A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky
Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: (502) 366-2317
Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: (502) 499-0759
E-mail: denise.franklin@nfbofky.org
Editorial staff:
Lora Felty
E-mail: lora.felty@nfbofky.org
Sandra Williams
E-mail: sandra.williams@nfbofky.org
Tonia Gatton
E-mail: tonia.gatton@nfbofky.org
We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.
Behind the Scenes: The Importance of Committee Work
By Cathy Jackson, President, NFB of Kentucky
As president of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky I have grown to rely heavily on the work of our committees. The enthusiasm for their assignments makes our affiliate run like clockwork. I would like to use this platform to appoint members to our standing committees and even take a bold step to appoint a new one. I will explain the work of each committee. You will notice that for the most part the committee chair is a member of our NFBK Board of Directors. The added members will be board members and chapter members from around Kentucky.
We are all about education. How many times have you heard someone say, We must improve the lives of the blind through education and training? Thus, one of our most important committees is our Scholarship Committee chaired by Lora Felty, Secretary of NFBK and President of our Ashland Chapter. I have taken the liberty of shaking up the membership on most of our committees starting with scholarship. There are two new faces: Katie Adkins, NFBK Board Member and Board Member of the NFB of Greater Louisville, Todd Stephens, Vice President of the Lexington Chapter. Betty Allen, Treasurer of our Frankfort Chapter and Jennifer Hall of Murray will continue to serve. It's time to give Pamela Glisson and Bo Mullins a respite. They have contributed greatly to the operation of this committee and I want to thank them for their input and loyalty.
The scholarship application period has begun. I would like for all of you to act as ambassadors and spread the word to students around the state. We pride ourselves on having a strong pool of candidates from which to choose our winners and we hope this year is no exception.
The National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky has five scholarships that can be presented. This does not mean that all five are awarded every year, nor does it mean we have to present any. We have three named scholarships: the Betty J. Niceley Memorial Scholarship, the Emerson Foulke Memorial Scholarship and the Charles and Betty Allen Scholarship. These three scholarships have specific criteria, which I will explain. The other two are National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky Scholarships. They too have criteria, so I will clarify.
Betty J. Niceley Memorial Scholarship: the NFB of Kentucky in memory of Betty J. Niceley, longtime President of the NFB of Kentucky, awards this scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Betty worked for many years at the Kentucky Department for the Blind. She served as President of the National Association to Promote the Use of Braille (NAPUB) and served on the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) board. Braille was near and dear to Betty's heart. Throughout her life she was a tremendous advocate for braille. This scholarship will be awarded to an individual who reads braille and finds it an essential part of his/her daily life.
The NFB of Kentucky in honor of Emerson Foulke presents our Emerson Foulke Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Emerson was a longtime Federationist. In his career he worked as a professor of psychology at the University of Louisville, where he served as director of the Perceptual Alternatives Lab. He conducted countless research projects dealing with all aspects of perception. This scholarship will be presented to an individual studying for a degree in psychology, science, research, technology or general education.
Charles and Betty Allen Scholarship: This scholarship in the amount of $1,000 is endowed by Charles and Betty Allen, longtime members of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky and for the last several years, as officers and members of the Frankfort Chapter. Requirements for this scholarship are as follows:
- Priority shall be given to totally blind applicants. It shall not be necessary to award the scholarship annually. The applicant shall:
- 1. Be a Federationist!
- 2. Be recommended by a longtime Federationist.
- 3. Be a Kentucky resident.
- 4. Show a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
- 5. Provide proof of enrollment as a full-time student in a college or university.
The NFB of Kentucky Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 and/or $500 may also be awarded to deserving candidates. These scholarships may be awarded to either full-time or parttime students who meet the criteria set forth above.
Another active committee whose work is invaluable is the Financial Scholarship Committee. We want to give our members the opportunity to attend state and national conventions. The costs associated with attending these events rise every year. Those of you who are considering traveling to Orlando, Florida for our annual National Convention, or attending our NFBK State Convention here in Louisville will want to pay particularly close attention to what I have to say next. If you have never before received financial support from NFBK to attend either a national or state convention, you are eligible to make an application. The amount of assistance one might receive depends on variables outlined in the application i.e., single applicant, family making application, and naturally, it goes without saying, the total amount of money allocated by the board of directors to be divided. I have asked George Stokes, NFBK Board Member and member of our Frankfort Chapter, to chair this committee. Also serving are: Sandra Williams, NFBK Board member and President of the NFBGL, Charles Allen, Second Vice President of NFBK and member of the Frankfort Chapter, Michael Freholm, Vice President of the Ashland Chapter, and Danny Perry, NFBK Board Member and President of our Murray Chapter. The application for our national convention is not quite ready but will be available within a matter of weeks.
One of our newest committees was announced at our 2012 State Convention. Our membership committee is reaching out across the state to build our chapters and our affiliate. One goal of this committee is to form an at-large chapter. I appointed Paul Shepardson of Louisville, chair. Paul is not a member of the NFBK Board, but expressed a desire to assist in this capacity. Todd Stephens, Brenda Kimbro, Treasurer, Murray Chapter, Karen Mayne, President in Frankfort and Michael Freholm round out the group. They are compiling lists of potential members and making contact with each and every one of them. They are spreading the word about blindness and the work of the Federation.
The presentation of awards is an exciting part of our tradition. We look forward each year with anticipation to see who, if anyone, will be honored. Our awards have historical significance and prestige. They are: The Susan B. Rearick, Harold L. Reagan, T. V. Cranmer and Robert E. Whitehead awards. I am including the criteria for each award. I have asked Denise Franklin, NFBK Board Member and Secretary of the NFBGL, to head this committee. Working with her will be: Diana Cline, Treasurer of the NFB of Ashland, Danny Perry, Karen Mayne, and Donna Harrell, member in the NFB of Lexington Chapter.
Susan B. Rarick: Susan Rarick was a sighted first grade teacher at the Kentucky School for the Blind in the early to mid 1900's. She was a forward thinking individual who expected more of her blind students than did her peers or the public in general. She clearly represented the teachings of the NFB. This award can be given to a blind or sighted Kentuckian. When considering a nominee for this award, one should keep in mind her positive attitude about blindness, her high expectations for the blind and her determination to make life better for blind children through a sound education.
The Harold L. Reagan award is given to a blind Kentuckian. Harold was the first president of the NFB of Kentucky and a member of the National Board of Directors. As such the emphasis should be placed on the recipient's leadership ability, not only on the affiliate level but also in a local chapter or division.
The T. V. Cranmer award is given to a blind person who has served many years in the NFB with unwavering dedication and loyalty; and to the best knowledge of the committee, will continue to be a driving force in this organization. The Cranmer Award is not restricted to individuals living in Kentucky. Tim served for many years on the NFBK state board, the Frankfort Chapter board and aschairman of the Research and Development Committee on the national level.
Without our chapters and divisions we would not be complete, so the Robert E. Whitehead Award is presented to a chapter or division that continues to build membership, support the state organization, and is visible doing outreach in the community. Bob Whitehead was the second person to serve as president of the NFBK and spent countless hours building our affiliate. It is only fitting that this award should bear his name.
If I might be so bold, I am going to appoint a fundraising committee. We, as do most not-for-profit organizations, struggle to keep our head above water. We are fortunate to have money set aside in reserve funds, but we are also dipping into this money more often than I would like. We have on-going expenses associated with state and national conventions, Washington Seminar, Kentucky Legislative work, scholarships, and contributions to our national organization. But just like your individual households, something unexpected could crop up at any time. I have thought long and hard about the make-up of this group. I have chosen members who are seasoned Federationists who know the pitfalls and successes of previous fundraising efforts. I am appointing newer members of the Federation who can work along side the more experienced individuals to bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. Therefore, my choice for committee chairman is John Glisson, NFBK Board Member, and Secretary of the Lexington Chapter. He will work along side Mike Freholm, Treasurer of NFBK and member of the Ashland Chapter, Todd Stephens, Dennis Franklin of Louisville and Katie Adkins to get their input. This committee has its work cut out for it. This is by no means an easy task, but a task they are more than capable of handling.
I have chosen not to appoint a legislative committee at this point in time. Pamela Glisson is chairwoman of this team, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will agree to continue in this capacity. However, Pamela and I have had some discussion about changes that need to occur. Therefore, before I make any announcements I believe it is in the best interest of our affiliate that I have the support and backing of our board of directors.
The work of this committee is endless. Pamela and others keep vigil watching what is happening on both the federal and state levels that will affect the lives of the blind both positively and negatively. Our Washington Seminar is coordinated by our Governmental Affairs Office in Baltimore, Maryland and is a nationwide event involving all fifty-two affiliates. We schedule appointments with our respective Senators and Congressmen and discuss with them legislation that has already been proposed, or perhaps an issue we, the NFB, believe strongly should be considered. In brief, some of the issues discussed are: the Social Security Earnings Limit, accessible textbooks for blind students, minimum wages for the blind and disabled worker, and quiet cars.
Here on the state level we try to model our work in Frankfort much like our national endeavor. Many times the issues are the same, but it is just as likely they are more pertinent to what goes on here at home. We work tirelessly to keep NFB NEWSLINE up and running by finding an on-going stream of revenue. We have the best interest at heart when it comes to providing adequate funding for our Kentucky Office for the Blind. We fight to secure an accessible education for blind students on all levels, making sure they have the most updated technology and braille.
We do our work on Capitol Hill and in the halls of the State House dealing with governmental policies, laws and language. In the broad scope of things, people would say we are legislating. However, we in the National Federation of the Blind much prefer to consider ourselves educators. Too often laws are passed out of pity or lack of knowledge about the capabilities of blind people. Once we are able to bridge the gap and earn the respect of our representatives and the public as a whole it is amazing how quickly things can turn around.
I am also reserving the right to appoint a nominating committee closer to the time of our state convention. The composition of this committee is largely made up of our chapter and division presidents. And since some of our chapters will be holding elections over the next few months I prefer to wait for the outcome. Our nominating committee will have a daunting task. It is their job to recommend candidates for the five executive officers' and six board positions to the assembly for consideration. They take a hard look at one's past and present on-the-job performance as well as seek out others who show leadership ability and determination to take this organization into the future.
For those of you who may be reading our Kentucky Cardinal for the first time we would like to welcome you to join the nation's oldest and largest membership organization of the blind speaking for the blind. By now you have recognized that those of us doing the work of this organization are just everyday people with the desire and commitment to make life better for the blind. We are not professionals hired to carry out the duties and responsibilities of our organization. We are the blind of Kentucky, the people who know blindness best because we are blind. We are the blind standing strong speaking in a collective voice.
By Pamela Roark-Glisson
Even though legislative issues are almost always on our minds, each February they become front and center at NFB's annual Washington Seminar.
The NFBK delegates who attended this year's event were: President Cathy Jackson, 1st Vice President/Legislative Liaison, Pamela Roark-Glisson, NFBK board members, John Glisson and Charles Allen and wife, Betty, TAD President, Todd Stephens, KABS President, Katie Adkins and Kentucky NAPUB President, Michael Freholm. During the weekend prior to the Washington Seminar, Cathy Jackson and Pamela Roark-Glisson took part in NFB's Legislative Seminar at the National Center in Baltimore.
During the visits to our Congressmen, the issues were introduced and briefly discussed. Congressman John Yarmuth and Congressman Andy Barr received the NFBK delegation personally and after some questions and clarifications, offered support on the issues. Even though the seminar was a few days, the work on the issues will continue until the legislation is passed. The co-sponsor list is growing each week with support for the legislation which will positively impact the lives of blind Americans.
- For review, the legislative issues for 2013 are:
- The Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act
This legislation phases out Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which allows employers to pay disabled workers subminimum wages. By ending this exploitative, discriminatory practice, disabled Americans will receive equal protection under the law to earn at least the federal minimum wage and reach their full employment potential. - The Technology, Education and Accessibility in College and Higher Education Act
Electronic instructional materials and related technology have replaced traditional methods of learning in postsecondary settings. Although it would be inexpensive to create e-books, courseware, applications, and other educational devices and materials in accessible formats, the overwhelming majority of these materials are inaccessible to disabled students. This bill calls for minimum accessibility standards for instructional materials, ending the "separate but equal" approach to learning. - Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans (HR 164)
The Space Available Program allows active-duty military, Red Cross employees, and retired members of the armed services to travel on military aircraft if there is space available. HR 164 reverses the exclusion of 100 percent service-disabled veterans who were discharged before retirement and entitles them to the program's privileges.
In the state legislature, not much was acccomplished due to the short session. however, some NFBK members met with legislators regarding HB-10 and HB-292 and discussed fair wages for people with disabilities.
By Lora Felty
Best wishes to Tonia Gatton of the Louisville Chapter on the new addition to her family. Here is what she has to say about him. "I returned home from The Seeing Eye on October 18 with a gorgeous male black lab named Wes. I'm told he has beautiful brown eyes and the most adorable face ever. He's a terrific guide, but when the harness comes off, he's incredibly playful, loves to snuggle and is always rolling over for a belly rub every chance he gets. My training lasted 24 days and it was an awesome experience. We made two trips to New York City and even got to meet Henry Winkler. Yes, Wes got a belly rub from Henry." Tonia, we look forward to meeting Wes at the state convention this fall.
Congratulations go out to Angela Dehart, secretary of the Ashland Chapter and Vice President of KABS. Angela is a junior at Morehead State University majoring in elementary and special education. Angela was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Kentucky Education Association Retired Teachers Division. On April 3, she will attend their annual luncheon at the Marriott in Louisville to be recognized and receive her scholarship. Angela, we are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep up the hard work!
What happens when you take avid Kentucky Wildcat fans and drop them in the middle of Cardinal country? The answer to that question might be coming sooner than you think. This is the scenario where Wise and Cindy Smith, members of the NFB of Greater Louisville chapter, have found themselves. When the owner of their townhouse decided it was time to sell, the Smiths began hunting for a new home. They have settled into a condo building which stands in the shadow of the University of Louisville. The first question they asked their agent was, "Will our car be safe in the parking lot since we have a Wildcat sticker on the bumper?" They were assured that no harm would come to their automobile. The couple and their pets are beginning to settle in and their lives are returning to normal. Cindy, who serves as vice president of the Greater Louisville Chapter, says that she loves the open feeling and all the great windows. Congratulations to the Smiths. We wish you much happiness in your new home.
On February 21, 2013 Danielle Burton of the Ashland Chapter competed in the 2nd Annual Kentucky Braille Challenge, hosted by the American Printing House for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Blind. In the competition, students compete in four categories, Speed and Accuracy, Proofreading, Reading Comprehension and Charts and Graphs. Danielle is a senior at Elliot County High School. All of her hard work and dedication to using braille every day paid off, as she won first place in the varsity division of the competition, as well as having the overall highest score.
Danielle won $100 for winning in the varsity division, and she was thrilled to be the proud owner of a new Book Port Plus as the overall prize. Congratulations to Danielle. Braille Rocks, so keep reading!
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Cindy Sheets of the Louisville Chapter and her family. We are saddened to hear of the loss of your sister. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with both you and your family as you go through this difficult time.
Helen Elizabeth Holdcraft (Beth) died after a battle with cancer on 2-2-2013. Beth worked as an assistant in the VI Resource room at Kamerer Middle School in Jefferson County. Beth is the daughter of Don and Betty Capps, longtime Federationists in South Carolina. Beth was more than a teacher's assistant. She demanded as much from the blind students she taught as she would from any sighted child. Growing up with a blind father, especially one as accomplished as Don, gave her first-hand knowledge about blindness. She carried what she learned from him in to the classroom. Beth, you will be missed.
Director of the Kentucky Business Enterprises Program (BEP), Richard Nesbitt, is retiring, effective April 30, 2013. He has served in this position since May 2005. A luncheon is scheduled on April 27 in his honor. We wish him well as he enters a new chapter of his life.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery go out to Scott Spaulding of the Louisville Chapter. On Wednesday, March 20, he underwent gallbladder surgery. We are glad that he is home now and hope to see him up and about very soon.
Compiled by Sandra Williams
The Ashland Chapter enjoyed its annual Christmas celebration at the home of Michael and Kennetta Freholm on Saturday, December 15, 2012. Their home was the perfect place to hold our party this year, as Michael has endeavored upon a new passion, collecting antique Christmas decorations. Michael had certainly "Decked the Halls," as the yard and inside their home were full of wonderful and unique Christmas decorations. Michael says that his goal is to have so many decorations and lights outside his house that it can be seen from outer space...just like the Griswolds. Well, Michael, you are certainly on your way to achieving your goal! Thanks for hosting our party. It was lots of fun for everyone, including Elf Ian, who was the star of the show. Lora Felty
Hello From Frankfort
The Capitol City of Frankfort sends its greetings to all of you around the state. Things have been busy since the last time I wrote.
Once again, it was our pleasure to host another successful NFBK convention. We hope that you all had a lot of fun and learned something while you were here.
In December, we celebrated the season by having a Christmas party. We sang Christmas carols and were told by the piano player that we should consider singing at nursing homes in the Frankfort area. We are hoping that there will be enough interest in doing this in the future. Not only would this be fun, it would help in making us more visible in the local community.
Over the past few months, we have been trying to locate blind people in the community to introduce to NFB. I have to admit that this is proving to be more of a challenge than I had first thought it would be.
This year we will be raffling another laptop computer at the state convention. We look forward to seeing all of you in Louisville.
I personally am preparing for my third National Convention. I would like to encourage anyone who has not experienced a National Convention to consider attending the 2013 convention in Orlando. It is a one-of-a-kind experience that you will never forget. Karen Mayne, President of NFB of Frankfort
Allow me to introduce myself to all of you out there. I'm Todd Stephens and I'm the President of the Technical Assistance Division for NFBK. Now, please permit me to introduce the TAD Board for 2012-2013: Todd Stephens, President; Melanie Peskoe, Vice President; Sandra Williams, Treasurer; Jennifer Hall, Secretary; and Michael Freholm, Director of Communications.
What have we been up to? Well, NFBK Technical Assistance Division has a new mission statement that the board and I finalized in November. Here it is: The mission of the Technology Assistance Division, a division of the Kentucky affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind is to develop a network of knowledgeable and supportive individuals willing to provide and to share appropriate, blind related assistive technology resources and services to its members. TAD will provide a forum for its members to share information, and to support one another in a world of ever-evolving technology.
The Technology Assistance Division of NFBK will: 1) collaborate and network with AT professionals who are experts in the field of current and future technology. 2. Present to its members both new and existing assistive technology through training seminars and workshops, whenever possible.
Now, we have some work to do in living up to this statement, so please be patient with us. Some new things are coming down the pike this year. I can tell you that TAD will have a website to be finalized in June. I'm very excited about designing and developing the Technical Assistance Division (TAD) website. I will be collaborating with Tonia Gatton and Cindy Sheets on this project to make it as awesome as awesome can be. Friends, stay Tuned for further developments within the Technical Assistance Division!!
The Fall of 2012 found the chapter members of NFB of Lexington celebrating the organization's accomplishments for the year with nine members attending the NFB of Kentucky state convention. Many of the chapter members and friends braved a cold wintry day to Walk for Opportunity at the annual walk-a-thon. The chapter co-hosted the community-wide White Cane Safety Day event on October 15, at the Central Library with the Vice Mayor leading the White Cane Walk. There were hundreds of people from the community and organizations to visit the vendors' information tables, have lunch and hear from professional blind people, as well as, learn about a variety of resources for people who are blind. NFB of Lexington members enjoyed the holidays with wonderful friends, food and warm fellowship. In the beginning of the New Year, committees began to develop strategies for fund development, chapter building and partner recruitment. A guest speaker at the chapter's February meeting encouraged the audience to look inside to explore ways to express a positive attitude and develop anger management skills. This doctoral professor, counselor, skier of all mountain ranges and mentor is a blind veteran. During the past few months, the chapter has welcomed some new members and is busy planning the annual Spring meeting.
For more information, please contact President, Pamela Roark-Glisson at (859) 948-3663 or visit www.nfblex.org.
The NFB Murray Chapter had a chili hotdog supper dress up Halloween meeting. Games were played and prizes given.
In December, the annual Christmas event was held. Turkey and dressing and all the trimmings were served. A silent auction was held and the gift exchange was new this year with a left-right game. President Danny Perry and his wife spent Christmas in Florida.
In February the chapter had a Valentine's Day fundraiser gift basket which was won by the famous John Glisson of Lexington. We celebrated with chili and sandwiches.
March events will include an Easter basket to be given away. The annual auction will be held April 27, which has the chapter members busy gathering donated items from local businesses.
For the month of June the chapter has decided to have a fish fry.
That's it from the Murray Chapter. Submitted by Brenda Kimbro
It has been almost one year since I became president of NFBGL. I can tell you that this year has definitely flown by with a flourish. Since the last time I sat here writing to you, the Louisville Chapter has been quite busy.
It began in November when NFBGL decided to sponsor a Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) family for Christmas. This year our family had four children that needed to have their holiday made a little brighter. As usual, the members went about this with their normal zest and enthusiasm for helping others. We were able to purchase toys and clothing as well as an entire Christmas dinner for the family.
December saw the NFBGL members as well as some of our friends from the Frankfort Chapter having a holiday meal at Mimi's restaurant. This was a new dining experience for most of us and I can say with assuredness it was enjoyed by young and old alike. After dinner, we sang a few traditional Christmas songs to herald the arrival of the Jolly Old Elf from the North Pole. Santa had gifts for both the very young children as well as for the teens that just could not resist getting in on the fun. After all, who doesn't enjoy a gift? The adult gift exchange was a hit for those for whom Santa had no lute left.
We decided to combine our January and February meetings. It was decided that we would have a meeting devoted to advocacy. Melanie Peskoe and Katie Adkins did an excellent job of facilitating the discussion as well as directing the members and guests to pertinent web sites for additional advocacy tools and tips.
March saw NFBGL hosting our annual chili supper and auction. This event serves as the organization's main fundraiser. This year, we had a wide array of items that prompted bidding by our guests. This year's event raised approximately $1,700. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the various aspects of this event. Your efforts did not go unnoticed and were greatly appreciated.
Currently NFBGL is preparing for our annual April Luncheon. This event marks both the beginning and an end. The end of another year of learning, laughter, and a lot of worthwhile work. It marks the beginning of a new year with new opportunities and experiences ahead. A new board of directors will be elected and an outgoing board will be congratulated for its endeavors.
It is my hope for all of you reading this that you will have a beautiful spring and many more years doing the work of the National Federation of the Blind. Sandra L. Williams, NFBGL President
By Denise Franklin
Lora Felty: Federationism is in her Blood
Lora Felty who currently serves as Secretary on the NFBK Board of Directors, has occupied that position for some time. In fact, she has been Secretary for the state affiliate for thirteen years. You might say that Lora Felty is a person who takes her responsibilities seriously and takes pride in doing her best.
Let's turn back the clock and take a peek at this dedicated Federationist. Born in 1959, Lora attended public school in her hometown. She had reasonably good vision and the only task that gave her problems was reading the board in the classroom. Shortly before high school, glaucoma took most of her vision and she enrolled as a freshman at the Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB). As a high schooler, she had many widely varied interests, taking part in swimming, forensics, Girl Scouts and the Casio Ensemble.
Lora's first encounter with the National Federation of the Blind came during her sophomore year. That year, 1984, just happened to be the very first Braille Readers are Leaders contest and Lora entered the "new Braille readers" division and took 3rd place.
Following graduation in 1987, Lora entered Northern Kentucky University majoring in English and secondary education. While pursuing her education in the Masters Program at the University of Louisville, Lora discovered that she was eligible for a scholarship from the NFB, so she applied and was chosen as a winner. Lora put two and two together and realized that this was the same organization which had sponsored the contest she had participated in eight years earlier. From that moment on, Federationism became a way of life for her.
Lora now resides in Ashland, where she is employed as a teacher of the Visually Impaired. She also serves as President of our Ashland Chapter and Chair of NFBK's Scholarship Committee. Although she has lived in Ashland since 1995, Lora still has fond memories of the years she spent in Louisville and the three years she spent as a substitute teacher at KSB.
Lora Felty is the kind of Federationist who leaves her mark on everyone she meets-and she has met lots of people since one of her passions is traveling. She has visited New Zealand, Australia and several European countries, not to mention trips in the U.S. Thanks to you, Lora, for spreading that Federation spirit around the world!
By Pamela Roarick-Glisson
NFB-NEWSLINE® continues to fascinate the most avid readers!!! Calls come in from all around the Commonwealth seeking to have memories refreshed of the Newsline User Identification Codes so that Subscribers can begin to use the Newsline Mobile App via the Apple iPhone, iPad and/or iPod!!!
Since the Summer publication of the "KY Cardinal," a number of new publications also have been added! The Emergency Weather Alert system is in place to advise you of potential weather emergencies in your own Zip Code area, whether you're reading by landline, online or via the newly released Newsline Mobile App! No longer listen to the annoying "Beep Beep Beep" while text scrolls across the bottom of your TV set and wonder what it is all about...
**Kentucky Vendors!!! Read the "Vending Times" for all your business, legal, legislative and regulatory items addressed through this magnificent publication. The Braille Forum has also been added to the magazine section. #5 off the Main Menu will tune you in to the brand new ‘Breaking News' section where the Newsline reader can read the Huffington Post with its highly esteemed national reporters, CNN News, Fox News and BBC News from the United Kingdom!
Do you have an International interest? The Newsline provides the Moscow Times, China Daily, Jerusalem Post, India Times, Toronto Globe, New Zealand Chronicles and more ... Want to listen to live newspaper broadcasts? The Central Kentucky Radio Eye joined the KY NFB-NEWSLINE® team in 2012 and now has the Radio Eye available to Newsline subscribers via a local call-in telephone number.
Newsline just keeps on keepin' on with the latest and greatest for the blind, of the blind and by the blind!!!
Edited by Denise Franklin
The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped has begun a nationwide survey. The survey will run from March 11-May 10 and is open to registered users of the Kentucky Talking Book Library, as well as those who are eligible but are not users. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Take the survey now to let your opinions be heard and to help us better serve you! To take the survey online or to learn more about it, go to www.libraryofcongresssurvey.com. Or you can call 1-866-545-1618 to schedule a time to take the survey over the phone. You do not have to be a current NLS reader to take the survey.
The 25-minute survey is designed to learn more about your experiences with talking books and Braille, what types of talking book and Braille materials and services you are looking for, and what NLS can do to get you interested in the free Library of Congress talking book and Braille program. If you aren't currently using NLS, let us know what services you want and how we can add you to our list of NLS readers. If you are a current NLS reader, let us know what we are doing well, where we can improve and what new services you would like NLS to offer. Your answers to the survey questions will be kept confidential.
Barbara Penegor, Branch Manager, Kentucky Talking Book Library
Here is a list of audio-described live performances for the next few months.
The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts Audio Description Program | |
The Kentucky Center Presents Yum! Family Series Program | |
MOMIX Botanica | Friday, March 8, 2013 at 8:00 PM at the Brown Theatre |
PNC Bank Broadway Across America Louisville | |
Memphis | Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 2:00 PM in Whitney Hall |
West Side Story | Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 2:00 PM in Whitney Hall |
The Louisville Ballet | |
Romeo & Juliet | Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 2:00 PM in Whitney Hall |
StageOne | |
Charlotte's Web | Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 2:00 PM in the Bomhard Theater |
Actors Theatre of Louisville | |
Humana Festival - The Delling Shore | Sunday, March 17, 2013 at 2:30pm on the Bingham Theater |
Humana Festival - Appropriate | Sunday, March 24, 2013 at 2:30pm in the Pamela Brown Auditorium |
Gnit | Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 1:00pm in the Pamela Brown Auditorium |
To purchase tickets call The Kentucky Center Box Office at 1-800-775-7777 (toll free), 502-584-7777. Please make reservations for services at the time you purchase your ticket to ensure the best seating location for the service. If you cannot attend a scheduled audio described, please call 502-562-0111 (V) or 502-562-0140 (TTY) to request the service for another performance. The Kentucky Center will work to accommodate access requests whenever possible. To purchase tickets to Actors Theatre of Louisville, please contact them directly at 502-584-1205.
Stacy Ridgway, Manager of Access and Volunteer Services
Phone: 502-562-0711 |Fax: 502-562-0180
Access Hotline 502-562-0111 | Volunteer Hotline 502-562-0141
502-562-0140 TTY
The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts
501 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
The National Federation of the Blind is now accepting applications to our National Scholarship Program from freshmen beginning college this fall on up through graduate students. The 30 scholarships range in value from $3000 up to $12,000, and include a trip to Orlando this July for the world's largest convention for the blind. Applications must be received by March 31, 2013. To learn more and to apply, please visit www.nfb.org/scholarships.
Have you thought of purchasing a home and abandoned the idea because you figured the process was just too complicated? Have you wondered if there are special programs or assistance for the disabled home buyer? Some extensive research has been done on this topic and the results have been gathered into one concise article titled, The Mortgage and Home Loan Help Guide for the Disabled.
- After reading this guide you will know more about:
- The advantages and disadvantages of buying a home
- The most important steps in the home-buying process
- Common terms related to home-buying
- How to get started in your quest to purchase a home and
- Financial assistance geared toward enabling those living with disabilities to buy their own homes
Visit mortgageloan.com/disabilities to read the article in its entirety.
It's tax time again and although we can't help you financially, we can direct you to the right place to obtain online tax products and services available through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for taxpayers with disabilities. Last year almost one million accessible forms and publications were downloaded, in large part because the NFB actively promoted them. Simply go to the IRS accessibility page to download forms, publications and products you might need. Source: Maureen Goulder, Alternative Media Center, Maureen.p.goulder@irs.gov
With this collection of recipes we hope to satisfy your sweet tooth. If you have one, and we know you do, you are aware that it can attack at any hour of the day or night. Since time Is always in short supply, these offerings are all quick and uncomplicated. We invite you to try some or all of them the next time you feel that craving coming on.
Easy Peanut Butter Fudge
- Ingredients
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 sleeve saltines, crushed
- ½ cup milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place sugar, butter and milk in a saucepan and heat on medium until it starts to boil. Stir occasionally. Boil for 1 minute only and remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter, saltines and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into a greased 8 by 8 inch pan and chill. Cut into bite size pieces.
3 2 1 Cake
These individual little cakes are amazing and ready to eat in one minute! They are perfect for whenever you feel like a treat without all the fat and calories that cake can have.
- Ingredients
- 1 box Angel Food Cake mix
- 1 box cake mix, any flavor
In a resealable container like a Ziploc bag or Tupperware, combine the two cake mixes and mix well. For each individual cake serving, take out 3 tablespoons of the cake mix combination and mix it with 2 tablespoons of water in a small microwave-safe container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have your own instant individual little cake! Keep remaining cake mixture stored in the resealable container and use whenever you feel like a treat! You can top each cake with a dollop of fat free whipped topping and/or some fresh fruit.
This recipe is called 3 2 1 Cake because all you need to remember is, 3 tablespoons mix, 2 tablespoons water and 1 minute in the microwave!
5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake
- Ingredients
- 4 tablespoons flour
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 1 egg
- 3 tablespoons milk
- 3 tablespoons oil
- 3 tablespoons chocolate chips
- Small splash of vanilla extract
- 1 large coffee mug, MicroSafe
Add dry ingredients to mug, mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips and vanilla and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed! Allow to cool. Tip out onto plate if desired.
Easy Oreo Truffles
Makes 3-1/2 dozen
- Ingredients
- 1 16-ounce package Oreo chocolate sandwich cookies, divided
- 1 8-ounce package Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
- 2 8-ounce packages baker's semi-sweet baking chocolate, melted
Crush 9 of the cookies to fine crumbs in food processor; reserve for later use. Cookies can be crushed in a resealable plastic bag using a rolling pin. Crush remaining 36 cookies to fine crumbs; place in medium bowl. Add cream cheese; mix until well blended. Roll cookie mixture into 42 balls about 1 inch in diameter. Dip balls in chocolate; place on wax paper-covered baking sheet. Sprinkle with reserved cookie crumbs. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.