Printing House for the Blind, Lab Computer and EnVision America. You will want to make time in your schedule to browse around the booths to see the latest equipment and visual aids available to the blind.

The NFB of Greater Louisville is sponsoring the Friday evening social. The event will be held outdoors in the courtyard, weather permitting.

We will be providing child-care during all general sessions, the luncheon and the banquet. There is no cost to parents for this service. There will be space provided on the registration form for you to enroll your child(ren). Please do not overlook this portion of the form since it is imperative that we have an accurate count so that we can provide the best care possible for our little ones. Sandra Williams is coordinating this activity and is exploring several creative ideas to make sure the youngsters have an enjoyable day.

The 2010 NFBK convention will call to order promptly at 9:00 AM, Saturday, September 25th. The format of our convention will look pretty much like it has in years past. Our morning session will feature guests who are involved in the field of education and rehabilitation for the blind. The agenda is beginning to take shape, but we do not have firm commitments from our speakers yet.

Our afternoon session will begin at 2:00 PM with a report from our national representative, Scott LaBarre. Then we will proceed with legislation, resolutions, election of officers and any business that needs to be brought before the assembly.

Everyone will be attending our annual banquet, so you don't want to be left out. The members of the NFBK know how to work hard, but we also know how to have a good time. The banquet is the perfect place to relax and enjoy. Nickey Pearl, President of the Louisville Chapter, will be our Mistress of Ceremonies. If you remember the 2008 banquet, Nickie had us all in stitches with her "factoids". Scott LaBarre will deliver the banquet address. You will just have to wait to see who receives our scholarships and other NFBK awards.

NFBK's Divisions play an important part in our organization's success and represent several special interest groups. Divisions which choose to meet during convention weekend will be announcing the times for those various meetings as convention time draws nearer. Stay tuned for that information.

Pamela Glisson is Chair of our Resolutions Committee. If you have a resolution you would like presented you should contact her at pamela.roark-glisson@nfbofky.org or by phone at 859-335-9282. Pamela is very astute regarding these matters.

George Stokes will chair the Awards Committee. Contact him at george.stokes@nfbofky.org or by phone at 502-875-3111.

Nickie pearl has asked me to remind you to contribute door prizes. Bring items for both men and women. If you aren't sure what to donate I have just one word for you, cash.

For the fifth year now we are sponsoring the reverse raffle. This is such an important fundraiser because the profits go directly toward paying convention expenses. The cost of a raffle ticket is $10 and you just might be the lucky winner of $500 first prize, or $250 second prize. As if this isn't enough, the first name drawn and every twenty-fifth name thereafter will receive $25. Tickets will be sold up until we begin drawing names at the Friday night social.

If you have any questions about the convention or any of the activities please give me a call at 502-366-2317 or email me at cathy.jackson@nfbofky.org. I look forward to seeing you at the convention.


Compiled by Jennifer Hall

Greetings from Louisville! It's been a long hot summer here in Louisville but we are continuing to plug away. Back in May we held our Spring Luncheon at KT's Restaurant. We elected a slightly new board: Nickie Pearl, President; Kevin Pearl, Vice President; Scott Spaulding, Treasurer; Tonia Gatton, Secretary; Denise Franklin and Sarah Williams, Board Members. Our new Board got right to work and decided to move our meeting location from the McDowell Center to the Main branch of the Louisville Free Public Library. Not only did we change locations, we changed our meeting day as well. Instead of the third Friday evening now it's the third Saturday afternoon. So far so good. Everyone seems to like our new time and location. July's meeting which was all about "quiet cars" and the "Blind Drivers Challenge" brought out some faces we hadn't seen in quite some time. We were excited to see them and hope they continue to join us.

In August our chapter took a cruise! Unfortunately it wasn't a Carnival cruise but I'm sure we all had a great time. Sunday afternoon, August 15, 2010 found us cruising on the Belle of Louisville, tapping our toes to a live Bluegrass band.

We're also marking our calendars and making plans for "Meet the Blind" month in October. We've already have the St. Steven Martyr Health Fair scheduled for October 10, 2010.

Just in case you haven't heard, our board has come up with a great convention giveaway! Everyone who attends an NFBGL chapter meeting or event will have his/her name entered into a drawing for an all-expenses paid trip to next year's state convention. The winner will be drawn at our 2011 Spring Luncheon. For this year all our members will get their banquet ticket amount reimbursed to them. We are extremely fortunate to have a healthy treasury and would like to show our appreciation to our members.

We're looking forward to hosting another State Convention and can't wait to see all of our Federation friends here in September.
Submitted by Nickie Pearl, President, NFB of Greater Louisville

Lora Felty, President of the Ashland Chapter, wanted to report that they had a great picnic at Ashland Central Park on July 24! They also had members participate in the ADA Freedom Rally. Lora and Angela Dehart also attended the National Convention in Dallas this summer!

The Murray Chapter has been busy as usual! In May, we had our annual picnic attended by members and friends of the chapter. In June, we held our annual auction and it was a great success! In July, Danny and Anetta Perry, Brenda and Jackie Kimbro (with granddaughter, Ashley Dixon) and Barbara Monts attended all of the Freedom Rally festivities for the ADA Freedom Rally. Everyone is looking forward to State Convention in September with 8 members attending! We are also excited to announce that Jenny Dixon, daughter of Jackie and Brenda Kimbro, has opened a new business, The Basket Case! You can find out about the new business by logging onto Facebook!

NFB of Lexington has lost yet another tenacious Chapter member! Michael Freholm has moved onward to the Ashland Kentucky area. I do not believe he's lost to NFB, though, for his soon-to-be new bride, Kennetta Potter of the Office for the Blind, is sure to complement Mr. Freholm's NFB activity come September 4, 2010, as these two wonderful people will 'tie the knot', keeping in mind that little Miss Weslie Freholm will keep them both in line.

NFB of Lexington has been coming along on the forward path in the usual "Changing What It Means to be Blind" tradition! The Secretary of the chapter has had a rare opportunity to join old classmates of the graduating class of Cuba High School of 1969 to embark upon a motorcycle ride out across Missouri and Kansas. John Glisson left Mayfield Kentucky on May 17, on 'A Wing & a Prayer', riding with the Burna Baptist Church Pastor on the tour pack of a big Honda Gold Wing and very much in prayer all the way. These guys met up with their multi-millionaire aircraft builder in Missouri with other classmates and the "Memory Riders" Kansas explosion was on! John returned rejuvenated and ready to continue the NFB of Lexington progress in a finer fashion.

New membership of the Chapter is taking an active leadership role as Mr. Todd Stephens was elected to serve as Vice President during the April Spring Luncheon and Elections meeting. Currently, the Lexington Chapter Officers are: President, Pamela Roark-Glisson; Vice President, Todd Stephens; Treasurer, Desh Collier; Secretary, John Glisson; and Chaplain, Harley Cannon. The team has fantastic plans for the fall: September 18 2010 NFB Walk-A-Thon in the Merrick Park, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government 2nd Sunday Community Awareness Event and "Meet the Blind Month" activities; not to mention plans to capitalize upon the September 24-October 10 2010 World Equestrian Games to be hosted in the 'Horse Capital of the World'!

Regular monthly meetings continue, while NFB of Lexington partners with Independence Place, Inc. and the Kentuckiana Regional Group of the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA), Inc., Lexington, in many meaningful endeavors on behalf of the blind of Central Kentucky.

President Glisson often changes 'Hats' to accomplish meaningful work on behalf of the blind and individuals with disabilities in general across the Commonwealth. July 20-26, 2010 has been such an occasion. Serving as Executive Director of Independence Place, Inc., Pamela partnered with NFB Chapters, Leaders and members along with other disability rights and services private and public entities around Kentucky to host the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Freedom Relay and Rally. The statewide event took place in the cities of Murray, Paducah, Hopkinsville, Bowling Green, Louisville, Florence, Ashland, Hazard, Williamsburg, Lexington and culminating in Frankfort for the July 26, 2010 Grand Finale to celebrate 20 years of the ADA! All around the state, Pamela met with fellow Federationists like President Dan Perry and members of the Murray Chapter, President Cathy Jackson in Louisville and Frankfort, long-time member, merchant and staunch advocate Charles Allen in Frankfort, as well as George Stokes, of the Frankfort Chapter and State Vendor Committee, NFBK Secretary and NFB of Ashland President Lora Felty and other members around the state. The 'New Age Freedom Riders', in fact, were heavily enundated with Federationists, Pam and John Glisson, Brenda and Jackie Kimbro and Ashley Dixon, Dan and Anetta Perry, Barbara Monts, Desh Collier and Todd Stephens, along with disability rights advocates Dr. John Stephenson, Todd Steel, Daniel Wiggers and Mr. Arthur Campbell demonstrating to the Commonwealth that people with disabilities are respected and have the dedication and diligence to keep the 'Torch of Freedom' burning brightly in Kentucky!

The Kentucky NFB-NEWSLINE® remains a constant item on the front burner in Pam and John's lives! The Breathitt County/Jackson Times-Voice has come on board to provide the Kentucky Information Channel with the weekly publication reporting the news in and around Jackson Kentucky. The Troublesome Creek Times and Mountain Eagle are other Appalachian weekly publications expected to follow soon! The Kentucky Talking Book Library has begun to use the Kentucky Information Channel to post the Library's Newsletter. New subscribers are beginning to use Newsline on a regular basis. Never cease to talk to your State Representatives about the importance of Newsline in your life! As is all funding, the money necessary to keep the newspaper reading service in Kentucky is always at Risk! Currently the National NFB-NEWSLINE® Team is financially carrying the Kentucky Service! The 2005 5-year contract expired earlier this year and budget deficits, Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) stringent regulations on state spending and other factors have caused more lengthy negotiations to maintain the Kentucky NFB-NEWSLINE® in the Commonwealth. Do you want to continue to have the worldwide one-of-a-kind accessible electronic information service available to you? Express the service's benefits to your State Representatives soon!

For more information regarding NFB of Lexington, contact Pamela Roark-Glisson at (859) 335-9282 or by e-mail at pamela.roark-glisson@nfbofky.org. Regular monthly Chapter meetings are held on the third Saturday unless otherwise notified.

Jerry Young is happy to report that the Frankfort Chapter is raffling off a Netbook this year! Tickets are now available for $5 each. George Stokes has researched the Netbook and it is Jaws compatible! A few of the chapter's members participated in the ADA Freedom Rally.

Mr. Lloyd Agnew, President of the Henderson Chapter, reports that Sam Moore has graduated from Western and is working at a radio station in Owensboro. It has been difficult for the group to meet as a chapter. John King, 91 and a member for many years, now resides in a nursing home. He and his brother R.K. are being looked after by R.K.'s wife. Mr. Agnew and Joretta are still very active in their church and community!

The Kentucky Association of Blind Students (KABS) held its annual visit to KSB to meet with prospective students and share information about how KABS can support them in their academic endeavors. President Katie Penny and Board Member Sara Williams participated in this event. We have also been working on State convention details for our Student Seminar. We voted to abolish the previous Facebook page established by Kathy Athey, "Blind Students in KY" for a new KABS Facebook page at the request of Marissa Helms. We're looking forward to a great seminar and convention in Louisville!

This is a wrap for the Kentucky Round-Up! Hope everyone has had a blessed, cool Summer and that we can all join together for an awesome State convention in September!


Definition of a Leader

By Cathy Jackson, President,
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

When I say the word leader what do you immediately think of? I'll bet you are thinking of an elected officer of this organization, someone who holds a position on the State Board, your local chapter or in a division. The meaning of the word leader goes beyond being an officer or board member. There are those of you who really don't consider yourselves leaders and still others who don't believe you will ever become a leader. I hope to change this attitude.

We can look around us and see someone who has never held an office and really doesn't care whether the opportunity ever presents itself. But this individual is committed, is energized, is willing to get his/her hands dirty and break a sweat to get the job done; This my friends is a leader. If you have a passion for what you are doing, possess an imagination and a vision, have good ideas, can plan, and are willing to share your dreams with others, and are willing to do the jobs big and small for the common good of the organization, this my friends is a leader. If you are able to teach others about the Federation both through verbal explanation and by positive role modeling and mentoring, and because of your positive influence, move others toward our mission and beliefs, this my friends is a leader.

I have been president of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky for 10 years and a member of the National Board of Directors for 8. Just because I am a state president and a NFB board member doesn't mean I am more important than you, or, that I have reached the pinnacle of success and therefore I don't have to work as hard. This certainly isn't true. Leaders come in all sizes and ages. Mike Freholm is a founding member of the Ashland Chapter. He isn't on the state or local board but his commitment and service to the chapter is priceless. There are some who believe that if they aren't serving on the board there is no reason to attend state or national conventions, local chapter meetings or to participate in any activities. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I attended a president's seminar at our National Office in Baltimore, MD. The title of our seminar was Collective Leadership: Collective Accomplishments. It is a collective effort among all of us to do the work of the NFB. Dr. Maurer, our National President, couldn't possibly do the work of 50,000 members. We are one movement with the same mission and same philosophy but on different levels working collectively. We have 52 Affiliates and over 700 local chapters, not to mention our divisions. And goodness knows there are always committees being appointed to do a myriad of tasks. As a state president there are duties and responsibilities that are uniquely mine, but again neither I nor any state president could lead an affiliate without your help. Again it is a collective effort. Our local chapter presidents rely on their members. Many things go on at the local level such as issues with public transportation, speaking engagements to educate the public about blindness and fundraising events. Without members these things would not be accomplished. Collectively the local president and all of the members work with one another toward fulfilling our NFB missions.

Our Divisions can be best described as special-interest groups. Let's take the National Association to Promote the Use of Braille for example. Persons who belong to this group are more passionate about Braille and work to make sure that it is taught in our schools and at our rehab centers. Just because you don't belong to this division is not to say you don't care; it just means they are more vocal about the subject. But Lora Felty, President of our Kentucky Division and the other members are able to motivate us when a situation arises. They are able to use their influence when needed.

We have a Merchant's Division. You and I might not be blind merchants but we surely do care about what's going on. Charles Allen and the leaders in this division are able to put out a call to action and we rally ‘round. With all of the controversy surrounding the Randolph-Sheppard Act, we have over the past couple of years made thousands of phone calls, sent just as many e-mails, written position papers, attended meetings, presented solutions to the problem and submitted comments regarding Randolph-Sheppard to the Department of Education. We do this because we know what affects one blind person affects all of us. Again we call this collective leadership.

We have Legislative Committees in most states. Our committee chair, Pamela Glisson keeps us abreast of what is happening both nationally and statewide. When we are asked to work to either pass or defeat a particular piece of legislation we know it is serious business. And collectively we will get the job done.

Our Parents Division led by Maria Jones offers a wonderful resource for our parents of blind children. These parents may need guidance on how to write an IEP or deal with a classroom situation involving their child. Parents who have never dealt with blindness before can turn to the Organization of Parents of Blind Children for a shoulder to lean on. There is a wealth of information available to help them understand their child can grow up happy and healthy leading a rich, productive life.

Katie Penny and the members of our Students Division have a particular focus. They network with high school and college students to overcome issues facing young adults. These matters may be social in nature, they may center on how best to approach a professor or rehabilitation counselor, or which piece of equipment to purchase. The leaders and members of this division stand ready to offer assistance. The common thread that runs through all of our chapters and divisions is the advancement of the NFB philosophy and teachings.

There is a chain of command so to speak. I and all other state presidents report to Dr. Maurer. Each local chapter president and division president answers to the affiliate president. When there are projects and activities within the local chapter or division, that president calls the shots and the membership should direct all inquiries to him/her. Even though I am a member of the NFB of Greater Louisville, when it comes to chapter business I take direction from President, Nickie Pearl. I do not usurp my authority. There are definitely situations that although they may originate in a local chapter or division may clearly become a matter for the state president to handle. Any legal matters such as threats or impending legal action should be brought immediately to my attention. Before a contract is signed for any event I must first have our attorneys at the national office look it over. This is a precautionary measure so that we do not find ourselves being scammed, or in a legal dispute down the road.

To be good leaders we must learn to evaluate our projects, and learn from our mistakes, or revel in our successes. We need to be able to take constructive criticism in the spirit it is intended and be humble when accepting praise.

It isn't always easy being in a position of leadership. We have a great big bull's-eye painted on our back. We are much more likely to hear from people who are disgruntled and frustrated when things aren't going exactly as they believe they should, than we are from those who perceive things as going smoothly. We need to complement our leaders when the job is well done.

Our members are our most valuable asset, and it is incumbent upon all of us to build our membership and our leadership so that we can continue the work of the NFB far into the future. We must take our commitment to the NFB seriously. If we are elected to a position, or volunteer for a job, we must follow through with the obligation. It is easy to get overwhelmed, it happens to me too. But we cannot give up. We just need to take a deep breath and carry on. Apathy and lack of interest can spread like a cancer. But neither you nor I can afford to let this disease fester. If we do, it will be the ruin of our organization. All state affiliates and chapters go through ebb and flow cycles but this is different than lethargy. We need to remember that the NFB is bigger than any one of us but together we make it the largest organization of the blind in the nation speaking for the blind. I promise to be available to the membership to offer the best advice and opinions I know how. I will continue to fight the good fight. I will march with each and every one of you in this organization to Change What It Means To Be Blind. But remember, I can't do it alone, it's called Collective Leadership: Collective Accomplishments.

UCLA Eye Study Seeks Volunteers

By Carlos Carballo,
Clinical Research Coordinator

The Jules Stein Institute at UCLA is seeking clinical research volunteers for a nationwide study of genetic and other risk factors that contribute to the development of age-related macular degeneration. This is an observational study, not a treatment trial. Individuals are not required to travel to UCLA but will participate through a confidential and secure website. For more information and to find out if you are eligible call 1-800-286-8581.


By Denise Franklin

We've all heard the old expression, "you can't see the forest for the trees." Even though I have said it dozens of times, I recently came face to face with a situation that so completely illustrated this cliché it left me speechless.

The national Federation of the Blind (NFB), has been a part of my life for almost forty years and I have been presented with many opportunities to inform others about the various programs and benefits the NFB affords to blind and visually impaired people. Most of the time the words come easily and I truly enjoy talking about everything from NEWSLINE to Youth Slam and Braille literacy to the car for the blind.

A few weeks ago my husband and I had lunch with a couple we had recently met. The conversation flowed easily and I naturally began talking about NFB and our upcoming State Convention and a fundraiser we were promoting. Our companions told us about their 17-year-old son who is deaf and about their struggles in obtaining services for him and their concern about his lack of a social life.

As I listened I thought,This could be a conversation about a blind child in 1935, before that small group of individuals who weren't afraid to dream of a better life, got together in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania to organize the NFB.

Over lunch that day, I heard the frustration in the voices of those parents as they wished fervently that the deaf community had an organization like the National Federation of the Blind. They talked about what a tremendous help it would be to just be able to share their problems with other parents facing similar issues.

In the days since that lunch that conversation has haunted me. While I have always thought of myself as a staunch Federationist, I now have a new appreciation for our organization. I feel certain that as I listen to the legislative report at our State Convention, participate in "Meet the Blind" activities or access my local newspaper on NEWSLINE, I will be thinking, What would my life be like without the NFB?

This is why we should be active and enjoy being a part of this wonderful movement where thousands of blind people have realized their dreams—whether that dream meant snagging that teaching position you worked so hard to get or learning to use a white cane to walk down the street to visit a friend. Those are victories for us all.


By Lora Felty

Saying Good-Bye to a Fellow Federationist...

Buffa Hanse has spent the last twelve years promoting Federation philosophy in Kentucky. She left on August 1 to begin a new job in Richmond, Virginia, where she will teach at the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired. Buffa is excited about this new step in her life. A Federationist is currently running the Virginia Center, and other supporters of the structured discovery method of rehab teaching promoted by Federation philosophy are on staff. Although this is not an NFB center, leaders hoped to put much Federation philosophy into practice. Buffa hopes that her new position will allow her the freedom to promote her strong belief in this style of rehabilitation.

Buffa came to Kentucky twelve years ago when she enrolled at the University of Louisville in the teacher education program to receive certification in teaching students with visual impairments. She said that it was a struggle when she first came to Kentucky, but she is so grateful to have had individuals like Tim Cranmer and Betty Niceley who supported and encouraged her. Ten years ago, in 2000, Buffa was employed as the Braille instructor at the Charles McDowell Rehabilitation Center in Louisville, where she has tried, although often discouraged to do so, to instill Federation philosophy into her students. Buffa loves teaching Braille, and her dream is that all Braille users would have a refreshable Braille display. Since many adults struggle with tactual perception when first learning Braille, Buffa believes that this tool would greatly increase Braille literacy skills, especially for this particular group.

Buffa was first introduced to the NFB at age 17, but did not really get involved until the early '90s when she had the opportunity to attend the Louisiana Center for the Blind. Buffa learned many things while she was there and she wants to give back to the Federation some of what it gave to her.

Since moving to Louisville, Buffa has been going through the process of conversion into the Jewish faith. Her conversion has been both fulfilling and rewarding. She feels that the strict structure and discipline that is demanded have helped her to deal with personal, emotional issues. She regrets, however, that due to the requirements of the Jewish faith, she has been limited in her participation in Federation activities. We wish Buffa well. Good luck and keep in touch.

Several members of the Greater Louisville Chapter of the NFB of Kentucky are having a busy and exciting summer. First of all, our own NFB of Kentucky President, Cathy Jackson, retired from the Jefferson County Public Schools where she worked for the past eleven years as the Braille Clerk in the Office of Exceptional Education's Visual Impairment Department. Prior to her job with the JCPS, she worked in other clerical and Braille production positions. To celebrate her retirement, Cathy spent a week at Disney World in Orlando, Florida with her daughter and granddaughters. I suppose she wanted to get a little preview of the 2011 venue for the NFB National Convention. Congratulations to Cathy. Even though you are retired, we know that your work with the NFB won't let much grass grow under your feet. Enjoy that extra leisure time anyway.

Mary Harrod, also of Louisville, resigned her position as dorm parent at the Kentucky School for the Blind to take a job at the Charles McDowell Rehabilitation Center for the Blind as Consumer Services Coordinator/Counselor. Her main duties are scheduling classes for clients and troubleshooting student issues and concerns. I am sure her students at KSB will greatly miss her, but she will certainly be a wonderful addition to the McDowell Center staff. Mary, your Federation family wishes you the best of luck in your new job!

Bo Mullins, another member of NFBGL, is having a new adventure this summer. He has been training with his new dog, Duke, in Morristown, New Jersey at the Seeing Eye since mid-July. He will be returning to Louisville soon and is anxious to test the techniques he has been practicing. "My instructor told me that Duke and I were having our own little war and that he was winning. As time went on, I wore him down and he started listening to me and now we travel very well together," Bo confides. This experience has had its challenges but since Bo has lost a great deal of travel vision as a result of retinitis pigmentosa, he feells that using a dog guide will assist him as he adjusts to changes in his sight and his independent travel needs. Good luck to Bo. We are looking forward to meeting Duke at the State Convention in September.

Wedding Bells Are Rining...

Congratulations to Michael Freholm and Kennetta Potter. They will be married at the South Shore Church of God on Saturday, September 4, 2010. Michael has been a member of the NFB of Lexington for the past five years, and Kennetta works as the counselor in the Ashland office of the Kentucky Office for the Blind. They met at the 2009 NFBK State Convention in Ashland, and their romance blossomed after they met once again at a transition fair at Morehead State University last November. Michael and his daughter, Wesley, moved from Lexington to Raceland, Kentucky this summer, and are getting settled in their new home. Michael says it's nice, but a little strange to be living back at home. He never thought he'd be back here to live. Sometimes life takes you on paths you don't expect. Plans are well underway for Michael and Kennetta's wedding. Members of the NFB of Ashland are pleased to welcome Michael, Kennetta and Wesley into the Ashland Federation family.


Earlier this spring, Tonia Gatton, Secretary for the NFBGL, decided she wanted to reread "Charlotte's Web", a classic she had enjoyed several years ago. Now on the surface this item doesn't sound newsworthy, but the story doesn't end there. Using her home computer she downloaded the digital Talking Book. Just like that, Tonia made history! It turns out that Tonia's download was the one millionth piece of reading material delivered by the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) part of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). Keep reading, Tonia, maybe you can be two millionth.



There is no way around it, this has been a very hot summer. You can't beat a dip in the pool or an ice cold drink for relieving the heat stress. The following recipes are guaranteed to take your mind off the temperature and keep you smiling.

Tricolor Pasta Salad

  • Makes 6 servings
  • 1 (16-ounce) package tricolor spiral pasta
  • 1 (16-ounce) package frozen California blend vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots)
  • 1 (2.25-ounce) can sliced ripe olives, drained
  • 1 cup Italian salad dressing
  • 8 oz of canned chopped green chili peppers
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic salt (optional)
  • Cook the pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, place vegetables in a microwave-safe dish. Cover and microwave at 50% power for 7-8 minutes or until thawed. Drain. Drain pasta and rinse in cold water. In a bowl, combine the pasta, vegetables and olives.
  • Combine salad dressing and garlic salt; pour over salad and toss to coat. Refregerate until serving time.

Summertime Tropical Fruit Salad

  • Makes 2 to 4 servings
  • 1 mango, peeled, seeded and cubed
  • 1 papaya, peeled, seeded and cubed
  • 2 mandarin oranges, peeled and segmented
  • 2 kiwis, peeled and sliced
  • ½ fresh pineapple, peeled, cored and cubed
  • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 (7-ounce) jar marshmallow fluff
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • In a large bowl, gently toss together the mango, papaya, oranges, kiwis and pineapple.
  • In a medium bowl, blend cream cheese, marshmallow and vanilla extract on medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Topping can be poured over fruit or left in a separate bowl for dipping.

Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad

  • Makes 8 servings
  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and quartered
  • 1 pint blueberries
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4 bananas
  • Mix the strawberries and blueberries together in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice and toss lightly. Refrigerate until cold, at least 30 minutes. About 30 minutes before serving, cut the bananas into ¾-inch thick slices, and toss with the berries.
    (Note: Red raspberries can be substituted for the strawberries).