A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759
e-mail: denise.franklin@nfbofky.org

Editorial staff:
Lora Felty, e-mail: lora.felty@nfbofky.org
Sandra Williams, e-mail: sandra.williams@nfbofky.org
Dennis Franklin, Formatting Specialist

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.


More of the Same

by Cathy Jackson,
President, NFB of Kentucky

You have all heard the old saying, "The more things change the more they stay the same." This adage is true in Federation work as well. Many of you will remember back to early 2001 when a blind lady was caught with her gun as she went through the metal detector in an office building here in downtown Louisville. The media had a hayday with this piece of news. Of course the emphasis of the story focused on the fact that she was blind and was carrying a weapon, not that she successfully passed the test and received her license to carry a concealed deadly weapon (CCDW). Many in the public were outraged to learn that a blind person was actually carrying a gun. How could that be? A State Representative even went so far as to suggest the law be changed to prevent blind people from having guns. Thank goodness her colleagues in the House saw the error in her thought processes and talked her out of presenting such legislation. Had she introduced a bill, and had she garnered enough support to actually have the law changed, it would have meant that blind people in the state of Kentucky would have lost the right to bear arms, which is afforded every citizen in this country. The news soon died down and the story was forgotten. We dodged a bullet that time, no pun intended.

Last November, I got a call from Tim Davis, a member of the NFBK who lives in Owensboro. For quite some time Tim had thought about getting his license to carry a concealed deadly weapon (CCDW). He finally decided to take the required training course that all applicants must take before obtaining a license. Tim passed the test and was issued a training certificate. When Tim went to apply for his license at the Office of the Davies County Sheriff, suddenly his blindness became an issue. The Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) was notified of Tim's blindness. This department is charged with the duty of administering the training for applicants applying for their CCDW license. Subsequently an investigation was launched. They alleged that the firing exercise was not administered properly thus violating Section 2(2) of KRS 4:050. It was learned that Tim was led to the firing line, and, because he was able to hear the instructor staple the target he knew where the staple/target was. It was also stated that Tim was allowed to take a practice shot and was told where the bullet hit the target. I am not sure if allowing a practice shot was out of line with the testing procedures, but come on—where is the harm in telling him where the bullet struck the target?

Tim has been told that in order to receive his license he must take the test again without any assistance whatsoever. He has been told that once he gets out of the car at the range, he can have absolutely no assistance to the firing line, or be told where the target is. The letter I wrote to Mr. Steven Lynn, Assistant General Counsel in the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet follows this article. I hope I made myself perfectly clear about which line I am standing on.

February 20, 2012
Stephen Lynn, Assistant General Counsel
Justice and Public Safety Cabinet
Office of Legal Services
Department of criminal justice
Funderburk Building
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475-3102

Dear Mr. Lynn:

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Cathy Jackson, President of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. We are the State Affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind, the nation's oldest and largest organization of the blind speaking for the blind. It is our belief that blind people can do whatever they set out to do provided we are given the proper training and tools. This training can be something as simple as learning to use a white cane so that one can travel independently to the corner grocery, or it might be as challenging as earning a doctorial degree in chemistry so that a blind man or woman can teach on the university level. No matter what the objective the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky stands ready to see that the goal becomes a reality.

It is also important that we educate the general public about blindness. There are many negative attitudes and misconceptions about blind people. We are capable individuals. We go to work and school, we get married and raise families and we are active in our communities. In short, we are just like you. Blindness is just a characteristic and nothing to be ashamed of.

This brings me to the purpose of my letter. One of our members, Timothy Allen Davis, received a letter from your office dated September 20, 2011, regarding his application to receive a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon (CCDW). In your letter you stated that the live firing exercise that Mr. Davis took did not comply with regulations established in KAR 4:050. You specifically cite section 2(2)(b.) 0f 503 KRS 4:050 which states: Without receiving any assistance in holding, aiming, or firing from the instructor or any other person. From what I have learned about the matter there were no violations. I am quite sure that the sighted people taking the test were told to "stand behind this line". It should be understood that walking a blind person to the same line is no different. Had Mr. Gregory allowed Mr. Davis an unfair advantage by letting him stand closer to the target you may have a point. Telling a blind person that the target is directly in front of him and where the bullet struck the target can hardly be perceived as assisting him.

It is my understanding that this matter came to light when Mr. Davis was shown where to properly sign his name. This is common practice. I believe the real problem is your fear of blindness and your lack of knowledge. Why wasn't his blindness addressed sooner? Is it because no one believed he could actually pass the test? Blind people have the same rights under the constitution to protect themselves and/or their property. Just because we may apply for and receive our license to carry a weapon in no way means we will be taking the law into our hands. We will not brandish our weapon while standing on the bus corner. However, if we are threatened with bodily harm while standing on that same corner we have every right to defend ourselves. The offender would obviously be in close proximity--close enough for a blind person to know exactly where he was standing. A weapon could be fired without harming anyone else. If a perpetrator broke into my home I am quite sure my ability to fire a gun in the dark is considerably better than yours since I am accustomed to using blindness skills.

In 2001, it was discovered that a blind lady here in Jefferson County was carrying a gun. It was detected when she went through a metal detector. The news media brought it to the attention of the public and members of the state legislature. Joanie Jenkins, a member of the Senate thought she would introduce legislation to change the law so that it would be virtually impossible for a blind person to carry a gun. Her colleagues saw the error of her proposal and convinced her to drop any such action. They were wise enough to see that what she was suggesting was discrimination against a minority group. By asking Mr. Davis to take the test again or lose his certificate is discrimination. I believe it is important that you know there are other blind citizens in Kentucky who possess a license to carry. How do you suppose this happened? It happened because they took the test, passed and no one considered it to be dangerous for the blind person or the public.

I have no doubt that Timothy Davis could pass the required test if he chose to take it a second time. But I am asking you to reconsider your stand on this matter and allow him to receive his CCDW that he rightfully earned.


Cathy Jackson, President
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

CC: Jack Conway, Attorney General
James Gregory

NFB Washington Seminar 2012

By Pamela Roark-Glisson

Federationists! The NFB Washington Seminar 2012 was a gigantic success in early February.

NFB of Kentucky (NFBK) was well represented and joined Federationists from every state in the Union and filled more rooms in the Holiday Inn on C Street than ever before. President Jackson's innovation to have the NFBK Board of Directors and Officers attend the Seminar this year was very productive. NFBK Members attending were: President Cathy Jackson, 1st Vice President Pamela Roark-Glisson, 2nd Vice President Charles Allen, Secretary Lora Felty, Treasurer Mike Freholm and Board Members John Glisson, Denise Franklin, Sandra Williams and Tonia Gatton. Betty Allen also attended along with Amber Case, a University of KY Intern student for Independence Place, Inc.

Teachers and parents of blind children from around the country also attended the 2012 Washington Seminar and, for the first time, a training session was conducted for them in addition to having NFB members present from their respective states. Teachers and parents had the opportunity to meet home state Federationists and interact in training activities with the voice of blindness experience participating and guiding. Two teachers from northern KY, one of whom has a blind child, were among our delegation and they had the opportunity to attend some of the Congressional meetings as well as Mark Riccobono's testimony before Senator Harkin's committee on the Senate floor.

Issues for the 2012 Washington Seminar were: (1) The Fair Wages for People with Disabilities Act which currently has fifty-nine Members of Congress signed on as co-sponsors; (2) The Home Appliance Accessibility Act which appeared to be better received in Congress as opposed to last year's all-encompassing Technology Access Act; and (3) Americans with Disabilities Business Opportunities Act which urges Congress to also include people who are blind and people who have other disabilities with women and minorities perceived as disadvantaged and receiving priority under the Small Business Administration legislation in Section 8a. Congressmen John Yarmuth, Ben Chandler, Brett Guthrie and Geoff Davis with whom the KY Delegation met personally all expressed favor and support for the three issues, but also had questions. The top Legislative Aids of the remaining Senators and Congressmen appeared attentive and supportive but cannot speak for the Member.

Kentucky's work has just begun! Upon the arrival of the KY Delegation to respective homes in the Commonwealth, our collective advocacy efforts and follow-ups with the Congressional members' offices regarding the three issues listed above is the force that will join nationally to 'change what it means to be blind'! We must all communicate to our elected U.S. Representatives the importance of these three issues to the blind of Kentucky!

For more information regarding the three issues, please contact the NFBK Officer or Board of Directors Member closest to you; or call or e-mail your Legislative Committee Chairlady Pamela Roark-Glisson at (859) 948-3663 or pam.glisson@insightbb.com. If you are comfortable to voice your support for the three issues, simply call the U.S. Capitol switchboard, (202) 224-3121, and request to speak to Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, along with your Member of Congress who is one of the following: Congressman Ed Whitfield-District 1, Congressman Brett Guthrie-District 2, Congressman John Yarmuth-District 3, Congressman Geoff Davis-District 4, Congressman Hal Rogers-District 5 or Congressman Ben Chandler-District 6.


(Editor's Note) The following article first appeared in a Kernel Book several years ago, but it's message is just as timely today as it was then.


By Nickie Pearl

Halloween around the Priddy household is celebrated with great enthusiasm, as are most holidays. My two daughters, Hana (six) and Haley (four), are discussing what they will dress up as for weeks before the actual day arrives. That is reason enough not to put much thought and time into a costume until a week or so ahead of time. Once that final decision is made, it is understood that further changes are unacceptable.

This year was no exception. Hana had decided early on that she was going to be a black cat, and she didn't waver from her choice. Haley, on the other hand, changed her mind everyday at least once. First she wanted to be "Dora the Explorer," and "Sponge Bob Square Pants" was also a high priority on her list. The latter was my personal favorite since I thought it would be fairly easy and fun to make. Then I found a reasonably priced M&M costume. Since Hana could wear the black cat costume she wore for her spring dance recital, it would be a small price to pay considering how much time and energy I would save making a costume. Now for the hard part--trying to convince Haley. With all of my parental powers of persuasion I was finally able to talk her into being a red M&M.

Halloween arrived, and the girls' excitement bubbled over. It was difficult to get them to sit still long enough to eat. But with dinner over and faces and hands washed, it was time to don the costumes and makeup. Pictures were taken to commemorate the occasion. Like most families, we enjoy looking through our pictures and taking trips down memory lane over the years. The girls bounded down the steps with trick-or-treat bags clutched in their hands. As they skipped and danced from one house to another, I was close behind with my white cane.

At one house a neighbor asked, "Who are you supposed to be?" I realized instantaneously she was talking to me. I also knew exactly what prompted her question. I have been using my cane for only a very short time and most of the neighbors are not accustomed to seeing me with it. However, as my vision worsens, I am using it more and more, especially in the evening when my vision is extremely poor. The way the question was presented, "Who are you supposed to be? " could have been answered with any number of derogatory responses. I knew, however, that those replies would sound more like an insult to blind people everywhere. So I decided to seize the opportunity and turn it into a teaching moment. I explained that since my sight had deteriorated over the past couple of years, I had taken orientation and mobility with my cane in order to travel more safely and freely.

There were also neighbors who, after asking what I was dressed as, realized their mistake and began to stammer. I tried to put them at ease by saying, "No trick here, I am a blind lady." I went on to tell them that just the week before at our local NFB of Greater Louisville Halloween party, I dressed as "Ms. Blind USA," complete with formal sash and tiara.

As we made our way down one side of the street, the girls met up with their two cousins and their aunt and uncle. My six-year-old niece Lexis asks, " What is that?" The "that" she was referring to was my cane. Once again I was given the opportunity to educate. I told her (in words I hoped she would understand) that it was my white cane; when I carry it with me, it is like having a pair of eyes that work. The explanation seemed to satisfy her curiosity.

For the rest of the evening there were no more questions. Hana had taken up the chant, "My Mom isn't really dressed up. That is her cane. She uses it to help her see what is in front of her." I didn't realize that trick-or-treating could be such an educational experience. But we never know when circumstances may present themselves.

We talk of educating the public on blindness. The public does not mean just employers, teachers, and local officials. It also includes our family, friends, and neighbors. Many of our local NFB chapters across the country sponsor Meet-the-Blind-Month activities in the month of October to raise awareness about blindness. We set up booths at our local Wal-Mart stores to distribute our NFB literature. We visit doctors' offices introducing ourselves and leaving pamphlets for the staff and patients to read. We do NFB-NEWSLINE demonstrations in our local libraries.

All of these events serve a very valuable purpose: they are designed to educate the public. However, if you believe that the impression you make as a blind person in your own neighborhood does not matter--think again. We can change what it means to be blind, one person at a time.


By Denise Franklin

You hear their names, you read articles they have written And you say hello and shake hands with them at conventions, but how much do you really know about the people who serve on the NFBK Board? Over the next several issues of the Kentucky Cardinal we will be featuring profiles of these Kentuckians who spearhead our Federation movement in the Commonwealth.

Cathy Jackson, President
Advocate, Braille Specialist, and Mother

Mary Catherine Brothers (Cathy) was born on October 25, 1949, in Louisville, Kentucky, to Charles and Catherine Brothers. She is the third of nine children, four girls and five boys.

Cathy was born with congenital cataracts. In 1949 few resources were available to parents of blind children. The National Federation of the Blind was only nine years old, and the Kentucky affiliate was only two years old. The Brothers family had not heard of either. Her parents had never known any other blind people and couldn't imagine what the future might hold for their daughter. However, they decided that a common-sense approach was their best avenue. Luckily for Cathy, they never considered any approach to raising their blind daughter other than the methods they were using to raise their two older boys. After several eye surgeries Cathy gained some usable vision in her right eye. At age five she was enrolled in a Roman Catholic school. Her parents chose this educational setting since the school offered a sight-saving class, where she would have access to large-print books and other materials that would make classroom work easier. Then in the fall of 1960 Cathy was enrolled at the Kentucky School for the Blind, where she remained until graduating from high school in 1967. Her parents and teachers decided that it would be more beneficial for her to attend school where she would have access to all of her textbooks in large print and, perhaps more important, where she could learn Braille.

This was Cathy's first exposure to totally blind peers and adults. Although she had been around other visually impaired students at her elementary school, the majority of them could see considerably better than she. She and her parents soon learned that blindness was simply a physical condition, certainly not one that would keep her from achieving whatever goals she set for herself. During these seven years while attending the Kentucky School for the Blind, she began to learn not to be ashamed of her blindness. She learned to advocate for herself and others. Being student council president during her junior and senior years launched her political career.

During the summer of 1967 Cathy attended the Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind. An ill-advised rehabilitation counselor thought this training would be the crowning touch to prepare her for college in the fall. That summer school Lighthouse class of 1967 was comprised of very bright, outgoing, normal young adults, who turned the tables on the Lighthouse staff and teachers. As Cathy remembers the experience, the adults were the ones to get the education when the students refused to be bound by the low expectations and negative attitudes of the staff. At this point in her life she still had not heard about the National Federation of the Blind but was already preaching and practicing NFB philosophy.

Upon graduation from high school Cathy attended Spalding University, formerly Catherine Spalding College in Louisville, Kentucky. She majored in psychology, minored in sociology, and took an active part in academic, student government, and social organizations. The blindness skills and attitudes she had learned at the Kentucky School for the Blind and even the negative attitudes she had been exposed to at the Lighthouse the summer before college were beginning to pay dividends. Cathy was growing into an adult with increasingly resolute convictions and positive attitudes.

In 1972 Cathy met Betty Niceley, the longtime leader of the Kentucky affiliate and for many years a member of the NFB board of directors. The rest is history. This friendship began her formal Federation education. Although Cathy was slow to join the Federation, Betty never gave up on recruiting her. In 1975 Cathy became a member of the Louisville Association of the Blind, the former name of the local NFB chapter. Through the years Cathy eventually served as secretary, vice president, and president of the National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville. She was also treasurer of the National Association to Promote the Use of Braille of Kentucky. In the Kentucky affiliate she has served as board member, treasurer, first vice president, and now president. At the 2002 annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind held in Louisville, she was elected to the board of directors of the National Federation of the Blind.

Cathy has held a variety of jobs through the years. During college she was employed at the Kentucky Industries for the Blind (now CLI) to do seasonal contract work. For a short time after college Cathy worked for the state of Kentucky as a social worker in the Food Stamp Office. After staying home to raise her daughter, Cathy has worked successively as the program coordinator for the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky Braille Service Center, a clerical support staff member in a law office, and the Braille clerk for the Jefferson County school system. But her favorite job of all was stay-at-home mom to her daughter Dana Nicole. She volunteered as a classroom aide, did substitute teaching, and worked as a secretary in the principal's office. She served as president of the school Parent Teacher Association, secretary of the athletic club, and member of the parish council. In addition she coached both the peewee basketball team and the cheerleading squad.

Cathy has received a number of awards for academic and athletic achievement, but the two awards she cherishes most are the Susan B. Rarick and Harold L. Reagan awards presented to her by the NFB of Kentucky. Cathy comments that her roots and commitment to the NFB go deep and that the past thirty-seven years are just the beginning.

Danny Perry, Director
Western Kentucky's Federation Voice

If you visit Murray, Kentucky, you probably wouldn't have to look too hard to find some one who knows Danny Perry. You might even encounter a relative since Danny comes from a rather large family that has lived in this part of Kentucky for several decades. Danny, who was born in 1955, is one of ten children. Supported by a father with a job at the sawmill, the family was not wealthy, but they had what they needed. "We had six rooms and a path so we managed pretty well," Danny remembers. He has always had some usable vision, and Danny says that his parents never made any differences in the way they raised him. "You know, with ten kids you just don't have the time or money to specialize on one," Danny confessed.

Following graduation from public high school which he had attended for twelve years, Danny worked for a time at a grocery store. It was about this time that a close friend introduced Danny to a girl who lived in his neighborhood. He finally convinced Danny to ask her out which lead to several years of courtship and a proposal. Danny and Anetta have been married for 29 years and thoroughly enjoy the smalltown life.

Danny credits John Glisson for bringing him into the Federation in the early '90's. They had organized a small support group which became an official NFBK chapter in 1996. When John left Murray in 1999, Danny moved into the presidency of the fledgling chapter and remains in that position today. Even though the chapter may not be the largest in the state, its members are staunch NFB supporters and love nothing better than spreading the Federation philosophy throughout western Kentucky.

Danny Perry is a man who loves his town, but he and Anetta like to take a little time to visit Panama Beach, Florida whenever they get a chance. They have attended many State and National Conventions along with other chapter members. If you do find yourself in Murray someday, keep an eye out for Danny, tooling along the streets on his mountain bike, his favorite mode of transportation.


COMPILED BY Sandra Williams

(Editor's Note: We begin our journey across the Commonwealth with a new face in the position of Chapter President in our state capital.)

Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Karen Mayne, and I am the newly elected president of the NFB of Frankfort chapter.

I really hope that I will be able to lead this chapter in the same way as my predecessors, Gerald Young and Charlie Allen. I have big shoes to fill; however, I am confident that I will do my very best to keep our chapter going strong.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my board members without whom I would not be able to do my job. They are really wonderful people, and so are all the members of our chapter. It is my goal that we can find more people here in Frankfort to join our chapter.

It will not be long before our State Convention rolls around. We have several things that we will be raffling off at that time--they include a gas card, a quilt and an afghan. We look forward to seeing everyone at the state convention that will be held in Frankfort again this year.
Karen Mayne, President

Here in Louisville we sure have enjoyed the mild winter weather! Just a couple of weeks ago we were thrilled to host our annual chili supper, auction and chili cook-off. Saturday, February 25th was another mild day and sure did bring out the chili enthusiasts. This event has grown to be such an exciting and profitable one that it just gets bigger each year. This year we welcomed about 80 guests and we had five cook-off entries. Cindy Smith was the Grand Champion of the Chili cook-off. She received a $25 Kroger gift card and a trophy. I would like to once again thank everyone who joined us, and express appreciation to all the businesses and organizations who donated to our auction.

In keeping with our "Out of the Box" theme for the year, in January Maria Jones, along with the Southeast YMCA, organized a fitness and nutrition activity. Nicole from the YMCA led us in some light exercises and stretches designed to keep us fit and get our blood pumping. Nicole expressed to us that even if your mobility doesn't allow you to get out to a gym, you can do most exercises from the comfort of your couch. I was truly touched to see some of our members joining in and enjoying themselves.

December brought another season of giving for our chapter. For many years now we have adopted a family and helped to provide Christmas gifts for them. Just as in years past, our Greater Louisville members showed their generosity in abundance! The family of 5, with another one on the way, was a VIPS family and they were overjoyed. The mother had written me a thank you letter in which she expressed how she could not get over the fact that people who didn't even know her family could be so generous and thoughtful. She was extremely thankful and appreciative.

To me, and many other members I have heard from, giving is one of the most rewarding things we do as an organization and those members have a tremendous respect for this chapter and its leaders. Thank you to those who have expressed these sentiments to me.

October brought out all the little ghosts and goblins at our Halloween party. We had a spooky good time with a potluck buffet. The kids enjoyed a costume contest, as well as games and goodie bags. The adults got to join in the fun too with a costume contest. The party brought out some new people and members we hadn't seen in a while.

We were excited to bring a bus load of Louisvillians to the NFB of Kentucky State Convention. It is always a good time to get together with our fellow Federationists throughout the State, coming together to share successes and to discuss the work that we, the NFB need to focus on. There will always be work for us to do, and as long as we work together, we will prevail!

As the recipients of the Robert E. Whitehead award, on behalf of the Greater Louisville Chapter, I'd like to say thank you once again. The dedication, camaraderie and respect the Louisville members have for this organization and each other is amazing!

Over the past few weeks, President Cathy Jackson has made several trips to Frankfort, supporting and fighting for NFB Newsline funding (SB87). Many of our Louisville members have joined her, including LaTrese Keaton, Melanie Peskoe, Katie Adkins and Denise Franklin. Thanks ladies for giving of your time and supporting Newsline. I know many of our Louisville members were unable to attend, but showed their support by calling the LRC daily. Every call matters, thanks so much!

Our spring and summer look bright as always. We are in the middle of planning our April Luncheon, which will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2012. More details will be coming soon. Don't forget our Talking Bulletin Board is updated regularly. That number is 502-495-7130.
Nickie Pearl, President


The NFB Murray Chapter has been doing various activities since last fall. The chapter had a pizza meeting in October. Officers were elected for the next year. In December the annual Christmas event was held. A gift exchange was held. All enjoyed socializing and a time of fellowship. A few of the members then went to the Kentucky Opry to see a Christmas musical program. To top off the evening, the members toured a local park which has an awesome Christmas display, and of course, the evening would not have been complete without visiting Santa.

January was volunteer month and some of the members donated time and skills to help other members and local individuals who needed a little extra help. In February, the chapter held a fundraiser called "Night on the Town." One of our very own NFB brothers, John Glisson, was the lucky recipient of the "Night On the Town" basket. Congratulations John!
Currently the chapter is raising funds with an Easter basket giveaway.

Even though spring has not yet arrived, the members have sprung into action and are working on the annual auction. This event assists the chapter members in offsetting the expenses of attending the National Convention which will be held in Dallas this year. All of the members are working hard at getting donations from businesses. The auction will be held on Saturday, April 21st at the Senior Citizens Building. If you happen to be in Murray during that time, we would love to have you come. That's about it for now from Murray. Stay Tuned.
Brenda Kimbro

Notes From TAD

This year at the Kentucky State Convention, I declared that there needed to be some positive activity in TAD. It is with both pleasure and pride that I can report that we are definitely moving in that direction.

This year TAD decided that the majority of our meetings would be open to individuals who are not on the board of directors. This forum has proven quite beneficial. The input and ideas of others who are interested in the division's growth and health is valued greatly.

Currently, we are working on a fundraising project that we hope all of you can help us with. We want your junk. Not just any junk, we want all of those old techey items that you are no longer using. For example, maybe you graduated to an iPhone as I did. We will take your old cell phone as long as it is accompanied by its charger. We will take old AT such as note takers, digital book players etc. You can send these items to me, Sandra Williams @ 2121 Wallie Ann Court, Louisville KY 40210. TAD will then sell these items on eBay. It is our hope that we can raise 500 dollars.

Our next open meeting is going to be on Monday March 19th at 9:15pm. Eastern Time via conference call. There will be reminders on the NFBK list as the date draws closer. Come join us and learn about plans for the fundraiser money and the other very exciting endeavors of TAD.
Sandra Williams, President

Greetings Fellow Federationists, Colleagues & Friends,

During the fall and winter months, NFB of Lexington welcomed several guests including practicum students, family members and friends. The chapter's walk-a-thon in September was the grandest yet. We distributed NFB materials at the October "Meet the Blind" events and enjoyed the holidays with our NFB family. NFB of Lexington has developed a strategy by which to conduct greater outreach to the community in the coming year. While enjoying wonderful food and fellowship, the members have discussed and decided to fling into Spring by opening the doors of the meetings wide and inviting the community in to join us at least once a quarter by participating in major community events. The kick off event will be the chapter's annual Spring Luncheon on April 21, 2012. Our goal is to change what it means to be blind in our community by demonstrating independence to one person at a time.

For more information, please contact Pamela Roark-Glisson, President, (859) 948-3663 or visit www.nfblex.org.
Pamela Roark-Glisson, President


By Pamela Roark-Glisson

The NFB-NEWSLINE® newspaper reading service in Kentucky continues to increase in registrations in the Commonwealth through a variety of methods: individually through the nfb.org web site, KY Office for the Blind referrals, KY Talking Book Library Services referrals, SSA Work Incentive Planning Assistance Program referrals, Independence Place, Inc. and many referrals from one subscriber or family member.

Enhanced features of the service continue to increase and present magnificent means of information access through Global Search features and enhanced on-line access methods. The last Newsline report included the addition of the Target Store Ads and Job Postings via Career Builder. These recent features are specific to any location in the country for which you choose through appropriate prompts. The National Office works endlessly to define new channels, such as Kentucky Elections information channel, and also continues to add new newspaper and magazine publications regularly. The KY Local Information Channel continues to develop as information is shared with Independence Place for posting. As Newsline Subscribers have discovered over the past several months, the National Office has extended the invitation to request international newspapers of interest, and a number of these newspapers have been added.

Do you want to know exactly what is going on in Israel, as you hear TV/Radio broadcasts locally hinting at turmoil and skirmishes or even plans for war? The Newsline Subscriber can now go to the Jerusalem Post to read first-hand accounts of Israel's local news. The China Daily, London Telegraph, Guardian, New Zealand Times, India Times and other international papers give us first-hand accounts of international news!

As many of you know, Senator Alice Forgy Kerr has sponsored Senate Bill 87, an act related to accessible electronic information services for the blind and print disabled. Among other means of funding through grants, in-kind supports from Independence Place, Inc. and Office for the Blind, and volunteer services, the need is demonstrated daily for regular funding streams through legislation. Securing this type of funding would enhance the local Content Development, Technical Assistance and Outreach & Marketing aspects of the KY NFB-NEWSLINE® in order to maximize the service's great benefit in the lives of youth with disabilities; college students; young parents both who are blind and those who have blind children; working age Kentuckians who are eligible for the service; returning wounded warriors who have the need and desire to continue their role in service to our state and nation; and our senior population who have spent a lifetime of regular access to community connectedness through the local newspaper and experience the continued need even though blind or otherwise print disabled.

Thanks to all of you who have joined with the core group of Newsline advocates across Kentucky to emphasize to the 2012 KY General Assembly the importance of access to timely and sensitive information necessary for Kentuckians' increased success in the community! A continued advocacy approach to educate our state Representatives remains necessary. So, don't become distracted! Continue to call the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) Message Line at 1-800-372-7181 and request for your message of support for Senate Bill 87 to be distributed to your State Senator and Representative! It's ok, even, as some of our supporters have reported doing, to simply request your message to be sent to the entire Senate and/or House of Representatives. With today's modern technology, it still takes only 30-60 seconds to make this call!


Breakfast Pizza

Makes 6 to 8 servings

  • Ingredients
  • 1 (8 ounce) can refrigerated crescent rolls
  • 1 pound bulk pork sausage
  • 1 cup frozen shredded hash brown potatoes, thawed
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • ¼ cup milk
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Directions
  • Unroll crescent dough and place on a greased 12-in. pizza pan; press seams together and press up sides of pan to form a crust. In a skillet, brown sausage over medium heat; drain and cool slightly.
  • Sprinkle sausage, hash browns and cheddar cheese over crust. In a bowl, beat eggs, milk and pepper; pour over pizza. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
  • Bake at 375 degrees for 28-30 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting.

Breakfast Supreme

Makes 12 servings

  • Ingredients
  • 1 pound bulk pork sausage
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • ¾ cup sliced fresh mushrooms
  • ½ cup chopped green pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese, divided
  • 12 eggs
  • ⅔ cup whipping cream
  • Directions
  • In a large skillet, cook the sausage, beef, onion, mushrooms and green pepper over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. Stir in salt and pepper; set aside.
  • Pour butter into an ungreased 13-in. x 9-in. x 2-in. baking dish. sprinkle with 1 cup cheese. beat eggs; pour over cheese. Top with sausage mixture. Pour the cream over sausage mixture. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.
  • Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before baking. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees F for 35-40 minutes or until set. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting.

Rock 'n' River Breakfast Quiche

Makes 6 servings

  • Ingredients
  • 8 ounces mild Italian sausage
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • Pastry for a single-crust 9-inch pie
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup milk
  • ⅛ teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 dash nutmeg
  • Directions
  • Brown, drain and crumble sausage. Layer sausage then cheeses in unbaked pie shell. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over sausage and cheese. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting and serving.