Q: When is the deadline to apply for an NFB of Kentucky academic scholarship?
A: The deadline to apply is August 15. All applications and required documentation must be received electronically no later than midnight on August 15.
Q: I understand that I must be interviewed by a member of the scholarship committee as a part of the scholarship application process. How do I arrange this interview?
A: A member of the scholarship committee will contact you directly after your scholarship application and all of the supporting documentation has been received.
Q: If I am selected as a scholarship finalist, when will I be notified?
A: The scholarship committee hopes to notify all scholarship finalists before the end of August. At that time, convention details, i.e. date and location will be provided.
Q: If I am selected as a NFB of Kentucky scholarship finalist and I attend the NFB of Kentucky state convention, am I guaranteed to win a scholarship?
A: No, you are not guaranteed to win an academic scholarship; however, your expenses for attending the NFB of Kentucky state convention will still be paid.
Q: When and where will the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky state convention take place?
A: The state convention is held in various locations across Kentucky. Typically, it takes place the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October. In most recent years, the convention has been in Louisville.
Q: If I am a scholarship winner, when will I receive my money?
A: Our NFBK treasurer will mail your scholarship check directly to you within one month following the end of the state convention.
Q: Will the scholarship money that I receive from the NFB of Kentucky be sent to the financial aid office at my school?
A: No, scholarships that you receive from the NFB of Kentucky are sent directly to you. You may use the money in any way to enhance your education.
Q: When are the scholarships presented?
A: Scholarships are awarded and winners are recognized during the annual banquet on Saturday evening during the annual convention of the NFB of Kentucky; however, checks will be mailed to the winners after the convention.
Q: How should I dress to attend the annual NFB of Kentucky banquet?
A: The banquet is semi-formal. You should dress as though you are attending church.
Q: What activities am I required to participate in during the convention?
A: You are required to attend the Resolutions Committee Meeting as well as the Friday evening social. On Saturday morning you are required to attend the scholarship finalists' breakfast, as well as the morning general session. You are required to attend the business meeting luncheon and the afternoon general session. And, of course, you are required to attend the banquet on Saturday evening. You are invited to attend any other events listed on the agenda that are of interest to you.
Q: How should I dress for the Friday evening activities and during the daytime activities on Saturday?
A: Typically, you should wear nice, casual clothes. But, remember, final scholarship decisions are made during the convention. So, you should dress in order to present yourself in a positive way.
Q: The scholarship information says that accommodations during the convention are provided for all scholarship finalists. Does that mean that I will have my own hotel room?
A: Depending on who are our scholarship finalists, you may be asked to share a hotel room with another scholarship winner.
Q: If my friends and family want to attend the NFB of Kentucky convention and/or the annual banquet, are they allowed to attend.
A: Of course, your friends and family are welcome! However, they are required to pay the convention registration fee and purchase luncheon and banquet tickets if they plan to attend those events.
Q: If my family and/or spouse plan to attend the convention with me, can they stay in the same hotel room with me?
A: If your spouse or family members wish to attend and participate in the NFB of Kentucky state convention with you, you should inform the scholarship chairperson when you are notified that you are a scholarship finalist. We will make our best effort to accommodate your needs.
Q: I understand that I must attend a scholarship finalist breakfast on Saturday morning. May my family and/or friends attend the breakfast with me?
A: No, the scholarship finalists' breakfast is a closed meeting. Only scholarship finalists, scholarship committee members and other invited guests may attend.
Q: When does the scholarship committee make the final decisions about who will receive scholarships?
A: The scholarship committee will make its final decision in regards to who will receive scholarships on Saturday prior to the annual banquet.
Q: Will I have to speak during the convention?
A: Yes, as a scholarship finalist, you are required to introduce yourself during the morning general session during the 'Meet Our Scholarship Finalists' portion of the agenda. Also, when scholarship awards are presented at the banquet, you are given the opportunity to say 'Thank You' and say a few words about yourself.
Q: What if I have special dietary needs?
A: If you need gluton-free, vegetarian, or have any other specific dietary needs, it is your responsibility to inform the scholarship chairperson at least one week prior to the state convention. We will do our best to meet your special dietary needs; however, we do not guarantee that this will be possible.
Q: I have special medical needs. Will there be someone at the convention who can help me with those medical needs?
A: No, we do not have nurses or any other medical professionals available to help with medical needs. If you have specific medical needs, for example, diabetes, seizure disorder, etc. you should make arrangements to care for your own personal needs. We cannot be responsible for your specific medical care.
Q: I am totally blind. Will anyone be available to help me get from one convention activity to another?
A: No, there will not be a person tasked with assisting finalists from one activity to another. However, there will be many long-time convention goers who are generally very open to offering newcomers directions if they're asked.
Q: Will I have any expenses in regards to attending the NFB of Kentucky state convention?
A: You are responsible for providing your dinner on Friday evening and breakfast on Sunday. Three meals on Saturday are provided as a part of the scholarship finalist award. During the convention there will be raffles and fund-raisers that you might be interested in taking part in. If you want drinks and snacks throughout the weekend, you are responsible for providing them. You are responsible for any other expenses that you may incur during the weekend.
Q: I am a part time student. Am I eligible to apply for a NFB of Kentucky academic scholarship?
A: Yes, part time students will be considered by the scholarship committee to receive NFB of Kentucky academic scholarships.
Q: I have received an NFB of Kentucky scholarship in a previous year. Am I eligible to apply for another scholarship from the NFB of Kentucky?
A: Generally, you may have the opportunity to be selected to receive a total of two NFB of Kentucky scholarships during your post-secondary career.
Lora Felty Stephens, Scholarship Chairperson
1127 Sharon Ct.
Ashland, KY 41101
(606) 324-3394
Email Lora Felty Stephens