Please join us for our state convention, October 31 through November 3, at the Hilton Garden Inn Northeast in Louisville. The rate is $125 per night if you would like a room. Call the hotel at (502) 423-0018 to make your reservation and ask for the NFB of Kentucky block of rooms. The deadline to register is October 1st.

The deadline to Register for the NFB of Kentucky State Convention is October 6th.

Please note that there will be no on-site registration for the convention. All attendees must pre-register online before the deadline.

Childcare During Convention:
Childcare is available during the general sessions on Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning. It is also available during the banquet on Saturday evening. Meals will not be provided. Parents are required to provide meals for their children. Light snacks will be available for the children during childcare. If children are still in diapers, childcare workers will not be responsible for changing diapers. They will find parents to change diapers when diaper changes are needed. In addition, the NFB of Kentucky will background check all childcare workers prior to the convention. The cost is $20 per child. You must register your child(ren) for childcare when you pre-register for the convention. We must have a number count so that we have an adequate number of childcare providers.

Please consider becoming an NFB of Kentucky sponsor. This year we are offering the opportunity to become a sponsor. The cost of holding our annual convention and conducting all the business of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky continues to rise. We need funds to hold our annual convention, to send our delegation to represent us in Washington DC in January to advocate for legislation that improves the lives of blind individuals, and to assist our members to attend the annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind each summer.

We ask you to help us achieve these goals by becoming a sponsor of the NFB of Kentucky. The sponsorship levels are as follows:

  • Platinum Sponsor: $100
  • Gold Sponsor: $75
  • Silver Sponsor: $50
  • Bronze Sponsor: $25

Sponsors will be announced during the annual banquet unless you choose to make your donation anonymously.

2024 NFB of Kentucky State Convention Pre-Agenda

The 77th annual state convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky kicks off with our 1st annual Senior Summit. This event takes place on Thursday beginning at 2:00 PM and concludes at 9:00 PM. This session is for individuals who are aged 55 and older. Those attending the Senior Summit are required to pay the $15 convention registration fee; however, this fee includes dinner, a goodie bag with useful information as well as some other surprises including the opportunity to win some impressive and useful door prizes. In addition, the $15 registration fee covers attendance for the entire convention weekend. If attendees wish to invite a guest, we ask guests to pay the $15 registration fee, as well as the cost of the dinner on Thursday evening. The NFB of Kentucky received a grant from the Kentucky School for the Blind Charitable Foundation (KSBCF) to cover the cost of dinner for Senior Summit participants only. We regret that we are unable to cover the cost of meals for additional guests.

Please note: The Senior Summit is limited to 20 participants. The first 20 individuals to register for the Senior Summit will be selected. You will be contacted to verify registration for this event.

Friday morning begins with the 12th annual Technology Assistance Division (TAD) Symposium. So, for all those techies, come and find out what is new on the horizon in the technology world. The TAD Symposium takes place from 9:00 to 12:00. Following the conclusion of the symposium, TAD will hold its annual business meeting.

Boxed lunches are available to purchase for $15 when you register for the convention.

The Sports and Recreation Group is planning some fun-filled activities for the afternoon, so you will not want to miss what they have in store for you. One of the activities is some relaxing yoga, so bring your towel and yoga mat and come join the fun!

After the kids finish their school day, the Parent's Group will host a pizza and pool party for children and families. If you are a parent of a blind child or a blind parent, you will not want to miss this fun-filled family activity.

Prior to our Friday evening social, the Resolutions Committee invites you to attend the Resolutions Committee meeting to preview the issues of concern that will be brought before the general assembly during the business meeting on Sunday morning for consideration of adoption.

Finally, on Friday evening, come join us for a fun-filled Fall-themed social. We are extending Halloween for another day, so be sure to arrive in your favorite Halloween costume. There may just be a prize or two for the best costumes. Most importantly, though, this is a time to connect with old friends and meet new ones.

The theme of the 2024 NFB of Kentucky state convention is “Go for the Gold: Building your Tool Kit to Help You Live the Life You Want”. In keeping with this theme, we have some special guest speakers who we know you will enjoy hearing from. Saturday is filled with our morning and afternoon general sessions. Boxed lunches are available for $15 on Saturday as well. So, order a boxed lunch when you register and enjoy a fun and relaxing lunchtime with old and new friends.

On Saturday evening join us for our annual NFB of Kentucky banquet. This is the highlight of the convention. Hear the banquet address given by our national representative, Marilyn Green, President of the NFB of Illinois and Secretary of the National Federation of the Blind. Celebrate with individuals who are honored with prestigious NFB of Kentucky Awards and celebrate the accomplishments of our NFB of Kentucky Scholarship winners. Your cost for the banquet is $25 per person. Although the hotel charges more for the plated dinner, the Board of Directors of the NFB of Kentucky voted to subsidize the cost of the banquet tickets to defray the cost for attendees.

Sunday morning is the most important part of our convention. This is our annual NFB of Kentucky business meeting. We will discuss resolutions, vote to adopt changes to our NFB of Kentucky Constitution, and elect our new officers. We know that you are tired by the time Sunday morning rolls around, but be sure not to miss this very important part of the convention.

 (including yourself)
Your Registration Info
Registration Fee(s)
Please review your options for registration carefully. Choose the registration type for this person ONLY. An incorrect selection could affect your participation at convention.
Please choose only one registration option per person.

If you are 55+ please indicate if you would like to attend Thursday's Senior Summit. Registration for the NFBK state convention and senior summit includes dinner. Guests who attend with seniors will be required to pay separately.

Please Note: The Senior Summit is limited to 20 participants. The first 20 individuals to register for the Senior Summit will be selected. You will be contacted to verify registration for this event and discuss details for any accompanying guests.

Please select this option if you plan on attending the TAD Symposium on Friday.
Saturday Luncheon is offered Saturday during lunch break between general sessions of the Convention.
The Banquet is Saturday evening after the general sessions in order to celebrate the Convention.

Childcare will be available for Saturday’s General Session and the Banquet as well as Sunday morning session.

Children should be picked up immediately following the morning and afternoon General Sessions, immediately following the Banquet, and immediately after the Sunday morning session.

The cost is $20 per child.

PLEASE NOTE: no meals will be provided. You are welcome to bring snacks for your child. We will provide light snacks and water.

Sponsorship donation levels
If you would like to donate an additional amount, please enter the value here.
Total for this participant