A publication of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

Cathy Jackson, President
210 Cambridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-366-2317

Edited by: Denise Franklin
3639 Hurstbourne Ridge Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: 502-499-0759
e-mail: denise.franklin@nfbofky.org

Editorial staff:
Lora Felty, e-mail: lora.felty@nfbofky.org

Dennis Franklin, Formatting Specialist

We invite and encourage your participation in this newsletter. Articles may be edited for length, and the editors reserve the right to judge suitability for this publication. Material must take the form of an attachment to an e-mail and may be submitted to any of the editors.

President's Corner

We Are Family

By Cathy Jackson, President
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

The definition of family in the New Word Dictionary, Second College Edition is: 1. A social unit consisting of parents and the children they rear. 2. A group of people related by ancestry or marriage. But the family I want to talk about is our Federation Family.

When we are very young we are content with our close-knit family that consists of our parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. In our eyes, our family circle is complete and we are satisfied with visits to grandma's house, spending the night with our cousin, and looking forward to the upcoming family reunion. What could be better? Obviously, as we grow older, we begin to meet friends in the neighborhood and in school. Some of these friends become lifelong acquaintances that you may actually get to know better than your blood relatives. For example, Denise Franklin and I have known each other for over fifty years. We have been through thick and thin, ups and downs, but through it all we remain as close as most sisters.

Before you know it, you are an adult and the family circle gets a little bigger. You and your brothers and sisters get married and there is this new family unit called the in-laws. Oops, now you have children of your own, and goodness me, there are nieces and nephews too. It by no means stops here. We have all heard the old saying, "You can pick a guitar; you can pick your friends; but you cannot pick your relatives."

There is another family that we belong to, and that is our Federation Family. Webster's definition of Federation is: 1. The act of uniting or forming a unit of states, groups, by agreement of each member to subordinate its power to that of the central authority in common affairs. 2. An organization formed by such an act; league; a federal union of states, nations, etc. These definitions sound rather complicated, but in fact, they are not. We have joined together in a common belief and philosophy that blindness is nothing to be ashamed of and that we can and will take our rightful place in society. We have tried-and-true methods by which we will reach our goals such as: using non-visual techniques including learning Braille, using a long white cane, and continued training in the use of the latest accessible technology. We the members of the Federation actually have higher expectations for ourselves than do others, which makes the National Federation of the Blind a unique organization (family).

My Federation family started out small just as my biological family did. Thirty plus years ago I became a member of the NFB of Greater Louisville. I joined because Dennis and Denise Franklin were members, and also, because Betty Niceley kept badgering me. I soon met other members of the Louisville Chapter including Mary Franklin and two past presidents of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky, Bob Whitehead and Harold Reagan. Quite quickly friendships began to grow. I went to my first NFB of Kentucky state convention in 1977 where I met members from other local chapters: Tim Cranmer, Jerry Cameron, and Robert Page come to mind. After a while I was asked to help with developing other local chapters across the state. We traveled to Henderson where I met Lloyd and Joretta Agnew, John and Dorothy Steel, Orville and Jenny Phillips, David and Grace Link and their young daughter Mary Ann. It was on to Bowling Green where I first became acquainted with Robbie McClave. I remember the first time I met Danny and Anetta Perry from Murray, and since then they have introduced me to many fine people from their neck of the woods. We re-built our Lexington Chapter and before long I was calling Pamela and John Glisson family. I traveled all the way to North Carolina where I met Lora Felty in 1992. She was an NFB scholarship finalist that year.

I have also had the privilege of making friends with Federationists from around the country. My Federation family members can be found from Maine to Hawaii, from the east coast to the west, and everywhere in between. Being a state president and member of the national board of directors has afforded me the opportunity to travel and be involved in the NFB on many levels.

If you really want to get to know your fellow Federationists, you might want to ask him or her to room with you at a state or national convention. Over these many years I have had countless roommates. I won't divulge who's sloppy, who snores, or whose guide dog wakes you in the morning with a sloppy kiss. However, I will tell you it is the perfect setting to really get to know one another. The roommate list is a long one: Tonia Gatton, Melanie Peskoe, Mittie Lake, Maria Jones, Brenda Kimbro, Dianne Cline, Jayne Seif, Joan Balot, Lora Felty, Angela Dehart, Sarah Williams, and others. It goes without saying that this setting gives us the perfect opportunity to discuss NFB legislation, philosophy, banquet addresses and fundraising ideas. But it also leads to discussions that last long into the night about children, shopping, clothes, school, and where to eat breakfast. Oh, did I fail to mention that my two most recent roommates were Pamela AND John Glisson? As a cost-cutting measure, we decided to share a room in Daytona, Florida so we could attend the Blind Driver Challenge. You know, I just realized that the topics of conversation were pretty much the same as always. So, you see, we really are family.


By Lora Felty

It is with much sadness that the Murray Chapter informs the NFB organization of the loss of two very important people who played a key role in our chapter.

Ms. Nell Norsworthy, longtime member and friend, passed away. Reldon, Ms. Nell's husband, was a member of the chapter for many years since he had lost his sight. When he passed away Ms. Nell continued to be a member and support the group in its endeavors until she was no longer able to get out. She will be remembered with great fondness.


Mr. Otis Yates, brother of member Sue Yates, went to be with the Lord. Otis was a very special person who always attended the chapter events and helped out in anyway possible. The main thing Otis was known for was his "famous" banana pudding. He knew when an upcoming event included eating and that he had better provide his banana pudding. The entire Yates family has supported the chapter for many years. Mary has made afghans for fundraisers and Ricky, the son, has donated his time and sponsorship for many dinners.

The chapter will miss each of these people greatly. Please keep their families in your prayers.


Mario Eiland, who has worked at the Kentucky Office for the Blind's Charles McDowell Rehabilitation Center, and prior to his employment with OFB, worked in the technology department at the American Printing House for the Blind, has taken a position in Washington state with the state rehabilitation agency. Mario is now in Washington, while his wife, Sharon and daughters remain in Louisville. Sharon and the girls plan to move after the end of the current school year and when they sell their house. We will miss Mario and Sharon, but we wish them all the best in the new life's adventure that lays ahead for them. Best wishes, and don't forget your Kentucky friends.


Congratulations and best wishes go out to Lloyd Agnew, president of the Henderson Chapter. Lloyd is retiring after 34 ½ years of operating his own business. Lloyd, we wish you a happy and enjoyable retirement.


We are saddened to report the deaths of several long time members of the NFB of Henderson. John Steele and Dee Phillips passed away earlier this year. They will be greatly missed by NFB friends. Marty Laster, who served as president of the Owensboro Chapter died in late January. Marty also served on the NFBK board. She will be missed by those of us who knew her.


We are happy to report that Mittie Lake of Louisville is home from the hospital after undergoing a mastectomy. With this surgery Mittie will not have to go through the rigors of chemotherapy or radiation. She is anxious for her recovery to be complete and she looks forward to getting out and seeing her friends. You just can't keep a good woman down. See you soon, Mittie.


Six of our Federation friends spent a little time on the high seas in February. Joan and Norman Balot, Denise and Dennis Franklin, Ranelle Mackey and George Stokes sailed off on Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas for a seven-day cruise. Oasis is currently the largest cruise ship and the group enjoyed everything from broadway shows, trivia contests, (perhaps not their best performance) and endless food choices, to swimming pools, a zip line and a carousel. They had a wonderful time sightseeing and shopping and agree that cruising is definitely the way to go.



On January 29, 2011, I had the opportunity to witness history being made at the Daytona Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida. On this historic day the work that had been put into the Blind Driver Challenge paid off because we drove! I say "we" because I have a feeling that no matter if you were there in person to witness it, or at home listening to the live stream, we all felt like we were sitting in that driver's seat with Mr. Riccabono. I know that I did and the excitement and pure exhilaration that went through me just knowing this was being done and that we had proved to everyone who had doubted it, that it is possible for blind people to drive. This was truly an amazing experience and I am so glad that I was there.

Angela Dehart


  • Invitation to fans of Terry Sales
  • Saturday, April 9, 2011 2:00- 4:00 p.m.
  • Please reserve a space by March 31,
  • Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind
  • 1839 Frankfort Avenue
  • Louisville, KY 40206

Please join the Sales family and APH staff at the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) for a celebration of the life of Terry's life. She was a narrator at APH for seventy years. The Kentucky Center for the Arts, where Terry was also active, will take part, too.

After light refreshments, there will be a short program remembering Terry. A great number of relatives and friends want to honor Terry, but we must limit the number in attendance because of the limitation of the space. Please make your reservations no later than noon on Thursday, March 31. Call Pam MacLaine at (502) 899-2242 or Roberta Williams, (502) 899-2357 to make a reservation.


Each year the NFB of Kentucky awards several scholarships during the banquet at the State Convention. This year's deadline for application submission is June 1, 2011. To obtain an application contact Lora Felty, Committee Chair, at lora.felty@nfbofky.org.


Pre-registration is now open and available at www.nfb.org for this year's NFB National Convention, July 3 through 8 in Orlando, Florida. Pre-registration is a time and money saver-the two commodities that always seem to be in short supply. The website has all the information you will need to make your convention arrangements. We want to see lots of Kentuckians in Orlando!


Have you been looking for a place where you can purchase Braille and talking watches, computers and accessories and low-vision magnifiers? At See The World, you can actually get your hands on these gadgets before you buy them. The location is 1832 Frankfort Avenue, across from the American Printing House for the Blind in Louisville, KY. The hours of operation vary, but Brian, the owner, is only a phone call away at 502-447-2458. Be sure to tell him you read it in the Kentucky Cardinal.


By Pauletta Feldman

(Editor's Note: The following article appeared in FREEDOM, thirtieth in the National Federation of the Blind's Kernel Book series. The author is a Federationist who resides in Louisville.)

There are a few subjects in our society that even the most confident parents find difficult to discuss with their children. Trying to explain or answer a question about sex or death to an inquisitive five-year-old, for example, can leave us stammering. Fortunately, there are many places parents can turn to for help. But what do you do if you have a blind child? Where do you turn for guidance when your child asks, "Mom, what does blind mean?" By the time her son Jamie asked that question, Pauletta Feldman was prepared—she had been in the National Federation of the Blind's parents group since Jamie had been a toddler. Here is what she has to say:

It wasn't until my son, Jamie, was five years old that he finally asked me, "Mom, what does blind mean?"

We'd used the word blind in conversation, and he'd certainly heard it from other people. But we hadn't really discussed blindness or its implications with Jamie. Maybe we were just "chicken" and putting off the inevitable. However, we had decided that we would handle discussions of blindness with Jamie as we had handled discussions of sex with our older children: when they started asking questions, we felt they were ready to be told the facts.

So that day at naptime when Jamie asked about blindness, I sucked in a big breath and summoned my courage. "Blind means that you can't see with your eyes," I said. "I can see things with my eyes. I can see the trees and the birds and all of the other things I tell you about. But you see things in a different way than with your eyes. You use your smart fingers and your smart ears." He was quite satisfied with that answer and didn't pursue the subject further that day. However in the days to come, he would ask questions again. The kind of questions he asked led me to believe that, in his mind, he wasn't the one that was different. I was! In a way, it was like his first notion of differences among people was of how they were different from him, rather than how he was different from them. I liked that—I liked how self-confident and self-loving he was.

For a while, Jamie seemed to think that everybody we knew was blind and that there were just a few people who could see. He began asking about person after person in our family and among our friends to sort out who was blind and who was not. Gradually he came to realize that he knew more people who could see than who could not. I'm so thankful that we knew other blind children and adults so that as this realization dawned on him, he did not feel isolated or alone. The blind people that we knew were really neat people. They were friends and fun to be with, just like our other friends. They were people that Jamie really liked, and he could feel good about having something in common with them.

Jamie began school and loved learning to read Braille. He became very interested in how sighted people read. Then he began asking of everyone we knew whether they read with their fingers or with their eyes.

During the past two years since facing that first question, there have been many incidents that have brought both hidden tears and silent laughter as we have gone through Jamie's formation of opinions about blindness. There was the day that he came home from school very indignant because a teacher had mentioned that he couldn't see. He said, "I told her that I can too see! I can see the light!" Another day, as he and his brother sat at the kitchen table doing homework, he asked accusingly, "Is Don doing his homework with his eyes?" And he laid his face on his Brailled worksheet and said, "Then I'm doing my homework with my eyes too!" He decided that someday he was going to go to school with his brother and then he would be able to read print because they didn't teach Braille there.

As Jamie has gotten older, some of his responses to his blindness have begun to be tinged with sadness. One day we read a little book called "Corky the Blind Seal," about a seal in a zoo who lost his sight. The next day as he got off the school bus, he said, "I want to be a bus driver when I grow up!" My heart ached, and I just said, "I bet driving a school bus is fun, too." But when we got in the house, he confessed. "I know I can't be a bus driver. Blind people can't drive, and I'm blind. I'm glad I'm blind, Mom. I just wish I could be blind like Corky the seal was blind, because he got to see first." He asked if it was nice to be able to see, and I said that it was.

We talked about how he could see what I see using his other senses, like when we went to the ocean he could feel the water, taste its saltiness, hear its waves, and smell it, too. He liked knowing that there were things that even people who were sighted actually couldn't see, like the wind—that we had to hear it and feel it to know it was there just like he did.

I've always wanted Jamie to feel good about himself. I haven't wanted him to think that there is anything wrong with the way he is. I haven't been able to bring myself to tell Jamie that, according to some people, there is something wrong with being blind. Maybe I'll regret this someday, but I figure in time he'll learn. I hope he will come to me with his questions then and that I'll be able to answer them. To me, blindness is a difference, a source of sadness sometimes and inconvenience at others, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Life is a journey of self-discovery. I want Jamie's journey to bring self-love with the discovery of his many potentials and capabilities as well as his personal limitations. We all have to face certain limitations. It's how we cope with them that really matters. So far, Jamie has always managed to find a silver lining for every one of his clouds, to compensate for each limitation with a special strength. Why just last week he said, "Mom, aren't you glad I'm blind and have such smart fingers and can read Braille? You can't read Braille with your fingers! You have to use your eyes."


NFB of Lexington continues in its usual forward motion! The September Walk-a-Thon occurred in 2010 and displayed its greatest participation from the chapter and the community yet. The chapter expects the annual event to become a fantastic fundraiser and awareness tool. The chapter had a unique opportunity to take advantage of a newly founded Lexington-Fayette County Public Library event in October that is also expected to become an annual affair.

Local Fayette County State and local representatives set up in the Library on October 19, 2010 to meet their public and discuss a number of issues important to the community in general. Pamela and a good number of the NFB Chapter members attended the event and had opportunity to share with the Director of the Library our concerns regarding inaccessibility to the blind of Fayette County to library services and provided information about the solutions to bridge the gap. Of course, Pamela also made the best of the "Meet the Blind" event and discussed the importance of and funding inadequacies of the KY NFB-NEWSLINE® newspaper reading service with State Senators and Representatives present. The event was well attended and well worth the while.

NFB of Lexington had the distinct pleasure of having Mr. George Stokes, Envision America Representative, visit the monthly chapter meeting in November and provide his excellent demonstration of the Summit and ScriptTalk, bar code reading devices that open the door to accessible information and independence for the blind and visually impaired regarding home supplies and medications. George provided lots of information regarding other print access devices that help all of us to more freely negotiate the world of print. The chapter also joined with Independence Place, Inc. Staff and Consumers to celebrate Christmas and the holiday season in December despite the horrible winter weather.

2011 started with a bang and hasn't let up! Pamela has taken a new approach to monthly chapter meetings by including FOOD during the meetings which has brought fun and excitement to the meetings. Lexington has grown in membership in January and was found enjoying great pleasure at the February meeting from the new members' chef's delight - fried chicken and mashed potatoes. We are looking for still more membership growth and lots of delicious dishes throughout the year!

Pamela and John had the distinct opportunity to join President Cathy Jackson in Daytona Beach at the International Speedway to witness HISTORY in the making as Mark Riccabono drove the 2011 Ford Escape for the "Rolex Blind Driver Challenge!" Together with approximately 400 NFB members from across the nation, the Kentucky group cheered Mark onward to an enormous step into the future for the blind and visually impaired! On the heels of this exhilarating experience, the group took the necessary issues to Capitol Hill in attempt to help U.S. Representatives understand the importance of taking strong positions on behalf of the blind and visually impaired, and in some cases, through items that bring access and independence which have been LAW for 20 years or longer! Our blind and visually impaired children need to be held to the highest standards of excellence in their education, all products, goods and services manufactured, bought and sold need to be accessible to and usable by the blind and visually impaired of America especially, and further demonstrate our skills and abilities through employment that will be enhanced through the Americans with Disabilities Business Opportunity Act.

We are privileged to represent the Nation's blind and appreciate the opportunity to join in "changing what it means to be blind!"

For more information regarding NFB of Lexington, call Pamela Roark-Glisson, President, at (859) 948-3663 or e-mail her at pamela.roark-glisson@nfbofky.org.


The Murray Chapter has been busy as bees. The chapter celebrated its annual dinner in September and elected officers. The members traveled to Louisville for the State Convention.

The month of December was a busy time as the chapter enjoyed Christmas dinner and a gift exchange. The meal was sponsored and coordinated by Rickey Yates, nephew of member Sue Rudd. Members and friends enjoyed watching President Danny Perry work his way through multiple boxes to discover his Christmas gift. Danny and Anetta Perry, along with Mike and Ashley Dixon rode in the Murray Christmas parade in a vehicle donated by the local business The Basket Case. The vehicle was decorated with a banner donated by K-Square Designs, LLC, with the Whozit on it. The vehicle was also decorated in green garland which had sunglasses and candy canes adorning it. Members passed out candy canes to the audience as the parade went down the street. The chapter utilized this as an awareness event for the community.

In January Mike, Jenny and Ashley Dixon took part in the Martin Luther King volunteer day as they washed windows, cleaned the yard and moved some items for a lady in the community. This was also an awareness project.

The chapter is having an auction in April to raise funds for the National Convention trip in July. In May the chapter will be participating in the city-wide yard sale with a mini carnival including a duck pond, sucker tree, corn hole toss and bake sale. The chapter is also very thankful for an organization called The Dixie Outlaws. This group will be putting on a lawn mower derby with the funds being donated to our chapter to help with convention expenses. Eight chapter members are making plans to attend the convention this year. The group would also like to mention that Jennifer Hall is greatly missed, however, we understand she is getting a great education and wish her well while in Louisville. Stay tuned for more happenings from the Murray Chapter.


Things are sure happening here in Louisville! We just wrapped up our 2011 Chili Supper and Auction, and even though our numbers were down we had a great event. Now we're turning our sights to our April Luncheon which will be held on Saturday April 23, 2011. We're spicing it up by having the luncheon at Tumbleweed on the river and bringing in Mr. Ron Gardner. Mr. Gardner is the Affiliate President of Utah and a member of the National Affiliate Action team. Here in Louisville, we feel very fortunate to have the funds to bring in a well known, well respected Federationist. Mr. Gardner is going to assist me in motivating our chapter members, and we have a few other surprises up our sleeves!

Thinking "Out of the Box" is what we are doing in Louisville this year. Our board decided to send a deligate to the 2011 National convention in Orlando. Sarah Williams who is a board member was the chosen one. This is a great opportunity for Sarah and we know she'll bring back knowledge and enthusiasm. We continue to add names to our Great Convention Giveaway drawing. Last summer the Greater Louisville board decided to entice people. For every NFBGL meeting or event you attend your name goes in a drawing for an all-expense paid trip to the 2011 NFB of Kentucky State Convention in Frankfort. Our box runneth over with names; I need to get a bigger box! The winner will be drawn at our April Luncheon.

We have some exciting meetings and activities planned for this summer. We hope you can join us. Our monthly meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month at the Louisville Free Public Library, 301 York Street, from 2pm till 3:30pm. You can always call our Talking Bulletin Board at, 502-495-7130 for all the up to date news. You can also find us on Twitter at, NFBGL.

Submitted by Nickie Pearl, President, NFB of Greater Louisville


On December 18, 2010, the NFB of Ashland celebrated Christmas with a potluck lunch at the home of Lora Felty. Michael and Kennetta Freholm provided a scrumptious smoked turkey and other chapter members provided yummy side dishes and dessert. Following lunch, members took part in the annual ornament exchange. An extra special surprise for the day came when Sandy and Christopher Adams stopped by for a bit. Sandy is a charter member of the NFB of Ashland and Christopher, her son, is legally blind. Christopher has suffered a year-long bout with leukemia and has undergone a bone marrow transplant. He is doing well; his hair is coming back in and it was wonderful to see him. We are all thankful that he is doing so well.

Plans were made to celebrate Louis Braille's birthday in January with a presentation at the Flatwoods Public Library in Greenup County. However, due to the crazy weather in January, the event was postponed until February. So, on Thursday, February 10, Michael Freholm and Lora Felty, assisted by Michael's daughter, Wesley, spoke with families at the Flatwoods library, sharing with them information about the NFB, Braille and how blind people do normal everyday things. A Braille storybook was read aloud, Braille alphabet cards were passed out and names were written in Braille. There were approximately 30 individuals in attendance and the group was interested and attentive. It always feels good to have a successful event.


Making Plans

By Cathy Jackson, President
National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky

The 64th annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky has been set. We will convene in Frankfort, KY at the Capitol Plaza Hotel beginning Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 2. Room rates are $79.00 per room, per night, plus applicable taxes. Calling the hotel directly at, 502-227-5100 no later than Friday, September 9 will guarantee you a room at our convention rate. When calling, you must specify that you are with the NFB of Kentucky.

We have not held a convention in Frankfort since 2003. Chapter President, Jerry Young, is rallying the troops and he has promised to make this a convention to remember.

Now, if you would really like to plan ahead, our 65th annual convention will be held the weekend of September 28, 29 and 30, (guess where), Frankfort.


Potato Ham Bake

  • Makes 6 servings
  • 3 medium potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 cups cubed fully cooked ham
  • 1 medium onion, sliced and separated into rings
  • 8 slices processed American cheese
  • 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup, undiluted
  • ½ cup frozen peas, thawed
  • In a greased 3-qt baking dish, layer half of the potatoes, ham, onion, cheese and soup. Repeat layers. Cover and bake at 350 degrees F for 1-1/4 hours or until potatoes are almost tender.
  • Sprinkle with peas. Bake, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until heated through.

Strawberry Shortcake Toss

  • Makes 6 servings
  • 3 (1/2-inch) center slices King's Hawaiian Sweet Bread
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ cup margarine, melted
  • 2-1/2 cups sliced strawberries
  • 3 cups non-dairy whipped topping
  • Strawberries to garnish
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Blend sugar and cinnamon together. Brush both sides of bread lightly with margarine. Generously sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mixture. Cut into 1-inch cubes.
  • Bake cubes on a baking sheet with a lip for 8-9 minutes, or until golden brown, stirring once. Set aside to cool.
  • Toss together croutons and berries. Spread evenly into an 8 by 8 by 2-inch pan. Spread whipped topping evenly to cover filling.
  • Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour. Sprinkle top with cinnamon-sugar, if desired.

Chocopeanutbutterbanana Smoothie

  • Makes 1 serving
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • ½ cup skim milk
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
  • Blend the banana, skim milk, peanut butter and chocolate syrup in a blender until smooth. Pour into a glass to serve.